Weekly Driving Range Visit.

Some of our Primary 6 children are attending some golf lessons at our local driving range.

Mrs Matos went along with some of the boys and girls this week. The children are learning so much in the hour that they are there. Mrs Matos is very impressed with how accurate they are hitting the ball and the distance they are making the ball go it is incredible.

Keep it up boys and girls!!


Rights Respecting Schools committee.

The Rights Respecting Schools committee came together on Friday, 3 November. We discussed and had a look at the UN Children’s rights. We decided that all the classrooms needed to have a copy of the UN children’s rights. We worked together to use the netbooks and started to create some Children’s right key cards for all the classrooms.

Our display team, has started work on creating  a display for our hallways, so that everybody can be reminded of what rights as a child they will have. Keep an eye out for our soon to be completed display.


Rights Respecting Schools Committee


Blog Posts

I wanted to share a wee bit of information about blog posts. We have asked staff to upload a maximum of 3-4 photographs in each post due to the amount of space that we have on our blog. This has been at the request of our ICT dept at the Council who manage our blog. Please bear with our staff as they may not be able to feature  such a wide range of photos every week however,  they will keep our blog as varied and interesting as they can. Thank you to all staff for this.

Also, our P1 staff may not upload a blog post every single week as they have begun to create an online Learner’s Journey document for each child in P1. Miss Harrison and Mrs Kennedy will you know when these documents are available for you to view. Again, please bear with these ladies as they juggle two different ways to share learning.

Thank you all for your continued support.

Miss Baillie x

Springfield and Bonnytoun News From This Week…

Hi Folks,

I have decided to combine all of my blog posts into one this week to see how it works… comments are welcome!

We have had another busy week in school and nursery. We have had a few nursery new starts recently and these wee ones have settled in well. We are so proud of them! The children have been making a large ‘turnip’ this week out of paper mache as part of their learning around The Enormous Turnip story. Next week we will be starting to make a turnip patch in the the nursery! Thank you to all of our nursery staff as always, for the quality of care and learning that they provide.

In school we started off the week with our ‘Big Write’ where parents and friends joined us all for a writing lesson.

We had a lovely day on Friday with a super assembly on ‘kindness’ led by P6A. The children and Mrs Matos really touched us all by handing out a variety of small gifts to many of us in the audience including small, hand-sewn hearts. Thank you so much to Mrs Matos for promoting one of our school values in this assembly.

We then had a one minute silence for Poppy Day where we all thought about soldiers who have died fighting for our country.

After that, Mrs Matos lightened the mood around school by undertaking an ice bucket challenge! She is a brave soul who deserves a big cheer.  We all love you Mrs Matos!

Here is A from P4 who came to see me this week with her gymnastics medal. Well done to you!


Next week we have our ‘Liase with the Leadership’ event where you can come along after school and chat with Mr Wells, Mr Logan, Mr Ritchie and myself over a cuppa. It’s a very relaxed affair and you are all most welcome.

Primary 6 and 7 children will begin to start planning and take part in casting for our exciting school show, ‘The Lion King’ which we will be holding next March and our P1-2 children are working hard on their Nativity performance.

I hope that you are all having a lovely weekend whatever you are up to. Have fun!

Love Miss Baillie x💖

The Big Write event was a success!  The P4s were sent on a mission to write a description (using adjectives) about their alien encounter.

For numeracy, we did a lot of estimation, measuring and multiplication.

Primary 6B

This week we have explored Wonder in more depth and looked at how Auggie feels when he hears others talking about him. This has provoked a thoughtful and meaningful discussion about how we treat others. This will link into our Assembly next week, where we will explore bullying in more depth.

We have also finished our work on 3D shapes, creating and labelling our own skeleton 3D shapes.


P2/3 and the sparrows

In Literacy this week we have been learning about adjectives (describing words). We started out Big Writing adventure and helped Emily learn about the nocturnal animals that visit her garden. We wrote fantastic sentences using adjectives to describe the animals.

In reading we read ‘The Secret of the Kelpie’ and we discussed how the story of the Kelpies was created, by passing it down through the generations. We are so excited for our trip to The Kelpies next Tuesday!

In Maths this week we continued to work on addition with 3 single digits and we started to learn the 3 times tables. We figured out that we already knew lots of them! We found some cool songs to help us to learn them.

On Thursday, we joined P2 to practise our balance and mindfulness, completing a Moana themed yoga workout in the hall. Miss Prince was very impressed with our concentration and balance!

We discovered that birds are living outside our classroom window. We did some research and found out that they are called sparrows. CC found out that they don’t like loud noises so we made a sign to remind people to be quiet. We also made bird feeders out of string and cheerios to encourage the sparrows to visit us! We’ll keep you posted on how this goes next week.

We are growing in confidence during our show and tell sessions, using a clear voice and making eye contact with the audience.

DG was our star of the week for improvement in his pencil control, super work!

Love P2/3, Miss Prince and the sparrows x

Primary 2B



We  started the week with a visit from Mrs.Koduri and Sahasra coming to talk to the Primary 2’s about Hinduism. The children found it very interesting and asked lots of valid questions that they had already prepared.

We have now given out the parts for the Nativity which caused great excitement and have started to practice in the hall. The children are doing really well with the singing.

The children wrote brilliant descriptions of their imaginary dinosaurs, as well as drawing pictures of them. This was in connection with the class novel “Christmasaurus”. We are waiting for our dinosaur to hatch!!

For our Scottish book study we are looking at the “Katie Morag” stories, as well as setting etc. The children enjoyed drawing maps of “The Isle of Struay”.

Primary 6 worked with  Primary 2B on common French vocabulary and the children really learnt a lot and could say what their names were in French.

We did Cosmic yoga with P2/3 using the theme of the film “Moana” and really enjoyed it, concentrating very hard.

Wonderful Writing

This week we all found out our parts for the Nativity. The room was full of cheers and excitement. It was a very special moment and we are all taking our roles very seriously! P2A have been singing their hearts out this week.

Miss Mudd was blown away by our fantastic writing this week. We wrote a diary entry pretending to be Sophie from the BFG. We looked at examples of other diaries and Miss Mudd showed us a WAGOLL (What A Good One Looks Like). We came up with a great word bank and did lots of discussion about our feelings. Mr Wells and Miss Baillie couldn’t believe that Primary 2 had written the pieces we showed them. They had used such fantastic description and so many wow words. Miss Mudd was SO proud. We then watched some of the original film version of the BFG and compared this to the book.

In Phonics we have been focusing on sentence writing this week. We have been using our digraphs in sentences and sounding out with our phoneme fingers.


In Maths we have continued our work on addition. Miss Mudd introduced the problem solving mats and we had to work in groups to convince the rest of the class we had the right answer. We had to show the strategy we used, draw a picture, use concrete materials and write a number story. We were also learning how to add on 9 this week. We had to add on ten then take one away. We then applied this strategy to bigger numbers and used a number line to help us.


We started our new topic of Katie Morag. We explored the Isle of Struay which is based on the Isle of Coll. Katie took us on an interactive tour of the island. We then created our own maps of the island and used Lego to build some of the key landmarks.

On Friday we learnt about Remembrance day and we did our minute silence. We wrote acrostic poems to tell people why we wear poppies and we watched the story of the poppy. We showed respect to the soldiers who fought for us to keep us safe.

Have a lovely weeked


Miss Mudd and P2A x

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