P5A Work from home

Please either save your work to dojo, print it out or email me it and we can share all your activities in class. I look forward to seeing the most imaginative snow structure. Let’s see who has the most imaginative work. I’m sure we could do our spelling in the snow!


Unfortunately we will miss Book Day too. If you had already made a costume please take a photo dressed up and we can do a competition with your photos in class.

In preparation for our bridges visit, do have a look at different types of bridges as we will be making them in class.

We have been discussing the importance of science vocabulary so if you would like to make a poster about forces , separation, bridge building etc that would be great.

Enjoy the time off but please keep practicing your multiplication tables!

P5A Snow days


I hope everyone has had fun outside today although I nearly got blown into the Loch this morning.

Unfortunately we have missed our RBS money workshop today but hopefully we will get it rescheduled.

Here are some websites you can access:







http://interactivesites.weebly.com/science.html              a great site for science



We have been working on multiplication chimney sums and problems with money.

For literacy and IDL we have been reading information about life during  Mary Queen of Scot’s  reign, comparing farmers, servants, and ladies in waiting, also life in Edinburgh with life in the highlands. We were listening to music from the Tudor/ Stuart period,  “Greensleeves”.


In Spanish we are continuing with greetings, hola, buenos dias, buenos tardes, adios, hasta luego, hasta manana,  etc. We were going to compare these with the French greetings.

Sorry I don’t have access to glow account at home so I can’t reset passwords for those who have forgotten them.

Hopefully  we will  all be back on Friday.

Jean Tulloch



P6B Snow Day

Happy Snow Day everyone! Today marks the first council school closure due to snow for a long time, so I hope everyone has an enjoyable day ahead of them; whether it be playing in the snow, sledging, building snow sculptures or enjoying family time. I look forward to hearing how P6B pupils spent their snow day!

If the wild weather continues and children are at a loose end below are some examples of what children might chose to do.

-Build a snow design or sculpture, take a photograph of it and bring into school when we return to discuss the design or sculpture

– Enjoy a Fairtrade snack- Since it is Fairtrade Fortnight, it is a perfect excuse to cosy up with a hot chocolate and banana. You could use the Fairtrade website to find out further Fairtrade facts.

– Continue to practice lines, songs and dances for the Lion King production.

-Practise division and money work using BBC bitesize and Woodlands maths websites.  Use a restaurant menu and give yourself a budget for a family of four, go ‘shopping’ and calculate what your change would be.

I hope everyone has a fantastic day and enjoys the snow!

Mrs Hogg

Snow Day P1B

Hello,  I hope you’re all either snuggled up warm or out enjoying the snow.  If you are looking for some activities to do here are some suggestions:

You could do a little of your homework, maybe look through all your sounds and common words and revise them, can you remember the actions too?  All children were given a new reading book yesterday, you could read this together.

See your maths homework sheet for suggestions of activities that can be done at home.

Here are some other activities that might keep you busy today:

  • Bake a cake
  • Build a snowman, can you build a snow car or train?  what else could you make?
  • Go sledging
  • Play a boardgame – one where you have to count spaces or follow numbers would be good!
  • If you fancy some indoor exercise ‘Cosmic Kids Yoga’ on youtube is easy to follow and there are lots of different stories to choose from.
  • Build a den using clothes horses and material – or anything else you can find
  • Make a junk model – design a new form of transport.
  • www.oxfordowl.co.uk is free to sign up and has free online books – some of our reading books are on there too.
  • https://www.topmarks.co.uk and www.doorwayonline.org.uk have some good literacy and numeracy games.

Have fun in the snow and stay safe.

Please message me if you want any more information.

Mrs Kennedy  

Primary 2B

Sorry for the delay. Last week we continued with our work on Time. We looked at intervals of time going forward and backward then we learnt quarter past the hour and some went on to quarter to.

We learnt about the Victorian workhouse and how people lived during that period of time. We also dressed peg dolls and will use these in our puppet theatre.

Chinese lanterns had been made the week before last and last week we wrote instructions on how we made them. This week we are going to take our instructions into P2A and help them to make them. So let’s hope that our instructions are clear.

We continue to do Futsal and will do so until the end of term.

Photos to follow later.

Another Super Week at SPS and Bonnytoun

We have been continuing to think about anti-bullying and all parents should now have seen our new anti-bullying policy which is open for consultation.

In assembly we learned about the GIRFEC Wellbeing Indicator of being ‘responsible’ and we tied this into our anti-bullying message. We want to educate all children and adults in the importance of reporting bullying both as a victim and bystander. Bullying can happen to anyone in any school or workplace and we will continue to actively work to prevent it at Springfield.

We had a visit from  a lady called Nancy and also Dr MacKenzie, Grandad of Alyth in the nursery and Nairn in P3. These individuals are members of Linlithgow Grange Rotary Club.  We are excited to announce our new partnership with Rotary which will take the form of a Roto Kids club. We will give more information on this as we have it. We are really delighted with this new opportunity for our children to engage in global citizenship as well as making a difference to their local community.

Here are some certificate winners from this week:

And some birthday children from our nursery and infant department:

Here are two pupil achievements from this week: Firstly to the lovely H in P2 for her Enjoy-a-Ball success and also to brilliant E in P3 for her swimming certificate. Well done girls!

The nursery are now the proud owners of pet fish and as part of our developments in child-led learning, have set up pet, health and wellbeing and snack committees. Who said that children can’t be leaders at aged three!

We have a busy week of events coming up this week-week beginning 26th February. Please note the following information:

– Monday 26th- Big Bedtime Story in the hall from 5-6pm for nursery to P3 children and adults.  Wear pyjamas!

-Wednesday 28th- STEM Curriculum evening and whole-school challenge from 6-7pm in the hall for P1-P7 children and adults.

-Friday 2nd March-World Book Day. Dress down as a character from a favourite book. No money needed.

-Friday 2nd March- P4 assembly at 10am.

Have a lovely Sunday evening!

Love Miss Baillie xx💖






Primary 5A 23.2.18

This week in Primary 5 we have been researching the people who were part of Mary Queen of Scot’s life. We were highlighting the key facts and will produce a fact file for our timeline.

In maths we are continuing to reinforce our  multiplication tables and  are getting quicker when we play Buzz.  We are able to do chimney sums with decomposition and then used this method to help solve everyday problems. Next week we will focus on multiplication and division sums. We also have the RBS coming in to Primary 5  to support us in  a “planning a party” workshop . This will help to reinforce the work we did on money.

In literacy we looked at the different skills we need to use  to help us understand a passage. Sequencing and finding the main idea were the main points we looked at.

In science we continued to look at mixtures and how to separate them. This week it was sieving. We didn’t realise how many different uses they had. Our task involved separating 5 different substances by making our own sieves from card. We were very successful and the classroom carpet wasn’t too badly covered in rice and lentils.

After the staff course on “better thinkers, better movers” we have now started a block on basketball. It really got us thinking and concentrating. Next week we will be adding also throwing and catching a tennis ball while we are dribbling and passing!

Mrs Tulloch enjoyed watching our canon routines we put together with Mrs Reid at PE. Unfortunately the video clip is too large for the blog. Sorry.


We have started a new class novel ” Kid Normal ” by Greg James and Chris Smith. It has got off to  good start.

Letters have been sent home about our Palace visit on 5th March.


Primary 2B

Firstly we just need to catch up on last week.  We began to learn about Time, looking at months of the year and sequencing them then we moved onto o’clock and half past. This week we have worked on durations of time and digital times.

We’ve continued our Victorian studies by looking at Victorian toys and comparing them to our toys today.  Jack in the box pictures have been constructed using a variety of paper with super results. This week we have been looking at Victorian schools and how they differ from  today’s schools.

Last week we began to write instructions and our first piece of work was to write instructions for marmalade sandwiches for Paddington Bear. We made them ourselves then were able to write the instructions very clearly.

In P.E we played Victorian  games which we all enjoyed. The children have painted a Victorian cobbled street and have drawn pictures of Victorian transport and people in clothes from that time.

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