Speech bubble success in P2/3

Miss Prince is delighted with our Literacy learning this week. We have been learning how to use speech bubbles and some of us have even been writing speech into a sentence using speech marks. We know how to form speech marks correctly (remembering 66 and 99), we know to put speech marks around what the character is saying and to finish the sentence by saying who has spoken. As we love a challenge in P2/3, some of us even had a go at using words instead of ‘said’. Here is a selection of our fantastic work:

In Maths we have been continuing with our work on length. We made sensible estimations and accurate measurements of our hand span and foot length. We enjoyed problem solving, such as finding out the length all the way around our foot using a piece of string.

On Wednesday we had a drama filled IDL afternoon, taking on the role of an animal and acting out scenes from The Messy Magpie story. We had some special visitors who were very impressed with how we used our voices and bodies to become the character.

In Art we studied the environmental artist Andy Goldsworthy. We worked in teams and used natural resources to create our own natural art:

Thank you for reading our blog, have a lovely weekend!

Love P2/3 and Miss Prince x

Books and sunshine

Maths: In Maths this week we did some work on equivalent and improper fractions. We also did some work on measurement. We measured how many metres it is around the pitch using trundle wheels and metre sticks.

Literacy and reading: We started a new class novel called ‘The fox girl and the white gazelle’ by Victoria Williamson. You can buy the book for £5. We also did some work on Linlithgow. We read about Linlithgow on a leaflet then wrote about why Linlithgow is different to everywhere else. Then we planned out a day for someone who is taking a day trip to Linlithgow from when they get up until when they go to bed. The leaflets were a bit out of date so we had to write down what stuff isn’t there anymore.

PE: This week the weather has been so nice we have done outdoor PE every day.

Events: On Friday we dressed up as Disney characters. We had Cruella De Ville, The Queen of Hearts, Robin Hood, Moana and many more.

Riddles: A man and a woman go on a honeymoon. The wife kills the man and the police arrest the wife three hours later. Why?

On Fridays we do committees. The committees are JRSO, pupil council, Health and Wellbeing, sports, Rights Respecting, Tech and the fun committee.

The answer to the riddle: The wife only bought a one way ticket for the man.



Super slime in Primary 2

In Literacy this week we were writing character descriptions. We worked in groups to draw a familiar character then had to fill the inside of the character with words to describe their personality. Around the outside we wrote adjectives to describe their appearance. We then shared these with the class and discussed our ideas. We then created our own characters for our Fantasy stories.


In Numeracy we continued our learning on division. We practised sharing sweets between different amounts of people. We also used the Numicon to learn about the ‘grouping’ method and started to link this to our knowledge of multiplication. We started to apply our learning to real life problems. Miss Mudd needed some help with the seating plan for her wedding so we had to split the guests up equally onto different tables. We also used our problem solving mats to show all of the different strategies we can use to tackle a multiplication problem.


In IDL we were focusing on mapping and Atlas skills. We learnt how to use an Index and worked in pairs to complete an atlas scavenger hunt. Next week we will start to draw maps of our local area.

In ICT we were learning how to use the Paint programme.  We used it to draw out our story settings and characters that we had created. Our P6 buddies came to help us as it was a little bit tricky.

In Art we were learning about colour mixing. We were using different colours to create an African sunset and we enjoyed experimenting with the different shades and tones. We then cut our some animal silhouettes to bring it to life.

On Tuesday we made some slime for the class. Last week we had been learning about the i-e sound so this fit in perfectly. We have enjoyed playing with it in our free play time.

A big well done to N and E for their achievements at Gymnastics. We are very proud of you girls.

Miss Mudd and P2A x

Springfield and Bonnytoun News…

We held a highly successful STEM curriculum evening this week which Mrs Tulloch expertly ran. Thank you to all families who came out to learn about our approach to STEM at Springfield and Bonnytoun. The marble challenge proved a big hit with families competing against each other to make the fastest run!


Did you know that STEM starts in our nursery through our block play and use of loose parts? We are proud of our approach to block play and this week worked with the authority to hold a successfully training session on the benefits of this type of play in early childhood development. We had early years practitioners attending from both council run and private nurseries.

Here are some of our nursery children engaging in block play and drawing their designs.

P2A and Miss Mudd worked hard to deliver a lovely Charlie and the Chocolate Factory themed assembly this morning. We loved seeing the children all dressed up and performing their lines with confidence!


Here are the achievements for this week:

Well done to M and G in P1 for coming along with the products of their free play. M made a knight’s outfit and G made a super model. Free play and allowing children to express themselves in early years is part of our Play Strategy which Mrs Kennedy has helped to lead all year. Thank you Mrs Kennedy for your efforts.

Have a happy weekend!

Love Miss Baillie x💫

Practise makes perfect! P1B

We have been busy preparing and practising for our assembly this week, this included each of us being filmed – we love watching the video of ourselves! We are really looking forward to performing next week and are going to try hard to have big, loud voices, and to speak clearly.  Please keep practising words at home.

In maths we have been working on subtraction word problems, we played with skittles as they are a fun way of talking about subtraction.  ” There were 10 skittles to start with, I knocked down 6 and there are 4 skittles still standing.”  It is also a good way to see the link between addition and subtraction.

We have been writing about what makes us happy.  We have been discussing how we look and feel when we are happy and how it makes others around us feel too.  We also learned that when we feel sad it is good to know the things that make us happy so we can try some to cheer ourselves up.

We have continued to ‘walk a mile’ on quite a few days.  A mile is five times around our school pitch.  The fresh air is good and as well as getting  exercise it also helps us to concentrate better when we get back to class.

As always, Mrs Kennedy has seen lots of learning through play in P1B.  We have been architects and engineers, artists and designers too.

The nursery children continue to visit us each week as part of their transition into p1.  We are very good at showing them around, playing with them and setting a good example of how to listen and tidy up!  Mrs Kennedy is delighted at how the P1 children have looked after the nursery children and they are passing on a lot of their learning too, well done!

Have a lovely sunny weekend.

P1B and Mrs Kennedy

Primary 2B

We have been continuing with division this week and the children have really enjoyed learning about sharing.

“The Creakers – our class novel was finished this week, much to the childrens’ disappointment. We have all loved it and have enjoyed doing some work on it. This has included summarising the story, visualising the Woleb ( ask your children to explain), character descriptions and drawings of the characters.

The children starting on “Dance Mat Typing” which will help with their keyboard skills.

There was great excitement today when the children dressed up as Disney characters – some super costumes.

Enjoy the sunshine this weekend.

5A week ending 25.5.18

We have had a great week listening to our class talks. They have ranged from baking to biking to riding. The standard of the talks was excellent with us struggling to give some people a next step. We will finish the final 5 next week.

In literacy circle we are really enjoying our novels, with only 2 people not rating their book 8/10 or above. Everyone really participated fully , well done.

In maths, we continued with decimal numbers and making links to our environment. We are going to continue doing mental fractions work for the next few weeks, as some of us still don’t feel we could give ourselves a green yet.

There was great excitement when Mrs Hutton came to ask us who we would like to have as a buddy in the current Primary 1. She will do her best to pair us but some of the P1 pupils were chosen at least 20 times! We will really need to set a good example as we are getting to meet up with them when P7 go to camp.

In art, we looked at the modern artists, Allison Young and Scott Naismith and how they used colour in their beach scenes. We had a lot of fun trying this with pastels ( and mess).

 Modern Scottish art

We have been discussing Linlithgow Transition’s competition to ban plastic straws from the town and have been designing posters. We feel very strongly about this issue and want to help.

In science, we completed our topic on light by looking at rayleigh scattering. Please ask your child ” why is the sky blue?” .

Disney Dress Down Day

What a wonderful collection of Disney Costumes today, have a look below! Many thanks to everyone for taking part. We raised a total of £252 which will go towards school funds and purchase of some expressive arts equipment for next year.

Pupil Council and Mrs Gordon

P2/3 class talks round 2, measuring and Peggy Bear!

We rounded off our class talks this week with talks on everyone from Tim Peake to Gene Simmons! The standard has been so high, every child spoke confidently, made eye contact with the audience and showed great enthusiasm for their chosen hero. A big well done to all!

In Maths this week we started work on measure, focusing on length. We began by comparing the length of natural resources outside. Then we went on to measure with a metre stick and ruler. We found estimating tricky but we showed resilience and kept on trying. Some of us had a go at converting between cm and mm.

In Literacy we have been working on magic e and past tense verbs. We can identify verbs in a sentence and change a present tense verb to a past tense verb. For example; I am riding my bike. I rode my bike.

In Science we began work on  the senses. This week we learnt about taste, we learnt about the parts of the mouth we use to taste. We enjoyed tasting a variety of flavours…some more than others!

During our laptop time we worked on our typing skills. We played on Dance Mat Typing. The class really enjoyed this and whizzed through level one. This is a great free resource you can play at home too!


We have brought back the Daily Mile this term, running for an increased amount of time each day. Next week we will be working towards running for a full 15 minutes without stopping! We are learning to pace ourselves, not doing the ‘caveman’ run (the children will explain!) In Futsal we worked on our shooting skills. We are getting better at controlling the ball.

This week we have had the pleasure of having Peggy Bear. We won Peggy Bear by walking quietly around school.

Thank you for reading our blog, have a great weekend!

Love P2/3 and Miss Prince x

P7a News


As part of our WW2 focus this week we looked at rationing. The children who did not go to the Triathlon were able to prepare, cook and taste some WW2 recipes. We made Trench Stew (corned beef stew) and Eggless sponge (tea loaf). The children easily remembered the 4 C’s of food safety whilst in the kitchen (cleaning, cooking, chilling and cross-contamination) and learning/improved their techniques for peeling, chopping, measuring, mixing and cooking. Despite a lack of ingredients during the war, we agreed that these recipes were surprisingly tasty.


This week saw us visit the last of the 4 operations for another in depth look – division. We started by revising the formal algorithm or written method and then moved onto long division of 3 and 4 digit numbers by a 2 digit number. We used 3 different methods to allow the children to find one that worked for them. We also went outside on Wednesday which was National Numeracy Day, and did our calculations in groups with chalk outside. This really helped us to consolidate our learning.


We finished our Lion King Recount and Wonder Comparison writing this week. All children had to peer and self assess the Lion King recounts. It was lovely for Mrs Gordon to see the development in the children’s writing ability since their first recount back in September. Most children are now regularly using paragraphs and correct sentence structure and grammar.

Mrs Gordon and P7a

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