P3B are off to Australia!

On Thursday when we arrived in our classroom it had been transformed into an airport.  We had to check in our baggage and collect our Boarding Passes, which were then scanned to make sure they were correct.  After ordering our in in-flight meals, we boarded the plane to Sydney.  We fastened our seatbelts for take off and watched the in-fight security information.

There was a suitcase with lots of pictures of things relating to Australia in it, there were also some books, sun cream, sun glasses and a sun hat.  We enjoyed pulling out each item and they generated great discussion.

With our learning partners, we discussed what we would like to learn about Australia, we wrote these down and drew pictures for our planning book.  There were lots of interesting questions – ‘What does the temperature go up to?’, ‘How high can kangaroos jump?’ ‘What is the capital city of Australia?’ ‘What do you grow in your fields’ and ‘How many hours would it take to get to Australia in your car?’ plus many more.

I’m sure we will have fun investigating over the next few weeks.  We will also be comparing Scotland to Australia and hopefully making contact with a class in an Australian school, particularly as a lot of the children would like to learn about school in Australia.

If anyone has been to Australia and would like to come in to talk about their trip, or has any items that you think may interest us, please get in touch.

We rounded off our outer maths ‘Symmetry’ topic this week, using our knowledge and skills to create our own symmetrical art.  The pictures are excellent and I could tell that all of the children have a good grasp of symmetry as I saw them create their artwork.

A few pictures from our literacy lessons this week.  We have different activity stations around the classroom to allow us to practise our spelling words, we choose which stations we would like to work at.

Following on from our imaginative ‘My Dream’ writing, where we were looking at adding interesting vocabulary, We begun to learn about synonyms.  We had a lot of fun making word mats to help us in future writing lessons – showing alternative words we can use to up level our writing.

We have also been learning another Literature Circle skill, taking on the role of illustrator this week.  We learned a bit about the job of an illustrator and liked finding out that they draw designs not just for books but for lots of merchandise, posters, websites and animations too.  We practised by illustrating the part of The BFG where Sophie and The BFG have breakfast with The Queen.  The children listened very carefully to Roald Dahl’s excellent description and certainly made the words come alive with their illustrations.

There has been so much more fitted in too – French, reading, numeracy, PE, science and drama, as well as working on a special surprise for Jessie, our wonderful dinner lady who retired today! We had a special assembly, attended by the whole school, what a send off!

Last minute photos just in from Mrs Hogg who took us for Drama this week:

Have a lovely weekend, from P3B and Mrs Kennedy


Laptops, Languages and Lunches

On Monday we learned about protractors. We investigated pairs of angles that make 180 degrees. We went down to the p2 classes and we went on the laptops and did symmetry and sumdog with them.

On Tuesday we did comprehension on Wonder. It was very hard but Mrs Mcvay and Mrs Begarnie helped us. We also did expressive language on the Amazon river to go on a cruise.

On Wednesday we did decimals in maths it was fun.

On Thursday we did netball in P.E. We played some netball games with only a shooter. After lunch we did music with Mrs Bain. In music we made up a song to do with the Amazon river and the things it goes past. On the laptops we put our research from the Amazon river into the laptops.

On Friday we started a new novel called ‘The Fox Girl and the White Gazelle’ with Mrs Begarnie.

We had a special assembly about the European Day of Languages. We then had a celebration for the best dinner lady in the world – Jessie. She is retiring after 18 years at Springfield primary where she has made over 2 million lunches! We will all miss her dearly!

By Ginny Esme and Harry.


Primary 2B

Primary 2B have been learning about symmetry this week and what shapes are/aren’t symmetrical. We have even made symmetrical shapes with our bodies in P.E. Some brilliant ideas. Very impressive.

We have begun our study of the seashore by naming the key features and identifying them. We have then gone on to sort into 2 groups – Man made and natural. Our writing has been related to this. We have written postcards and also painted pictures for our postcards. The children are very proud of the big seaside scene they have painted with P2A and are looking forward to adding to this next week.

We are continuing to read “James and the Giant Peach” and have painted the characters from the story and done some work on the story so far.

We are beginning to practise our songs for the harvest festival. So another busy week and lots to fit in before half term. Have a good weekend everyone.

Anne Burton

Symmetry and the Seaside in P2A

In Maths this week we have been learning about symmetry. On Monday we enjoyed playing symmetry games on the laptops with our P6 pals. On Tuesday we worked with a partner to devise a symmetrical dance to music. Miss Prince was very impressed with our creativity and understanding of how to create a mirror image. We also had a go at completing some symmetrical drawings and making patterns with items from the tinker tray.

Our new topic is the Seaside. We looked at and labelled the different features of the seaside and sorted them into natural and made by humans. We are in the process of painting a seaside scene; we will be adding our artwork to this over the next couple of weeks.

To go with our Seaside theme; we now have a rock pool in our classroom 🙂 the children have loved playing in this. If you have anything at home we  could add to the rock pool that would be super.

In reading we are working on reading with fluency, remembering that we don’t need to sound out our sight words as we just know these. Our word of the week was ‘this’. We can all sight read ‘this’ word now 🙂

Miss Prince’s Phonics group have been learning words with the ee/ea sound in. These are trickier than they sound because we have to remember which spelling to use for each word.

We celebrated International Languages Day by learning to say hello in lots of different languages. We had lots of fun learning the actions with a partner!


On Monday we will be starting to learn about postcards – if you have any at home that we could borrow to look at that would be a great help.

Have a lovely weekend when it gets here!
Love P2A and Miss Prince x



Pupil Achievements…

Despite it being a short week, our pupils have been busy bringing along their achievements to my office. Here is this week’s selection:

-Well done to A in P1 for his Enjoy-a-Ball trophy! Great football A!

-Congratulations to K in P2 for his efforts in Taekwon-Do!

-A brilliant effort from A in P2 and E in P4 for gaining certificates for activities that they undertook at the weekend and whilst on holiday with their families.

-Lastly, we are so proud of D in P6 for winning a medal for his age group in Kick-boxing. What a superstar D!

Miss Baillie xx

School and Nursery News…

We have had an enjoyable short week ending today with a brilliant assembly from Mrs Matos and P7B about being confident.

I was so impressed by how beautifully the children spoke to the audience about why we should all feel good in our own skin. This assembly continues our recent focus on mental health and wellbeing.

Our staff worked very hard on the INSET day earlier on this week to increase their understanding of how to support children with their emotional development, using a new resource called Emotions Talk. We now have this resource in place across school and it will initially be used to support identified children within classes.

You will notice today that we have sent out our new values, Hall of Fame, information. Children will also come home with this in homework jotters/bags on Monday. We hope that you will support your child as they undertake the list of achievements linked to or school values.

Next Wednesday, 26th September, we will be holding a wellbeing event for parents in school from 6-7pm. Please come along to learn more about how we track wellbeing in school and nursery.


Have a lovely weekend,

Kind wishes,

Miss Baillie xx💖


P7b’s short but meaningful week!

It was a rather short week this week, with the children having a good rest over their long weekend break. Although it was short, we still managed to have some meaningful learning.

Literacy: During Literacy this week, we learnt about Tanka poems and the features of writing a Tanka poem. Through our Brazil study, we used some reading material and netbooks, to further our knowledge and understanding of the Amazon Rainforest. To help us to make our Tanka poems create a sense of feeling and emotions, we recapped on some Figurative language that we can use in our poem, we discussed the difference between similes, metaphors and personification. We challenged ourselves to use at least one of these in our poems. Our completed poems will be displayed in our classroom for you to read.

Numeracy: We have been consolidating our understanding of using the formal written method when multiplying a multistep problem. We have been using word problems to help us practice using this method. We have realised the importance of knowing our timetables, and we have been practicing them through various games.

HWB: This term we are focusing on how to keep ourselves safe. We were fortunate to have a visit from a RNLI volunteer, who came along to share with us, how we can keep ourselves safe near open water. We learnt how to identify danger and  how to report if we suspect that someone is in danger. Our talk was very informative, and we were complimented on our knowledge and engagement. We took part in a fun role play activity, where some of us were the victims, some of us were the witnesses, we had a coast guard operator, and our life boat rescue team – it was great fun, playing out all that we had just learnt.

To top off our week, P7b put on a fantastic performance for their class assembly on Confidence. The children all delivered their lines with poise and confidence. Mrs. Matos is so proud of everyone, we know that standing in front of a hall full of people saying lines and singing is not for everyone, but each and every P7b learner can be so proud of themselves today. Thank you P7b, you delivered an important message about confidence to all the learners, staff and parents/ carers of Springfield Primary School!

P7b and Mrs. Matos



Rights Respecting School Committee.

Today was our first Rights Respecting Schools Committee meeting. It was lovely to see some children returning to the committee, as they were a part of the committee during the last school session. We also welcomed some new boys and girls to our committee group this morning. It was so lovely to see so many enthusiastic children!

This morning we spent some time discussing the purpose and role of RRSC, and we discussed some of our future plans and aims. We spent a little time voting for our Chair and vice – chair pupils and we also voted for two secretaries who will be responsible for the minute and not taking during our meetings.

Mr. Ritchie and Mrs. Matos are looking forward to working with the children, as we continue to build an ethos of Rights Respecting values throughout our school and community.


Mrs. Matos and Mr. Ritchie.


We are absolutely delighted to inform our pupils, parents, carers and families of the exciting news we received today. Springfield Primary School and Bonnytoun Nursery have been awarded a sportscotland Gold School Sport Award for 2018-2021!

The Gold School Sport Award is recognition of the school and nursery’s achievements in putting sport at the heart of  our school’s planning, practice and ethos. It highlights that as a school we have shown excellent practice across the core areas of the Award and demonstrated an ongoing commitment to increase our young people’s opportunities and engagement in physical education, school sport and leadership. We aim to build upon and further improve our existing provision of sport whilst creating clear pathways for lifelong participation.

We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has played their part in achieving this award, we really couldn’t have done it without you. This includes; our wonderful staff and P.E specialist who ensure that our children participate in 2 hours of high quality P.E per week, those who volunteer to give up their time every week to provide an extra-curricular club, the parents and volunteers who assist with school sport and our committed P7 Sports Leaders. Last but not least, thank you to our Sports Committee for all of their hard work towards achieving this award and to all of our pupils across both the school and nursery for their boundless enthusiasm towards all things sport at Springfield.

“It’s not always the team with the best players that win. It’s the players in the best team that win. Together, everyone, achieves, more.” 


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