Primary 5 – w/e 12th October 2018

This week we have discovered some of the language used in data handling and used it within our lessons.

We have completed our Indian Elephants and begun to explore how a tartan is created. We will use this in our artwork after the holidays.

In literacy we have continued to explore prefixes and how they change the meaning of a word.

PE has been a continuation of hockey and team building skills, exploring how these skills can be transferred into other sports.

Designing our painted elephants we have  further developed our fine motor skills.

Have a lovely holiday.

Kind regards

Primary 5 and Mrs Kerr


Linlithgow Daycare Centre and P7

I accompanied some of our P7 pupils along to the Daycare Centre today for their regular visit and had a wonderful time.

It was heartening to see how strong our link with the Centre is, as staff, clients and children effortlessly interacted. I was so proud of Joseph B, Jayden, Finlay C and Finlay B who approached the elderly clients with kindness and first class manners. You were a credit to your parents and to Springfield boys. Well done!

We had fun planting bulbs together and then the children enjoyed a cup of tea and  playing games alongside the elderly visitors.

Thank you so much to Mrs Graham, one of our fantastic Pupil Support Workers who has maintained a strong link with the Centre and taken many children to visit over the years.

Miss Baillie x💖

Primary 2B

One more week before the children can all have a little rest. We’ve been learning about  bigger and smaller numbers within 100 and some of us have had the challenge beyond 100. Also we have been adding and taking away  in 10’s from tens and units numbers. The children have done a brilliant job.

In my Phonics group we’ve looked at oa/ow sounds and where we usually find them in words. We enjoyed games of Bingo, designing a Graffiti wall and other activities.

We have learnt how to draw shells and also drawn pictures of harbour scenes inspired by Paul Burnsall. We have been thinking of our favourite places by the sea and describing why we like them.

We have been practicing how to say Hello and Goodbye in French, as well as some other greetings.

So on that note I’ll say Au Revoir and have a good weekend.

From Mrs.Burton and P2B

P7b Weekly Update.

‘ There is joy and wonder everywhere, when you see the world through the eyes of a child.’

Numeracy: Numeracy this week has been great fun, we have moved on from the formal written methods of addition, subtraction and multiplication, we are now learning the formal written method to solve division problems. It was tricky at first, but we have the hang of it now! – EM

Literacy: This week in Literacy we learnt about homophones, homophones are words that sound the same but have different spelling and meaning. Some examples are the words guest and guessed, passed and past or herd and heard. We have been learning about inference. This term we have being researching and comparing the differences and similarities of Scotland and Brazil. Mrs. Matos set up a crime scene in which Christ the Redeemer, in Rio, was vandalized. After we had discussed the meaning of inference and how it can be used in the world of life and work, we wrote a short paragraph about the crime, using the evidence to help us to infer what might have happened.- EC

Science: In science this week we learnt about classification keys. We worked in pairs to make a classification key about penguins. In different pairs we started making one about sweets! We made up funny names for the sweets we didn’t know. It was a real treat! – LC

1+2 French: In French this week we revised our numbers to 50, played some lotto bingo and hide the object game. While one person searched for the object, the rest of the class had to count in French, the closer they got the louder we counted, we were surprised our loud counting didn’t crack the windows! – DR-S

Buddy Time: This week with our buddies we had the opportunity to help them with ICT. We helped them to log onto the netbooks and Sumdog. We helped them to become familiar with how to navigate and play the different games. We used our school values of  confidence, kindness and inclusion to help our buddies!

P7b and Mrs. Matos


P3B Estimating, Fact Files and Les Couleurs

P3B have worked very hard this week.  In numeracy we were learning how to estimate on a number line.  We discussed the importance of learning this skill and how it can be used in our everyday lives, for example, when we are measuring or weighing ingredients or using a thermometer.  We estimated individually and also challenged each other to place numbers on large number lines – one from 1 to 100 and one from 0 to 1000.  We also looked at number lines on different measuring and weighing equipment.  We worked hard to explain to others our thoughts as we made our estimations , verbalising the reasoning behind our decisions.  It is good to say our maths thoughts out loud and we learn from each other by doing this.

We have been continuing our research on Australia.  Thank you to D, H and A who brought in some Australian items and photos from home.  We have enjoyed looking at them and learning a bit more about them. I also brought in some Australian story books which we have enjoyed listening to.

During our planning for our Australia topic, quite a few of the questions were about Australian animals.  This week we have been learning a lot more about animals native to Australia and have each begun a ‘Fact File’  We have drawn our animals – looking carefully to make our line drawings as accurate as possible.

We also begun using the internet to search for information.  We have been thinking of good questions and key words to type into the search engine.  We also tried to find child friendly websites that had information that we could read and understand to allow us to take notes.  The Fact Files are really beginning to take shape and we have learned a lot of interesting facts through our research.

We continued to learn colours in French this week.  Last week we begun to say the colours and this week we were also reading and writing them.  We had fun making ‘fortune tellers.’ We wrote the colours on the top in French, spelling the french words out as we played with them.  We also tried an additional challenge to  say as many of the numbers as possible in French and to count in French too.

This is just a taster of our busy week.  I’m looking forward to seeing you all next week at Parents Night – I can’t believe how quickly we are racing towards the October holiday!

Enjoy the weekend.

P3B and Mrs Kennedy

SPS and Bonnytoun News…

This week in school we have been getting ready to launch our new house points system. From now on our house points will be called Springs.

Children will still be in one of the four existing houses which are historic to Springfield. These are: Binns, Ochiltree, Champfleurie and Hopetoun.

Children can earn up to a maximum of 3 Springs at any one time for demonstrating positive behaviour and showcasing our values around school. As a change to our previous system, Springs are small, counter-like objects so that they can be physically totalled by children.

We have made a list of rewards that each house can work towards as they earn Springs. The exciting news is that each house can choose when they would like to spend’ their Springs to buy an award, or whether to ‘save’ them.  We believe that this ‘spend or save’ system will help our children to develop basic financial awareness.

We are looking forward to sharing this news with all children at assembly tomorrow and starting our Springs system in school as of Monday.

We will share news of our winning house and house treats as we have it, in newsletters and on the blog.

Have a happy weekend when it comes,

Miss Baillie xx💖


Pupil Achievements…


Gymnastics success is in the air this week with lots of children gaining medals. Here are our latest award winners…

-Well done to K in P1 for winning a medal for healthy eating. Super K!

– Congratulations to H who is also in P1 for her science award.

-Finally, a massive thank you to the children and their grown ups who planted bulbs and tidied up in our playground last Sunday. You are all stars! We are so grateful!

Miss Baillie xx💖💫






P7B Weekly Update!

Wednesday, 26th September was European day of languages. P7b joined together with P7a to learn some basic Portuguese vocabulary. We linked our Portuguese lesson to our learning and comparison study of Brazil. We discussed that Portugal is Europe and that Barzil is in South America, but that Portuguese is the chosen language in Brazil. We had fun learning some vocabulary and also comparing the similarities of some words to that of Spanish.  We worked in pairs to complete a language jigsaw, matching the Portuguese word to the English word. To finish off our lesson we learnt a popular Brazilian game that is played amongst children, the game involved memory and speed. The game was a lot of fun that we have continued to play it throughout the week on the playground.

Literacy: This week, a very special person is leaving our school. Jessie Orr, the lovely cook that has been cooking our delicious school dinners has decided after many years to retire. We wanted to do something special for Jessie, so that she will know how much we appreciated her. Last week, we learnt the features of a Tanka poem, we therefore decided to write Jessie a special message using the features of a Tanka poem, completing this activity was not only something special for a very special person, but it also helped us to consolidate our understanding of tanka poems, and helped us to practise identifying  the number of syllables in words.  We concentrated this week on homophones and identified the common errors when using the incorrect homophones in a sentence, the week before we looked at Synonyms and this week we consolidated our learning by identifying different synonyms for the different homophones that we were learning.

Numeracy: We continued to solve multiplication problems using the formal written method. We continued to play a range of different games to help us practise recalling our timetables.

IDL: In previous weeks, we learnt the location of Brazil, this week we looked again at the world map, and we revisited our knowledge of identifying the 7 continents on a map. We then had a look at South America and located Brazil, to continue with our comparison study, we identified Scotland and its major cities on a map

Expressive Arts: Christ the Redeemer is one of the most popular and well known landmarks of Brazil, this week we created our own images which represent Christ the Redeemer, we used a wide variety of different art techniques, such as shading, collage, overlapping and more.

HWB: This week we started our discussions on how to keep ourselves safe, how we will keep ourselves safe in the community. We worked in groups to identify the possible dangers that we could face, and we discussed different ways in which we can ensure that in a time of danger, we will be more aware of how to respond appropriately.


    Discussing possible dangers in the community.

We continued to practise our basketball skill in PE, we used the skills that we have learnt throughout the term, and played a few short games against each other.

Wider Achievement: Well done to HR who had brought along her badges and gifts that she had received recently at girls brigade. It is always lovely to hear about all the achievements outside of school.

P7b and Mrs. Matos

Pupil Achievements…

Here are our latest pupil achievements from this week:

– Well done to F in P7A for his success in rugby. Finlay was recognised for his commitment and positive attitude towards the game. We are proud of you F!

– A super effort from A in P2A who continues to do brilliantly at gymnastics. A also brought along a worksheet of sums that she had done at home using an abacus to help her. I was most impressed! Well done A!

-Well done to E in P5 for his achievements in Fencing! What a great hobby E!

-Finally, congratulations to H in P4/5 who is our first child at Springfield to get into our values, Hall of Fame, for his wider participation. What an amazing effort! We hope that you are all working on your Hall of Fame activities. Remember that you have a whole session to complete tasks.

Miss Baillie xx💖💫

SPS and Bonnytoun News…

We hope that you have all had a good week. We can’t believe that it is the end of September already! Where does time go! This week saw us celebrating the European Day of Languages which culminated in our excellent assembly today led by Mrs Gordon, our 1+2 languages champion. Mrs Gordon has trained our pupils to be Language Ambassadors and they now help a variety of classes across school to learn French and Spanish. Thank you Mrs Gordon for your continued enthusiasm and hard work. It is much appreciated.

Today also marked the end of an era for our much-loved cook, Jessie, who has retired after 18 years of service at Springfield and many more with West Lothian Council. Jessie has gone over and above the call in her role for the duration of her time at SPS feeding children in school and providing catering for school events. We will miss her dearly and we wish her a long, happy and healthy retirement. Xx

Thank you also to all grown ups who attended our Family Learning event on the tracking and monitoring of pupil health and wellbeing across school, this week. We hope that you found it an informative evening.

Kind wishes for a happy weekend,

Miss Baillie xx💖💫


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