Springfield and Bonnytoun News


We held our second  ‘values assembly’ of the session today after a fun-filled week.

All children, including our youngest, are brilliant at articulating our values and giving examples of when they are used throughout the school day.

Our infant Halloween disco was a great success and we had fun playing musical statues and other games. Well done to Oliver and Tallulah who won the best costume prizes  for their homemade efforts.

Our nursery children had a great Halloween where they dressed up and made spooky biscuits. The biscuits looked very yummy!

We held a very successful nursery curriculum evening last night where we spoke about our continued work in the nursery. Thanks to all parents who attended.

Our P6-7 Jass awards were also launched this week with all children beginning to work though this scheme in upper classes.

Coming soon, will be a new Rotakids lunchtime club, run in conjunction with Linlithgow Rotary, which will help us to develop community (and global!) links as we work to help others.

Next week is Bonfire Night and we have spoken to all chicken about having fun but taking care during the firework celebrations. As animal lovers, we’d kindly ask you all to look out for pets and wild animals at this time of year too.

I have two pupil achievements for this week:

-Well done to D in P6 for winning a Halloween tennis match!

-A superb effort from our Fizzy Fingers group and Mrs Scott who made these spooky spiders for Halloween! Well done!

Have a great weekend!

Miss Baillie xx 🔥💖🍂 xx

A Letter to Australia (P3B)

In literacy this week we have been learning several different skills.  As well as our usual spelling lessons, we have had a lesson on expressing our likes and dislikes about a text, giving reasons why we have these opinions. This is quite a tricky skill and we will continue to practise.  We have been adding our reading books to the school total for the First Mininsters Book Challenge, as we do this it is important that we can discuss what the books are about and give our opinion on the book.

We further developed our letter writing skills as we wrote letters to children in Australia.  As Mrs Kennedy has a friend who teaches in a school in Ferny Creek, Melbourne, she thought it would be good for us to write to children in an Australian school to find out about the differences and similarities between growing up in Australia and growing up in Scotland.   In our letters we introduced ourselves and wrote a little about what we enjoy at school as well as our hobbies and interests outside of school.  We also got the opportunity to ask lots of questions.  Mrs Kennedy will post the letters at the weekend and we hope to receive some replies soon.

On Tuesday we furthered our research on Australian landscapes.  We chose either the Great Barrier Reef or Ayres Rock and then carried out some research and created a powerpoint to show the information.  We presented our findings to the rest of the class.  We were very lucky to have some children from P7 to help with our research and they were also a fantastic help in creating our powerpoints.  They made sure they showed us what to do as well us letting us try for ourselves rather than do all the work for us!  The P3s and P7s worked very well together and Mrs Kennedy was very impressed (I could almost have gone for a cup of tea and let them get on with it!)

In numeracy, we have continued our work on addition, learning different methods of adding a two-digit number and a single digit and some have been adding two two-digit numbers.

We have had the excitement of Halloween this week too.  We all had fun at the party, playing lots of games and enjoying a Halloween snack.  A big thank you to the PTA and our compare, Miss Baillie.

In music with Mrs Bain, we have been creating musical magic spells!  We chose  instruments to create atmospheric sounds to tell the story of The Witch’s Magic Potion. We followed conducting signals, including crescendos and diminuendos to control the volume. As well as being great musicians we learned a little Italian too!

We have been busy spreading the message about our Shoe Box Appeal, encouraging children and teachers throughout the school to bring in shoe boxes or items for shoe boxes.  We would be very grateful for any items you have.

Have a lovely weekend, stay safe and enjoy any fireworks you may see, P3B and Mrs Kennedy

Primary 5 w/e 2nd November 2018

This week, as part of our learning about the outdoors, we have been to Linlithgow Loch and spent some time with the Rangers. We were watching the birds using binoculars, we made pictures out of bird seed, played tig and learned about food chains and we learned about the types of food that we should feed the birds and the diseases that incorrect and mouldy food can cause in the birds on our Loch.

In PE with Mrs Reid we have been playing basketball. This week we were practising dribbling the ball.

We’ve looked at the history of Bonfire Night and learned some unusual facts about fireworks. We’ve also discussed the rules surrounding a safe Bonfire Night.

In maths we have been practising our multiplication and we have begun to formally record this in our jotters.

In science, we have been learning about forces and gravity. We have begun to create rockets and are looking forward to launching them soon.


The Springfield Times (Edition 1)

Hello everyone!

The P7 Newspaper Leaders have been working incredibly hard over the past few weeks to produce and publish their first edition of the Springfield Times.

Please click on the underlined link below to access a digital copy which we would encourage you to have a read of. You’ll find the latest news from across school, achievements, recipes, puzzles and much more!

Springfield Newspaper Issue 1

Kind regards

Newspaper Leaders and Mr. Logan

Primary 2B

The children have had the excitement of Halloween this week. They all enjoyed their party on Tuesday -thank you to Miss.Baillie and the P.T.A. Great costumes -Well done everybody. We made 3D Halloween figures, in line with our work on 3D shapes last week.

We have been learning the new sounds of “ng” and “nk” and doing lots of work connected to these sounds.

The children painted their hedgehogs and now just need to put eyes on them. They look really effective.

We have been learning colours and instructions in French and playing games and singing songs.

In Maths we have been continuing with addition and designed our own function machines. Super work everybody.

We read our new reading books with our Primary 6 Pals and then with their help did some guided reading work on our books.

Have a whizzing weekend with the fireworks and stay safe.

From Mrs.Burton and P2B

P3 Shoe Box Appeal

Thank you to everyone who has already supported our P3 Shoe Box Appeal. A special thank you to HD who has donated 4 boxes!

P3 are in charge of the shoe box appeal this year. By handing in a shoe box with a few gifts inside, you will allow a child to receive a Christmas gift.  These boxes will be sent to areas of the world where children are less fortunate than us.

Suggested items:

Toiletries (no talc)


Hat, scarf, gloves

Small toy

Sweets (no chocolate)



It would be great if you could wrap your shoe box in Christmas paper with the lid separate to the bottom with an elastic band around it.

Please attach a checklist which can be found at the link below or by visiting the Blythswood Care website.  You can also get one from school if that is easier.


Rather than donate a whole box, you can also donate any item from the list above and we will compile some boxes in school.

Please return any shoeboxes or items by Friday 9th November 2018.

Thank you again for all your support,


Springfield and Bonnytoun News

Today we had our second Wellbeing assembly of the year which was on being healthy.  The main message from our assembly was that ‘good health’ is about having a healthy body and a healthy mind.

We talked about the components of a healthy diet and the importance of being active to keep our bodies fit and well. We then learned about how to stay mentally well. It’s important that we recognise that all feelings are normal and that we seek support from our grown ups when we feel ‘big’ or overwhelming feelings.

Here are some of our infant certificate winners who gained an award for showcasing our school values:

Thank you to Sheena, Carol and all of the lovely PTA volunteers who organised the Halloween disco for our P4-7 children this week. Our infant disco takes place in school next Tuesday (30th). We are looking forward to seeing all of the children’s costumes and are grateful to Alison from the PTA for helping us. Our nursery children are invited to dress up on Wednesday (31st) should they like to do so.

I only have only one pupil achievement this week and it is the turn of D in P3 who has been busy winning a trophy with her pony. Well done D!

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Baillie x💖 🎃 👻



Welcome Back P7b!

After a lovely week long October break, we were back on Tuesday and ready to learn.

Literacy: This week in Literacy we have been thinking about who inspires us! We have entered the Jim Clark Memorial Writing Competition. We brainstormed our ideas on what, who, when and how we have been inspired. The title for this year’s writing competition is ‘My Inspiration’. While writing, we concentrated on using interesting and descriptive vocabulary. We focused our writing on emotive writing, to help give the reader a sense of how we felt about our inspiration.

Numeracy: Who knew fractions could be so ‘sweet’? During numeracy this week, we completed some fraction introductory activities. Using real life items that Mrs. Matos brought in, we discussed and shared what we understood about fractions and how using concrete or real- life items can help us with calculating fractions. The highlight of our week was using skittles to show our understanding of fractions. Next week we will be learning about equivalent and simplifying fractions. Challenge this week, to see how many times you would use or see fractions around the house, at the shops etc.

HWB: It’s a new term and a new start. We spent some time this week to evaluate our targets that we set for ourselves in Term 1. We discussed with our partner what went well and learning we may need to improve on. We set new Numeracy and Literacy targets for Term 2 – we all very determined to work hard and reach our targets, using confidence and resilience.

PE: During PE this week consolidated and played our ‘Final’ rounds of basketball. This term our PE/ active focuses will be Athletics and Skiing. 

1+2: In French this week we are revising the objects of the classroom. We had the privilege of being joined by an S6 language ambassador from Linlithgow Academy, Alexander. Thank you Mrs. Gordon for all your help in making sure we are ‘French’ ready for the Academy. ( Dayna – Language Ambassador)

P7b and Mrs. Matos




P3B Weather Reporters

A great start to the second term, we have  ‘hit the ground running’, as they say.  All the children have come back with lots of holiday news and are as eager to learn as always.

Our numeracy focus for the beginning of this term is addition.  We have been consolidating our number bonds to 20 and some have been adding multiples of 10 to 2-digit numbers.  We began with some problem solving – revisiting our prior knowledge to help us as we learn new things. We have enjoyed playing games on the smartboard and netbooks, these help us with our mental maths and recall of number facts.  We have also used text books; writing sums in our jotters and solving word problems.

In literacy, we have been concentrating on punctuation.  Although many of us know when to use capital letters, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks we sometimes forget to use them correctly when writing longer pieces of work.  We played a game call ‘Rapid Rounders’ on Education city – correcting lots of sentences, then we had a go at correcting sentences in our jotters. We will continue to discuss this and think about it when we are writing next week. In French, we began to learn parts of the body and will continue with this next week too.

On Tuesday, we had PE with P7 Sports Leaders who were teaching us ball skills.  They were good teachers and we enjoyed the session.  We also had PE with Mrs Kennedy on Thursday, our benchball skills are developing really well and we will be more than ready for the festival next month.

We have enjoyed comparing the climate in Australia to the Scottish climate.  We looked at weather websites and weather news reports from both countries, then created our own weather maps and presented them to the class in the style of TV weather reporters.  Each report was very professional and informative, with some wild weather on the way according to some!

Have a good weekend everyone, P3B and Mrs Kennedy

P6b 26.10.18

We had lots of news after our October break!

This week we have continued to work on decimals in Maths. We have been thinking about autumn and made some pictures using leaves. Some of the class went to golf at Kingsfield. Our Assembly today was all about being healthy – do we eat well, sleep enough and exercise regularly? And also do we take care of our mental health and look after our friends, especially if they don’t seem like themselves? We are not alone.

We continue to work hard on the First Minister’s Reading Challenge. Our class is helping to log books for the younger children. We are concerned that we need to read more if we are to meet the target of 10000 books. We are designing posters to put up around school to remind everyone to read and log the books we read. Family members can log books too. The link is: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=oyzTzM4Wj0KVQTctawUZKR-Dl-1GHsVKvmaSsUcIHCtUREQ3OE1FV0NDSDBISThZOVBPRzA5T1lWOS4u

Have a lovely weekend.

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