Fencing Wins!

Well done to E in P5 and C in P6 who both won medals at a recent fencing competition. We are proud of you boys!

Miss Baillie x

From Animals of the Savanna to Woolly Mammoths!

What an eclectic mix this week has been!

We began with verb tenses on Monday.  After practising together, we worked in groups to sort sentences into past, present and future.  We then discussed the verbs in the sentences and looked at how they changed according to the tense.  After that we worked individually to change present verbs into past and future tense.  We then wrote sentences about what we did yesterday and what we will do tomorrow, using our verbs correctly.

Each year, Springfield School takes part in the Linlithgow Round Table children’s competition.  The topic for this year is ‘On the Savanna.’ P1 to P3 children were asked to create some artwork on this theme.  We painted sunset backgrounds and then drew silhouettes of animals and trees found in the Savanna.  The results are very effective and we hope the judges are impressed too!

In writing this week we wrote ‘explanation’ texts.  We wrote about the features of a woolly mammoth. On Wednesday we carried out research on the physical features of woolly mammoths and made notes.  On Thursday, using our notes, we wrote factual pieces of writing, making sure to include a heading and subheadings.  We also had to write relevant information under each sub-heading, writing in past tense as woolly mammoths are extinct.  To finish it off we drew and labelled a diagram.  The standards were very high and everyone achieved their success criteria.

On Friday we were at a very good assembly led by P4.  It was all about Egyptians, we learned a lot, including some quite disgusting facts!

We hope you have a good weekend.

P3B and Mrs Kennedy


News from this Week

The week has flown by here at Springfield and Bonnytoun, culminating today with a superb assembly on Ancient Egypt led by Miss Durano and P4. Thank you so much to Miss Durano and the children for the effort that went into today’s performance.

In other news, we will be taking all children, in their classes, to Dovecot Park for a further visit before Easter, for the next Springs treat. All of our 4 Houses have gained over 1000 points once again! What a great effort from all of our children!

Pupil Achievements from the week:

-L in P6B recently performed on stage with Strictly dancer, Brendan Cole! What an amazing opportunity and achievement L!

– Well done to O in P1 for going on an adventure at St Andrew’s Castle and to M or his Enjoy-a-ball trophy!

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Baillie xx💖


Artists in Primary 2B

This week in Phonics we have been working in groups – 2 groups have been revising some of their words and 1 group has been working on adding “er” to root words. Next week we will be adding “est” to root words. We have also done some work on Mrs.Burton’s most frequent nag – capital letters and full stops!!

In Numeracy we have learnt about finding halves and quarters of numbers and then continued to use half but in time,  so o’clock and half past the hour. Next week we will be working out time intervals – 1 and 2 hours before and after. The children have been good at telling the time but some struggled with writing the digital time. So more practice needed.

We have listened to “We’re going on a Bear Hunt” and worked on storyboards for it. Some of these have been displayed in the Infant corridor. We have also been finishing our New Lanark sketches and gone over in charcoal as well as our dragon pictures for the competition.


As part of our R.M.E, we have been finding out about the Hindu religion and researched what the Hindu God is called and where Hindus go to worship their God. The children drew some fantastic pictures of both Brahman and Mandir.

In French we’ve had great fun practicing our numbers. Well done everyone.

Have a great weekend – 2 weeks to go until we break up!

Love from P2B and Mrs.Burton

P6B Rugby, competitions and New Lanark

P6B Rugby, competitions and New Lanark


On Monday we did rugby with the Linlithgow rugby club which was our last trial we enjoyed playing matches and sharks and fishes. In maths we were doing money. In health and well-being we were doing living and growing.

Last week we did the Scottish opera with the other class and the P7 classes. We also dressed up and after lots of practices we did a play. #N1J

Yesterday we went to New Lanark to learn about its history and Robert Owen. We went on the ride and a guided tour – our tour guide was called Alex. We saw the old school and the mills.

On Wednesday we were completing our competitions. One of the competitions was on a story of the African savannah. The other was designing a CD cover.

Today was the due date for our Industrial Revolution projects. We will be presenting them over the next week. Sam has already done his movie.

By ##Sam & Ewan & Gillian JN1#


P7b weekly blog

Literacy:  We continue to develop our reading and comprehension skills, focusing on skimming and scanning of a text. This week we read the story of Lily Ebert and her golden pendent, her story was very unique as she  and her pendent both survived the Holocaust. After reading her story, we identified the different Parts of Speech that were used in the text. We then used our reading and comprehension strategies to show our understanding of the text, by answering some questions.  Over the last few weeks we have had an insight into how life was like during WWII, we were particularly surprised with how little food rationing you would have received. We watched a short clip about one particular lady that took an interest in eating foods that would have been available during the war. Her story inspired us to do a little more research and try to take a modern or create a wartime recipe and adapt it to only using the foods that were available during the war.  We found this particularly tricky and at the same time really appreciated the variety of food choices we have available to us now. Writing the wartime recipe has helped to develop and extend our instructional writing skills.

Numeracy and Maths : This week we have been continuing with data handling, as well as reading and drawing bar, line and pie graphs. We have been learning mathematical terminology, such as dependent and independent variables, trend, peak, trough, mean, mode and range  – please ask us to explain any of the new terminology that we have learnt and ask us to show you our understanding. Using ICT this week, we researched data of our interest and displayed our research on a line graph, bar graph or pie chart using Microsoft Word.

1+2: During Spanish this week, we recapped on our greetings and introducing ourselves. We are getting particularly good with our counting and we can now count from 1-30 in Spanish and we impressed Mrs. Matos by counting backwards from 10! We learnt this week the days of the week and the months of the year. Using what we have learnt, we practiced asking and replying in Spanish when is our birthday – ask us at home what we have learnt, it will help us to practice and you would learn some Spanish too.

 PE: During PE this week, we practiced our dodgeball and football skills and played a few competitive games against each other.

Science: We continuing to work on our buggies this week, and we have impressed Mrs. Matos and Mrs. Tulloch with our handwork and determination to get our buggies to move and to go up a ramp.

P7B and Mrs. Matos

Gymnastics Medal Winners

We have lots of children who won medals at gymnastics last weekend! Well done to you all! We have so many talented children!

Miss Baillie x


A Week of Performances at SPS and Bonnytoun

Our children continue to make us extremely proud with another week of successful performances.

Mrs Gordon was delighted with her group of P4 and P5 girls who took part in the West Lothian Schools Dance  Competition and performed brilliantly!

Our P6 and P7 children ‘blew us away’ with their Scottish Opera performance entitled, 1719. All children sang and danced their hearts out and were a credit to their parents and our school.

In addition, our Glee ‘superstars’took to the stage last night at Howden Park Centre and amazed the audience with their strong vocal and dance moves. We also came away with the trophy for the best ‘values’ displayed which we are delighted about!

A group of P6 and P7 children recently  received  awards in the Scottish Maths Challenge which is run in conjunction with Edinburgh University. Well done especially to Emily in P7 and Katie in P6 who both gained gold awards.

Lastly, our school chess team won at the inter-schools tournament today and we couldn’t be any more chuffed! What a fantastic win boys!

Mrs Kerr and P5 led a fun assembly today to tell us all about the work of Comic Relief and to help us to celebrate Red Nose Day.

Pupil Achievements for this Week:

-A brilliant effort  from the lovely sisters S in P4 and U in P6 for their accomplishments in piano!

-Great work from C and A in P1 for their achievements in dancing!

-F in P4 came along to see me with a magnificent Egyptian pyramid that she had made for homework! What fabulous work F!

Have a great weekend!

Miss Baillie xx💖💫

Our visit to New Lanark and Fractions in P2B

We all had a great day at New Lanark. The weather forecast was better than expected and the sun even came out. We enjoyed our little ride around the Annie Macleod experience and think we all learnt a lot from that. Then we had Janet talk to us about Victorian toys and we got to try out the toys and compared them to what we play with today. Everyone had great fun with the various toys including skittles, hopscotch and ball and cup. Mrs.Burton tried her hardest with the ball and cup but didn’t succeed. We then had the long awaited lunch and visited the school room where some of us dressed up and some pretended to be the teacher. We concluded our visit with a short film on Time Travelling. Looking both back and forward in time. So a very successful trip which I think was enjoyed by all. Some photos of our trip.

On Wednesday we wrote a recount of our trip using time connectives and the past tense. Our drawings of New Lanark are ongoing. We have also worked on a comprehension about “Hansel and Gretel”.

In Numeracy we have been learning about Fractions – both halves and quarters and can now recognise half of a shape as well as 1 quarter, 2 and 3. Next week we will continue with Fractions of numbers.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Love from P2B and Mrs.Burton

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