Primary 5 – w/e 5/4/19

This week we uncovered our mummified apples and tomatoes. The liquid from the fruits had been absorbed by the salt mixture. Have a look at the photo and see what happened.

This week we have heard our Class Talks. Everyone did an excellent job of researching their topic and presented these to the class.

We completed a series of maths activities and discovered who had destroyed the Easter Bunny Costume.

We have spent some time evaluating stories and instructional writing this week and discovering what we missed out. These missing parts will become our writing targets in Term 4.

In Science we completed an egg drop challenge. Well done to Scott and Daniel on their successful egg drop.

In music we played a game of rhythms and pulse and the hot cross bun game. Ask us to explain how this works.

Take a look at our Canopic Jars too – we are really proud of how great these look!!

Have an amazing break.

Kind regards

Primary 5 and Mrs Kerr

Springfield Clean-Up!

Thank you to a number of volunteers in our community and several children in our school who cleaned up the area around the Park recently.

We work so hard to prevent litter from blowing in our playground and pick up what we can. We have just ordered special new bins which should hopefully contain litter a bit better. Watch this space!

Thank you everyone!

Miss Baillie x


Frog Life Cycles, Time and Hinduism in P2B

A variety of learning experiences have been covered in Primary 2B this week. We have been practicing our telling the time skills – working on o’clock and half past the hour then time durations going forward and backwards 1 and 2 hours. We have also begun to work on quarter past and quarter to. Hopefully your children can answer your questions if it’s o’clock or half past and maybe even quarter past and to!

Using our new novel “Fing” by David Walliams, the children wrote “An Alphabet of Stuff” according to Myrtle, the character in the book. They came up with some very funny items and really enjoyed doing it. We have also done a comprehension exercise on a story about a tiger.

We made certain cards this week which hopefully will be remembered on Sunday!!

We continued to find out more about Hinduism – dress, special animals and festivals celebrated.

We had Mrs.Harris in this week who did a taster session in Gymnastics, which we all enjoyed.

Life Cycle of a frog was researched and we have done a display in the Infant corridor which we are rather pleased with.


Well done for your achievement in Judo.

Mrs.Tulloch had us making ramps in Science and we continued this back in our classroom.

Finally how exciting some big pieces of cardboard are! Sorry more photos to follow.

Have a lovely weekend and one week to go. Think we’re all tired and in need of a rest!

Love From P2B and Mrs.Burton


P7b Weekly Update

‘Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.’ Benjamin Franklin

Literacy: In Grammar this week we have been learning about Adverbials and Modal verbs. Using our class novel as a focus, we created a possibility line of what could happen next in the novel. We discussed when talking and writing that it is not possible to draw/ use a possibility line to express our thoughts or opinions of possibility, but in writing and speech we can use adverbials and modal verbs to show degrees of possibility.  We continued to read Good Night Mister Tom, we have discussed the different characters and we have summarized what we have read so far. We have been using a range of different reading and comprehension  skills to answer questions based on our class novel.  It is nearing the end of  a very long and busy term and we have noticed that some of our teachers are needing a boost – we have been busy creating a ‘Teacher-Pleaser Machine’, but to make sure that the machine is used correctly, we have used explanation writing features to write a manual for the machine, explaining how the machine operates and its special features that will help Mrs. Matos become the jolliest teacher in the school!

Numeracy: This week we have been consolidating our knowledge about symmetry.  We have used shape to identify single and multiple lines of symmetry. Today we  were challenged to design a kitchen by creating the scaled nets of 3D shapes.  With such a challenging task Mrs. Matos was pleased to see how our school values, such as  inclusion and resilience was being demonstrated.

WWII: This week we have been discussing and finding out more about the persecution of Jews during WWII. We used our note taking skills while we learnt more about the reasons why Hitler had a ‘hatred’ towards Jews and we learnt about the events that lead up to the ‘Final Solution’ – to show our understanding of what we had learnt, we created a storyboard of events.  We were very fortunate this week to have Mrs. Manlove share  family history, of family members that had survived the holocaust – Thank you Mrs. Manlove!

PE:  More dodgeball this week, each week we are developing our skills of throwing  as well the skill of dodging the ball.

1+2: From the money that was raised from our 1+2 Family Fun event held in February, we have been very fortunate to have received some new Spanish games for our classroom. This week our Language Ambassadors explained to the class how the games are played and we had a few goes at trying the new games out. Today we presented our French dialogues to Mrs. Gordan  – Mrs. Gordan was very impressed with the high standard of our French. Thank you Mrs. Gordon.

P7b and Mrs. Matos

P3B Making a Good Impression

We have had a busy week yet again.  As the weather has been good we have been outside for 15 minutes most afternoons doing our ‘daily mile’.  As well as getting exercise it definitely helps us to concentrate when we get back into the classroom.

The whole school are learning about internet safety at the moment.  We use resources from the thinkuknow website.  The lessons for P3 are called ‘Jessie and Friends’ there are three cartoons to help us to gain the skills and confidence to respond safely to risks we may encounter online.  The lesson we looked at this week was about sharing photographs.  After watching an animation on sharing photographs digitally, we played a game where one of Jessie’s friends, Tia shared a photo with three friends, but unknown to Tia they all shared the photo with three friends, who in turn shared with yet more people.  The game showed how quickly photographs can be seen by many people and you often do not know who is seeing them.  We also made ‘helping hands.’ We wrote the names of four people in our lives that we can go to if we are worried or unsure about something that we have seen or done online.  Next week we will look at playing games online.  There is a parents section of the website if you would like to know more:

We have also been very busy making a display for the P3B part of the corridor.  Carrying on the ‘great outdoors’ theme we were going to do a woodland scene, however we watched a short clip of ‘Art Ninja’ kids tv show and saw some really cool art in the style of Claude Monet so we completely changed our minds!  We learned about Monet’s ‘impressionist’ style of painting and about his garden in Giverny, France.   As well as admiring his artwork, the pictures of his real garden were amazing.  He really was passionate about the beauty of nature and we were certainly inspired by it too. We worked in teams to make various pieces of art to put together to make a scene similar to his water lily paintings.

In between all of this we have begun to use the written ‘chimney sum’ method of subtraction in numeracy and learned more about how to use adjectives to make our writing more interesting in grammar.  We are continuing with our tennis lessons in PE – hitting the ball over a net this week.  (Putting the net up was Mrs Kennedy’s triumph for the week!)

Have a great weekend, looking forward to seeing you next week at parent’s night.

P3B and Mrs Kennedy

P6B’s Cracking Week

On Wednesday we went to Cracking Easter at the Cross House. We took part in eight different activities, each one telling a part of the Easter story. We interacted with other primary sixes from Linlithgow Primary and Lowport.

Mr Wells kindly bought us some spheroe minis and ollies which are amazing little robots you can code to do different things like move, spin and change colour. We have been experimenting with them in class and have found them very fun to use!

In Maths we have been working on money and problem solving.

In literacy we have been working on speech marks and apostrophes.

We have also been adding some finishing touches to our song for the opening of the new Linlithgow Museum. Our song has been recorded and we look forward to performing it next term.

Next Monday we will be doing some junk modelling in class and so we would be grateful if children could bring in some items to use such as cardboard boxes or toilet roll tubes.

We also look forward to sharing our extended research projects – they all look very creative and informative!

In school our children have been earning springs and we will be visiting Dovecot Park next week as a reward.

Next Friday the children will be going to an Easter service. Our class’s reader is Esme.

Written by Rebecca Hammond


News from this Week

Today we held a Wellbeing assembly about ‘being responsible’. We talked about the different ways that we take responsibility around school including; looking after our classrooms, corridors  and playground and being kind and helpful to younger pupils.

We are proud of our pupils and the positive attitudes that they have towards looking after things around them. We hope that you see examples of our pupils acting responsibly around Springfield and the wider community.

Pupil Achievements from this week;

-Well done to F in P5 who raised money for charity on a sponsored walk.

-Congratulations to C in P2 who won a medal at Judo!

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Miss Baillie x





Gymnastics, adding 3 numbers and Wild storyboards in P2A

On Monday we had a lovely afternoon making special cards with our P6 pals – we hope you like them 🙂

On Wednesday afternoon we had a gymnastics taster session with Danielle. This was great fun – we have lots of gymnasts in our class!

In Maths this week Miss Devonshire taught us strategies for adding 3 single digits. We know we can look for number bonds, use a number line or start with the biggest number to help us find the answer. For example:

3 + 7 + 8 =

10 + 8 =

We were very resilient and challenged ourselves; some of us were even adding 3 2 digit numbers!

In Literacy we wrote a storyboard of the story ‘Wild’. We are each working on our own personal writing targets; we worked hard to meet these when we wrote our storyboards. Most of us need to work on consistently spelling common words correctly in our Writing. Lots of us are using WOW words and time connectives. Here are some examples of our work:

On Wednesday we painted pictures from the story to put on our corridor display; you can enjoy looking at all of our amazing work next week!

On Thursday we learned about how to look after a baby. We had a great discussion about what a baby needs. We have some experts in the class – Mrs Bell and Miss Devonshire learned lots!

As next week is the last week of term and we have parent evenings, we will only give out reading books on Monday, no spellings.

Look forward to seeing you all next week.
Easter holiday countdown is on!

Love P2A, Mrs Bell and Miss Devonshire x

Infant Achievements

Our P1-3 children have been busy gaining medals and certificates out of school…

E in P1  has a certificate for dancing!

K in P2 has a certificate for Taekwon-Do!

Well done to you all!

Miss Baillie x

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