P5B Week Commencing 30th April 2018

In Maths we have been learning how to identify a basic fraction and determine what fraction of a shape has been chosen. We then used this knowledge to help us to recognise and be able to find equivalent fractions and also to simplify fractions.  When simplifying a fraction we have to remember to keep going with our answer until it can’t be simplified any further.  On Wednesday with Mrs Hogg we started work on volume and were learning to understand the connection between litres and millilitres. On Friday we challenged ourselves by taking part in BIG Maths and the Multiplication quiz of the week.

In Literacy we have been looking at using our VCOP strategies to up-level our writing and also how to correctly use paragraphs to help us sequence our writing to make it easier for the reader to understand.

In Reading we have been continuing with our Literacy Circle Groups and are enjoying taking part in the different roles that make up the circle. We are all enjoying discussing our books, asking questions and sharing ideas about the book we are reading.

In art we have been looking at the work of some famous Scottish Landscape artists and have started work on producing a landscape painting of our own. We have begun by splitting the picture into different sections and looking at the way light and shade makes up the image and can affect the colours that we will use.

In PE we have been working on our fitness levels by taking part in different activities at each fitness station e.g. skipping, sit ups, bench jumps etc.

In French we have been revising what we know about colours, weather and the different greetings that can be used when speaking to people.

In Science we continued with our work on light sources and have also been looking at how shadows are formed.

Springfield’s Careers Fayre

Tonight we hosted Springfield Primary School’s first Careers Fayre for our P5, P6 and P7 pupils together with their parents, carers and families as part of our Skills for Learning, Life and Work programme. We had a huge turnout, with the children able to visit the stalls of 20 local professionals, businesses, colleges and universities. They asked questions, gained an insight into a wide variety of career opportunities and were even lucky enough to get some free goodies for their efforts! A huge thank you to those of you who were in attendance and made this such a great success, and also to those who kindly agreed to run a stall on the evening. Without all of your support we could not have provided the children with such a valuable learning experience. Have a look at the pictures below to see what was going on!

Hello from Springfield and Bonnytoun…

Another week has flown by in school and nursery. Our P6 and P7 children have been putting the final touches to their Lion King performance which will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings of next week. We are so looking forward to the show!

Yesterday, P3 held a super assembly about Scottish Inventors. We learned lots and enjoyed watching the children perform-what confidence they all showed!

Here are some birthday children from this week:

We have also had a number of pupil achievements…

A in P5 came to show me a picture of her as a flower-girl. A duty that she performed recently at a family wedding. How exciting for you A!

Some little P2/3 girls came along to let me listen to a song that they have created and recorded! Who says that we don’t teach music and digital literacy well at Springfield! Thank you to Miss Prince for her amazing talents in this area! How creative of you all too!

The lovely G in P5 shared her Girls Brigade success with me. I am so proud of you G! You always try your very best in all that you do!

U who is also in P5 was very excited about her recent dancing achievement. Congratulations to you U!

Finally, M in P1 came along to my office to show me his Roman ladder that he made during free play. I was most impressed!

We work really hard in school and nursery to allow every child to shine. I’ve been speaking to the children a lot this week about the fact that we all of our own strengths and how it is good to be unique and different. This is something that we should celebrate. We are all one of a kind!

Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine today,

Love Miss Baillie xxx💖🌞

P5B Week commencing 16th April 2018

In Maths we have been learning how to calculate basic time intervals using the 12 and 24 hour clocks. In addition to this we have also been learning to read different types of timetables and calculating how long it takes to travel from one point to another.  We have also been looking at calendars and discovered they contain number patterns in the months and years.  On Friday we challenged ourselves by taking part in BIG Maths and Multiplication quiz.

In Literacy we wrote imaginative stories, poems, newspaper articles and cartoon strips for our entries into the West Lothian Young Writers competition. We are all keeping our fingers crossed that we will have produced some of the winning entries this year!

In Reading we launched our Literacy Circle Groups and learned about all the different types of roles we will have each week. We are all looking forward to our first circle meeting on Wednesday.

In art we used some of our writing to make fake parchment documents which date back to the time of Mary Queen of Scots.

In Science we started to investigate different types of light sources and how it can be reflected.

P5B Week commencing 9th April 2018

In Maths we finished off our work on division and on Wednesday we moved onto time. We have been revising what we know already know about this topic and have been calculating what the time would be before and after a period of time has passed.  In addition to this we have also been comparing how the time appears on an analogue and a digital clock.  We have also been continuing to revise our table knowledge by playing some team games to help us.  On Friday we challenged ourselves by taking part in the BIG Maths and Multiplication activities and found that our scores are continuing to improve!

In Literacy we used our research skills to find out information about Linlithgow that would help a tourist who was coming to visit the town. We combined this information with what we already knew about Linlithgow Palace to design and create a very interesting and informative leaflet for the Scottish Tourist Board.  The leaflet is full of information to help and attract tourists to visit our lovely town.

We also looked at different styles of letters and wrote thank you letters to Mr Woodhouse, Elaine at the Forth Road Bridge Education Centre and the children from Linlithgow Primary who were our guides when we visited Linlithgow Palace. After drafting the letters and checking our spelling and punctuation we transferred the letters onto paper with specially designed borders that we had made.  Some of the borders on the letter heads contain pictures of the Bridges and the Palace.

For science we finished off our work on investigating separation by evaporation.

On Thursday we looked at a video all about Internet Safety to help us learn about the importance of keeping ourselves safe. We have also started to design posters for display around the school.

Altogether a very busy first week back in P5B!

P5B Week commencing 19th March 2018

P5 Week commencing 19th March 2018

On Monday we had an amazing and exciting trip to the Forth Bridge Education Centre. In the morning after an introduction all about the three different bridges we went for a walk across the Forth Road Bridge.  It was a lovely morning for a walk but it was very cold.  We looked at the construction of the different bridges and discovered that a triangle shape is one of the strongest structures and is used widely in bridge construction.  In the afternoon we were split into teams called Russky, Sunshine Skyway, Jiashoa, Millau, Tatara and Erasmus.  Each team had a project manager, lead engineer, materials manager and a recorder, who were responsible for organising and managing the different challenges.  The challenges involved working with different sized building bricks and experimenting to find the best design to withstand strong winds.  The project manager then had to decide which of their team’s designs was the best and compete against the other teams to build the highest bridge tower.  Competition was very fierce with a few tower collapses during the construction phase.  The winning team was Russky.

In Maths we completed the RBS Money Sense “plan a party” activity using our knowledge of money and budgets. Most teams managed to stay within budget and organise a great party for their chosen customer.  No complaints were received from the customers!  We also continued with learning about division and will pick this up again after the Easter Holidays.  We are also continuing to revise our times tables to help us across all areas of Maths.

In writing we have created short stories and poems to describe how beautiful a town Linlithgow is and what historical buildings it has. These will be entered into the local writing Marches Magazine competition organised by The Round Table Association.

For Listening & Talking the class took part in a topical debate about should we abolish or retain homework. A lively discussion was held by the two opposing teams and each put forward their arguments for and against backed up with examples.  Our previous work on being an advisor to Queen Elizabeth I assisted us with this as we had to advise the Queen what she should do with Mary Queen of Scots.

In art we made easter baskets and also an eastern egg themed stained glass window display which can be used to decorate our houses for Easter.

Wishing everyone a lovely holiday and a very happy Easter!

P5B Week commencing 19th March 2018

On Monday we all went on a visit to Linlithgow Palace to find out about its history and more about the life of Mary Queen of Scots. We were shown around the palace by children from Linlithgow Primary who have been trained as guides by Historic Scotland.  The guides were very knowledgeable and told us all about the different rooms in the palace and what life would have been like when Mary Queen of Scots was there.  After the guided tour the children asked lots of interesting questions and then did some sketching of their favourite parts of the palace which we will use to add to our classroom display.

In Maths we have started looking at division using our table knowledge to help us. Some of us have been finding it a bit tricky so we will do more work on this next week.  We also used our knowledge of number to complete the “Mystery of the Slalom Flags” where someone had stolen all the flags for the winter Paralympics downhill ski run.  Luckily we were able to solve the mystery and the event did not have to be postponed for too long!

In Literacy we used our research skills to find out more facts about the history of the palace and the information a tourist would need if they wanted to go on a visit. We will use this information next week to design a tourist information leaflet for Historic Scotland.

On Wednesday we had an amazing talk from Mr Hector Woodhouse who was a Civil Engineer involved in the design and construction of the Forth Road Bridge. He explained the concept of how the bridge was constructed and told us some amazing facts and stories about what it was like to be involved in the construction.  He also showed us some breath taking pictures of him and a colleague walking across the bridge and holding onto some wires as part of the walkway was incomplete.  He was one of the first people to cross from one side to the other!  The information and facts he provided will help us with our visit to the Forth Bridge Education Centre on Monday.

For science we continued investigating separation this time by evaporation. We separated a solution of salt water by heating the solution over a candle. There were great salt crystals at the end of the experiment.

We also started work on the RBS Money Sense activity “Party Planning” which was postponed due to the bad weather. We have been working in teams to complete the activity and have managed to decide who we wish to organise the party for and what activities they would like.  Next week we will finish the activity by calculating the amount of money we will require and try to stay within the allocated budget.

Another Week at SPS and Bonnytoun…

We managed to all get back to school safely last Monday after our three ‘snow days.’

Our Lion King production has now been postponed until the end of April when the weather will hopefully be a lot more settled. Children in P6-7 are going to have a short break from rehearsing and focus on other curricular areas for a short period.

We have had two assemblies this week due to missing one last week when we were off. Mrs Matos and I held a Fairtrade assembly last Thursday where we looked at the importance of paying farmer’s in  less economically developed countries, a fair price for their produce. On Friday we dressed down in something ‘wacky’ to raise money for the Fairtrade Foundation. Well done to Joseph, Alisa, Ben W and Issac who worked extremely hard to make a Fairtrade board game as part of a challenge that I set them. Morven, Lauren C and Olivia M were the proud winners of our Fairtrade competition which was to design a Fairtrade football. Well done to you all!

P4 and Miss Durano led a professionally delivered assembly last Friday on the Vikings and the day before two ‘real’ Vikings visited Springfield for the day bringing their longboat along with them. This was a great experience for our children.

The nursery have had a particularly exciting week as we have welcomed our new pets to Bonnytoun! Our pet committee are going to be busy looking after two more fish (we have four now!) and Jack and Victor, our new baby Guinea Pigs! Mrs T and I are in love and are going to be very busy over the next few weekends nursing the little piggies at home so that they are calm and ready for the boys and girls to stroke them. They are real cuties so please pop by to have a look if you are passing. We are passionate about animal welfare in the nursery and will ensure that they are extremely well looked after. They are already enjoying a wonderful diet of kale, parsley, broccoli, brussel sprouts and the occasional apple! There are researched benefits to having animals around children and we hope that our pets will enhance your child’s early years experience. Please let me know your thoughts and feedback on this.

Here are some photographs of our certificate winners and ‘birthday’ children from this week:

Well done also to the Demick girls for their dancing achievements and also to M in P1 for his achievement.

Have a very happy Mother’s Day everyone and we will see you all next week for parents’ night.

Kind wishes,

Miss Baillie 💖 🐹 xxx

9.3.18 5A

Well done for all the great activities you did during our snow days.

This week we learned how to multiply by 2 digits to 2 digits. We are continuing to work on our multiplication tables and we were getting quite fast playing Buzz. We also started work on analogue time, minutes past, minutes to , am and pm. We found digital time easier.

Although we missed the RBS coming in to work with us for our “Party Plan”, next week we are going ahead with it and some P7 pupils will be helping us.

Fairtrade Fortnight

We were learning more about Fairtrade and we completed our footballs for the competition at Linlithgow primary tonight. We played the banana game in class.

For science we continued investigating separation this time by evaporation. We separated a solution of salt water by heating the solution over a candle. There were great salt crystals at the end.

For literacy we completes our grids for comparing life in the Palace with life as a lowlander and we are now ready for our visit to Linlithgow Palace on Monday morning. We drew pencil portraits of the important people in Mary Queen of Scots Life.




P5B Snow Day Activities

Hello Primary 5B

I hope you are all enjoying and having fun with your snow days!  I have put together a list of ideas and activities that you can do to help continue your learning while the school is closed due to the bad weather: –

  • • Snow Art – Can you build a 3D model of any of the famous buildings Mary Queen of Scots stayed at?  Have a go and remember to take a picture and up-load it to the class dojo so you can share and discuss it with the rest of the class.
    • On Friday it is “World Book Day”. I would love to hear what your favourite book is.  So why don’t you write a book review and design a new front cover for it.  We can then use this to make a nice book display for our class library and you can present your favourite book to the rest of the class.
    • Reading Book Groups – Read the next chapter or story in your book.
    • We have been working on improving our table knowledge and learning how to multiply by 10 and 100.  Make up flash cards by writing the table sum on the front and the answer on the back. [Use your yellow table fact sheet to help you with this.]  You can then test yourself and check if you have the correct answer.
    • Log onto “Sumdog” and play some games involving multiplication.
  • We will be going on a visit to Linlithgow Palace.  Prepare a list of questions you would like to ask the tour guides at the Palace during the visit.
    • We will shortly be beginning work on the Forth Bridges so if you have access to the internet you could do your own research to help us with our learning in class.  Have a go at making a “flip” fact book.

Please up-load any learning or activities to the Class Dojo page.  I would love to see any pictures you may have, and we can share them with the rest of the class during snack time.

Have lots of fun in the snow and remember to wrap up well!!  Hopefully we will all be back together again next week.

Best wishes to you all.
Mr Ritchie

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