5A week ending 25.5.18

We have had a great week listening to our class talks. They have ranged from baking to biking to riding. The standard of the talks was excellent with us struggling to give some people a next step. We will finish the final 5 next week.

In literacy circle we are really enjoying our novels, with only 2 people not rating their book 8/10 or above. Everyone really participated fully , well done.

In maths, we continued with decimal numbers and making links to our environment. We are going to continue doing mental fractions work for the next few weeks, as some of us still don’t feel we could give ourselves a green yet.

There was great excitement when Mrs Hutton came to ask us who we would like to have as a buddy in the current Primary 1. She will do her best to pair us but some of the P1 pupils were chosen at least 20 times! We will really need to set a good example as we are getting to meet up with them when P7 go to camp.

In art, we looked at the modern artists, Allison Young and Scott Naismith and how they used colour in their beach scenes. We had a lot of fun trying this with pastels ( and mess).

 Modern Scottish art

We have been discussing Linlithgow Transition’s competition to ban plastic straws from the town and have been designing posters. We feel very strongly about this issue and want to help.

In science, we completed our topic on light by looking at rayleigh scattering. Please ask your child ” why is the sky blue?” .

British Champions in Orienteering

We are delighted to announce that two of our amazing pupils have recently been named as British champions in orienteering within their age groups. Amazing work from both R and J Hammond! What a talented family! We are so very proud!

Miss Baillie xx


George Allan Winners!

What a fantastic show for Springfield at the George Allan event this morning. We are so proud of each and every child who played football to their highest ability and also to our Springles cheerleaders who turned out this morning to add some sparkle to the proceedings. Thank you so much to Mr Logan and Gail Rankine for coaching our footballers to success.

Well done to everyone and thank you to all parents, family and friends who came out to cheer us along. Springfield shone!

Miss Baillie xx ⚽ ⭐️💫💖

Round Table Marches Magazine Winners

We are so proud that for another year, our Springfield children have again won the Marches Magazine drawing and writing competiton.

Our winners for this year are A in P5, L in P6 and K in P1.  Unfortunately our little P1 winner is on holiday so is not in the picture below, but all of the children’s work is featured here and also in the magazine. You can buy a copy of the magazine at various local shops and business up until Marches Day. K drew a wonderful picture of the Burgh Halls, A wrote a story called ‘The Hedgehog who Loved’ and L wrote a poem about Linlithgow. Thank you to you all for your hard work!

We really do have the most amazing children!

Miss Baillie x💫⭐💫⭐

Springfield and Bonnytoun News…

This week started with a special visit for P4-7 from the Deacons Court of Linlithgow and an introduction to our new Provost. We were happy to meet our Provost and on behalf of our school, we wish him all the very best for his first Marches Day next month. Some of our children and Mr Wells even got to dress up as Baillies!

We also talked about the Decorated Bicycle competition on Marches Day  which two of our lovely pupils won last year. We’d love it if lots of our pupils could enter this year with the help of some talented Mums and Dads! 😉

Our assembly today was an important one led by the NSPCC. All children were reminded of how to keep safe and how to speak up and use their voices if something in their lives isn’t right. We also reminded ourselves of the Childline number in case we needed to speak to a safe grown up about a problem. The NSPCC will be back in school next eeek to run workshops for our P6-7 classes to follow-up on the issues mentioned in assembly. It is our job at Springfield to safeguard all children and protect children’s rights.

We have had a number of pupil achievements this week. Here are our latest successes:

-To I, E and A congratulations for taking part in the Sunny Stars show! I especially loved E playing the part of Princess Jasmine as I’d quite like to be her myself! I loved the costume too! 😊

-C in P2 ran a a fun run recently and deserves a ‘well done’ for doing very well.

– A in P5 has completed the recent Race for Life with her Mum and we are proud of her.

-F in P3 has been very busy gaining some more Girls Brigade badges. Super work F!

-E in P5 got a brilliant silver medal in a recent gymnastics competition. Well done E!

-H in P5 continues to do brilliantly in rugby. You superstar H!

Finally a very ‘Happy Birthday’ to three of our infant children including M and one of our gorgeous sets of twins!

Good luck to our school football team and our Springles cheerleaders who will perform at the George Allan match on Sunday. You will do us proud, of that we are sure!

Have a lovely weekend in the sunshine!


Miss Baillie xx💖🌞




P5A Week ending 18.5.18

On Wednesday , “National Numeracy Day”, we had a visit from Mr Turtle who is a structural engineer. He did a lesson on structures and how to make them stronger after his daughter had told him about our visit to the Queensferry Crossing Bridge. This activity involved measuring to the nearest millimetre. We had to be very accurate in our measuring. We used a strip of paper, which represented an I beam, and measured, cut and glued balsa wood to the top and bottom on both sides. We predicted and then tested what would happen when you added weights to the middle. It took 100gm before the paper bent at both ends. So next we added strips of balsa to either end to make it stronger and then retested. This time it took 200gm and it bent in the middle. So we added balsa to the middle and retested. This time it took 400gm. This time it bent between the wood strengthening it so we glued wood between the middle and end. It took 700gm. Then we all tested our own and Finlay, Angus and Daniel won, as their I beam was able to take 1500gm. It was a great afternoon putting real measuring into practise. Thank you very much Mr Turtle.

Testing our I beams.

In maths we are learning about capacity and volume and in number we have completed our fractions focus and started work on decimal. We are looking at the relationship between them.

In literacy we have been learning about the difference between possessive s and plural s. In pairs we worked to find out the difference and now it is much clearer. We will continue with this on Monday. Within our literacy circle groups we are starting to familiarise ourselves with the different roles and there was super dialogue about the different main characters.

We started the Big Writing Adventure and were looking at what makes a superhero. Now we are using interesting vocabulary to develop our own characters.

Half the class went to the triathlon on Thursday. The pupils were a credit to the school and performed very well at the different sports. The weather was perfect and it ended with a potted highland games. Mr Logan is going to post the photographs taken.

The rest of the class continued with Scratch and helped Mr Ritchie’s class. They  designed posters for Transition Linlithgow with regard to the use of plastics.


Swim, Cycle, Run

What fantastic weather we got for today’s triathlon event at Deans Community High School in Livingston. Two buses full of our 68 budding triathletes made their way over to participate, and needless to say they didn’t let us down with their levels of determination and enthusiasm throughout!

First up was a lap of the swimming pool before a quick towel down and transition to the bike…

Followed by two laps of the cycle course in the sunshine…

And finally, there was one lap of the running circuit to complete before crossing the finish line…

After all of that, it was time for some water, bananas and a well-earned rest. Well done to all of our boys and girls who took part today, you did us proud!

#schoolsport #competeandperform #celebratingsport


Our Short Week at SPS and Bonnytoun

Our short week has flown by in school and nursery. We ended the week with a ‘teacher swap’ in school which was organised by our Pupil Council. Pupils enjoyed working with a different teacher for part of the morning and fun was had by all.

Here are some achievements from this week…

Well done to F in P3 for further success in football. Did you know that F also plays for Heart’s boys team?

A number of children in school received skiing certificates this week for taking part in after-school skiing at Polmont Ski School.  Congratulations to you all!

Well done to N in P2 for taking part in a charity run.

E in P2 made a super model of an aeroplane which she brought along to show me today. Great effort E!

Enjoy your weekend everyone!

Love Miss Baillie xx💖

11.5.18 Primary 5A

Hello, we hope everyone had fun over the long weekend.

P5A at the canal basin after our safety talk

This week we went on the canal and learned about how to keep safe on water. It was really interesting and fun. We had turns at saving someone from drowning ( on the boat! ).

In science, we investigated how to make white from the colours of the rainbow. It also gave us an opportunity to make electrical circuits. We rainbow  coloured our discs and then put them onto the motor. When they spun it made white. No one predicted that!

Logan’s birthday and he made white

In maths we continued with fractions, improper and mixed numbers. We will continue this next week and it may involve biscuits!

There was lots of great discussion about our group novels and our discussion directors did very well leading the groups.

We finished our session of basketball with very fast, competitive games . Lots of baskets were scored and there was great passing as well.

Mrs Bain was pleased with our rhythm and percussion playing in music.

For IDL we looked at ordnance survey symbols and features of different Scottish landscapes. We will be painting modern beach scenes next week.


P5B Week Commencing 5th May 2018

In Maths this week we have been learning more about fractions. We are now able to calculate the fraction of a basic number and the fraction of a quantity.  We have been using our knowledge of division and multiplication to help us with this.

In Reading we are now getting used to working as a group in our Literacy Circles and are having fun learning and taking part in our different roles. We are beginning to discuss the stories in more depth and thinking about why the authors have devised their different characters, chosen their settings and developed the story line.

In our topic we have been looking at the different map symbols. We are now able to recognise what the symbols mean and how they can be used to help us read a map.  We have also started looking at the different physical features of Scotland’s landscape and how they are formed.

In Science we continued with our work on light and how we can make white light. This involved making a motor work from an electrical circuit and colouring a disc the colours of the rainbow.  When we put the disc on the motor it spun fast and made white light.  Next week we will look at how light refracts through a prism next week.

On Thursday we went on a trip to the local canal at Linlithgow. The trip was organised for us by the Linlithgow Union Canal Society.  We set sail on one of the canal barges and learned lots of interesting facts and figures about the canal from the local canal ranger Mr Linton McBurnie.  Mr McBurnie gave us lots of safety tips on how to stay safe when we are near the canal and also showed us the correct procedure when using a rope to rescue someone if they fell in.


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