‘Learning is the eye of the mind.’ – French proverb

There is always something new we are learning in Primary 5.

Over the last two weeks we have been concentrating on multiplication. We’ve been learning various different strategies that can help us to solve multiplication problems. We’ve enjoyed learning different strategies and applying them to help us solve mental problems as well as word problems, We concentrated a bit of time on multiplication word problems, We used the Bar Modeling strategy to help us to understand what was being asked in the word problem. We went outside and used chalk to demonstrate how we would use Bar modelling when being faced with a multiplication word problem. After learning various different strategies we started to learn the multiplication algorithm. When doing the multiplication algorithm we realized how important it was that we knew our times table facts. Learning our times tables is something we will continue to learn and practice. One way that we have been learning our times table facts, is through song and dance.


In literacy this week we have been looking at the meaning of a suffix. We looked at the suffixes, er and est. We played games on the smart board to help us learn the spelling of the words when we  add suffixes to the words. Our class novel we are listening to is Private Peaceful. The novel takes us back to world war one, although it’s  not all based on the war, but more about a boy, Tommo Peaceful, who forms different relationships when he is younger and before he goes off to the war. We have spent some time analysing and discussing these different relationships and we have compared our relationships to Tommo’s . We worked together with a partner and drew up the relationship triangle that Tommo is in ,we discussed how their relationship had started and how it appears to change throughout the story. Again using the class novel, we looked at the format and style of informal letter writing. We stepped into character and went to war, we then used what we learnt and wrote a friendly letter home.

We’ve had plenty of fun in PE this week. We’ve been playing volleyball with Mrs. Reid. We are having great fun learning new skills and learning the importance of playing as a team. PE with Mrs. Matos we have various different stations that we had to work through. We needed to use different skills, muscles and fitness for each activity. We practiced using the hula hoops, balancing, skipping, and jumping over hurdles. We were having so much fun, we didn’t even realize how hard we were working.


On Sunday the 26 March is a very special day, it is day that we get to say thank you to the special ladies in our lives, it could be a mum, gran or a special aunty. We had a talk in class about the special ladies in our lives and what makes them so special to us. We have made these special ladies something special to say thank you for all that they do for us.

What a way to end off the week, with some fun for red nose day! Thank you to the pupil council for organising the dress down, crazy hair day and for the yummy cake sale!

Next week we will be looking forward to Tom from the British Legion coming in to have a talk with the Primary 5s.

Last week before our Easter break, I wonder what we will get up to?

P5B and Mrs Matos




P5A Top Secret…

Another busy week!
We have been practising our songs for the Easter Church Service next Friday and for the Easter Parade next Thursday, Mrs McCartney thinks that we are all singing beautifully!

Joseph Burgess was a confident individual when he presented a tutorial on the ACE dictionary. He was so clear and showed everyone in Primary 5 both cases!!) how to use it effectively and how it could benefit us and help us to improve our spelling- thank you so much Joseph!

Red Nose Day fun was had by all on Friday. We all had a great time with our crazy hair and we would like to than you everyone who brought in baking, it looked delicious!

Mrs McCartney had a class ‘Design a Red Nose’ competition for our class. Lot of us were very creative when we were designing our red nose and took inspiration from the red noses that we can get in the shops. Well done to all… the winner was…….PAUL!! Congratulations!!

We have been learning the ‘bus stop’ strategy for division this week. We are realising how strong the link is between division and multiplication and how important that it is that we know our times tables. We are learning the ‘Multiplication Mash Up’ song to help us in class with our tables.
In Literacy we have been looking at suffixes this week. We have been exploring the spelling rules and how using them can improve our writing.
Joanna did a suffix powerpoint presentation with crazy hair!! Well done, Joanna!

We have also been making top secret things for a special day on Sunday….apologies would ruin the surprise if we told you anything else!!!
Have a wonderful weekend and we hope that all the mums and special people in the world have the best day on Sunday!!!
Happy, relaxing weekend!

Mrs McCartney and P5A x

Things to remember:
*Easter bonnets on Wed 29th March

P5 Fundraising Girls…

Some P5 children have been busy fundraising again over the past two weeks. Well done to Nicci Mathewson and Lily-Rose Graham in P5A for raising over £30 for The Sick Kids Hospital in Edinburgh! The girls did a ‘Guess the Bunny’s Birthday’ competition and Katherine in P6B was the proud winner!  We are so proud of you girls!

Miss Baillie xxx


Amazing P5A…


Many thanks to all parents who came along for Parents’ Night- it was lovely to share how well your children are doing with you!

Lily and Nicci
Lily and Nicci were confident and responsible individuals when they went around the whole school collecting money for Sick Kids. They raised £32.10- amazing!
Well done girls- we are all very proud of you both!
Thank you to everyone who supported them.

Sharing Learning
Primary 5 visited P2, 3 and P2/3 to see how their ‘Victorian Day’ was going. Waw- they were all dressed up in Victorian clothes and were doing activities that children in those days would have done. They made dolls, kites and played Victorian games in the PE HALL. We all really enjoyed our visit- thank you very much for allowing us to come and share in your learning!

In Science with Mrs Tulloch, we brought in our very own resources to make our own guitars. We used junior saws, wood, cardboard, rubber bands and wood.
We had to make 3 different pitches, it was a lot of fun!

We have been exploring multiplication strategies to help us calculate sums. We are giving every strategy a go and maintaining a growth mindset when we find sums tricky!
Mrs McCartney has definitely noticed our confidence growing, especially when we are managing to calculate extremely tricky sums.

Round Table Competition
This year’s theme is the Union Canal. Opened almost 200 years ago, it has been a central part of Linlithgow’s heritage, from the transport of goods in earlier times to becoming a haven for wildlife and leisure pursuits nowadays. Primary 5 were asked to take part in a writing competition: A story or a poem about the canal, e.g. how does the canal enrich our life? What do we love about the canal?
Our entries were fantastic!

Bridge Testing
We were delighted to showcase our bridges at Parents’ Night. We received lovely feedback about impressive they were!
We all tested our bridges this week- this was a lot of fun!
Lots of our bridges managed to hold 7 food tins!
Thank you to all who helped us make our bridges.

Things to remember:
Easter Bonnet for Wednesday 29th March- thank you!!

Many thanks for taking the time to read our blog.
We all hope that you have a fantastic weekend!
Mrs McCartney and P5A x

P5 Fantastic Fundraisers…

Some of our lovely P5 children have been busy raising funds for the charity Callum’s Cabin. Callum’s Cabin provides much needed holiday ‘cabins’ for children suffering from cancer and their families to enjoy.  Well done to Beinn, Gabriella and Andrew from P5B and Mack from P5A for their hard work. We are proud of the kindness that these children have shown. Well done also to Samuel Burgess in P1B for winning the fundraising competition that the children set.

Miss Baillie X

Did someone say multiplication?

If you thought you knew all you needed to know about multiplication, think again. This week we have learnt five different multiplication strategies. We are enjoying learning about the different strategies as we are able to use them confidently in our number talk discussions. This week we looked at partitioning, distributive strategy, near tens and halving and doubling. We are now able to decided which strategy would be the most effective to use. We really enjoying our number talk discussions, it gives us the opportunity to share and talk about our strategies.

This weeks spelling pattern were words ending in -ed. Did you know there are five different spelling rules for words ending in-ed? We practised our note taking skills, we watched a video clip that taught us the different rules, we worked with a partner and made our own summarised notes on the white boards. We then had the task of adding -ed to some words and using the spelling rules we made sure we spelt the words correctly and that they were placed under the correct rule. We found this tricky at times, but working with a partner helped as we were able to work through the rules, use prior knowledge and brainstorm together.

In Literacy this week, we continued to practise using the inverted comma correctly. We had to rewrite speech bubbles, from a comic strip, into direct speech. we needed to make sure that we used the inverted commas, and that we used the correction punctuation in our sentences. We then created our own comic strip with speech bubbles and asked a partner to rewrite the speech bubbles into direct speech. This  was great fun, we have some very creative and talented children in P5B

In PE this week, we had to work together as a team. We needed to make sure that we worked together. In our groups we formed a circle and held hands. We needed to make sure that we didn’t break the circle. Mrs Matos added a hula hoop to our circle and we needed to get the hula hoop around the circle as many times as possible without letting go of each others hands. If that wasn’t tricky enough Mrs Matos kept adding  more hula hoops to our circle. We really needed to talk to each other and keep each other motivated. It was  great fun, and we all had a good laugh with this task.

Lastly a massive well done to Beinn, Gabriella, Andrew and Mack. These four children have a heart of gold. A young family member of Beinn’s passed away from cancer, this year marked his 10th anniversary, to keep his memory alive his parents run a place where people with cancer can go and relax as a family, get some time ‘away’ from it all, this special place is called Callum’s Cabin. The above children took it upon themselves to raise some money for Callum’s Cabin. They ran a competition and asked the boys and girls in school to guess how many cabins there were. They had proudly raised over £30..Well done!! Mrs Matos is very proud of you all!

Mrs Matos and P5B


P5A’S Busy Week…

We were learning to create a (rather strange!) combined whole class story. The Library Committee came up with the idea! Sophie in our class, Louise from P5B, Fraser from P7B and Rebecca from P6B gave the whole school a ‘Weird Write All’ story pack. The class were divided into 3 groups to write the beginning, middle and end. Our title was ‘The Amazing Adventure.’
It was so funny to hear our WHOLE story being read out! We created a book to give to the library with our story.

In Maths we were learning to draw arrays to calculate the answer to a multiplication sum. We each came up with a sum and we drew arrays to demonstrate our understanding. We then were introduced to a new multiplication strategy called the ‘Distributive Property.’ We started off questioning what the word ‘distributive’ meant and how this could help us calculate multiplication sums. We were fantastic at calculating the answer and we EVEN managed to multiply a four digit number by a single digit! Waw!!!

In PE we have been doing Volleyball with Mrs Reid and team games with Mrs McCartney. This helps us to assume leadership, cooperate with others; question actions and regulations and accept responsibility for their own behaviour. It was a lot of fun and we demonstrated a team spirit throughout!

Our class novel is ‘Private Peaceful’ and we had a debate whether Tommo was to blame for his father’s death. One half of the class had to create a list of reasons why Tommo was to blame for his father’s death and the other half of the class had to create a list of reasons why Tommo was not to blame for his father’s death. We are becoming very good at explaining our reasoning.

In Art, we were focusing on Romero Britto and created Spring art in the style of him. He is a Brazilian neo-pop artist. He was born in Recife in East Brazil in 1963. He is very famous for his very bright and bold colourful paintings and prints. A lot of people enjoy Romero’s artwork (including famous people) and global companies such as Disney, LG, Mini and 02 have paid Romero to create paintings, portraits and sculptures!
He uses black to create the outline of the main shapes and for some of the features but he makes sure that some patterns do not have a black outline otherwise you would not be able to see the children or the world! For example, the spots and the stripes do not have a black outline but the flowers are painted black. Our art work was amazing!

It was lovely to see visitors to our class for our Reading open afternoon!
We showed our visitors lots of reading strategies that we use and how good we are at showing at demonstrating a deep understanding of the novel.

We won class of the week this week! Well done, P5A! So proud of you all!

Things to remember:
*Easter Bonnet- Wednesday 29th March.

Happy Friday and thank you very much for taking the time to read our blog!
Mrs McCartney and P5A x

A week of fun, a week of learning, a week of what school should all be about!

The weeks in Primary 5 are just flying away, but we are managing to have weeks filled with learning, fun and adventures.

We really enjoyed our fencing taster session. Although some of us are ‘pro’ fencers already, it was great fun learning a new skill and having fun. Our fencing coach was very proud of how quickly some of us had learnt the specific skills needed for fencing. Keep your eyes open , I think we have some potential gold winners in P5B.

During science with Mrs Tulloch we have been learning about sounds. Some of the boys and girls in the class brought along their musical instrument to share with the class. They shared their knowledge on how the sound is produced and also played their instruments so we could hear and compare the different sounds. Some really talented  boys and girls in P5B, thank you for sharing your musical love with us.

We were very privileged this week, to have a very special person come along and talk to the Primary 5’s. Mr Hector Woodhouse came along to our school on Wednesday and shared his stories and experiences when being apart of the civil engineering team who built the Forth Road bridge.  What an amazing talk from Mr Woodhouse, he shared with us some photos , and also his own stories both good and bad during the time the bridge was being built. A very big thank you to Mr woodhouse for taking the time to come and talk to us.

During literacy this week, we have been learning about Direct Speech. We worked with our partner to edit a story that had no commas or inverted commas. We also worked with a partner to edit a dialogue from the story, Good news, Bad news. After some discussions and editing we quickly realised how often we forget to use inverted commas when writing something using direct speech. We have now learnt the rules and are going to try our best to use direct speech in our writing and to make sure we don’t forget to use the inverted comma correctly.

We’ve been learning so much in numeracy this week. We worked with a partner to solve some addition and subtraction word problems. Word problems can sometimes seem scary and tricky. Our first task was to decide if the word problem was asking us to add or subtract. Once we knew what  we were asked to do, we were able to solve the word problems. We learnt that it was important to understand the language or terminology in a word problem for us to be able to answer the questions. We have been very busy learning our times table. We have been singing along to the multiplication mash up song. We have had a looked at arrays and how they can help us to solve multiplication equations. We created our very own city arrays, using the times tables that we found the most challenging. In the next week we will be learning different multiplications strategies, but during our Number talk discussions, some of us are already sharing some effective strategies.


We got to celebrate World Book day on Thursday and Friday, the fun started with decorating our classroom door. We all decided and chose a book theme for our door. We all worked together to create the Billionaire Boy – What a fantastic job, and we think it turned out great! In the fun of World Book day we got to dress up, it was so good to see so many boys and girls and even teachers having fun and getting into the spirit, everyone looked amazing. On Thursday we got to spend some time reading our favourite book. We have entered a competition, the competition involved us designing a new book token, all the boys and girls put in a lot of effort , so fingers crossed a winner is chosen from our class. To end off our World Book day celebrations we took part in a scavenger hunt, we did this with P5A, amazing the things you can find in books.

We have three very special girls in P5B, Louise, Anna and Dayna took it upon themselves to raise money for the RSPB. The girls had bought a soft toy Owl, and some chocolate eggs as the prize, over the last couple of weeks, the girls have gone around to the different classes and have asked the boys and girls to guess the owls birthday for 50p. Today the girls announced the winner – L Fryer in P6B!! the three girls have been raising money for the eagle appeal and managed to raise an amazing £64.50. Thank you to everyone for your support, and a massive well done to the girls, Mrs Matos and everyone at Springfield Primary School are very proud of you!


What more could we possibly learn next week?

Mrs Matos and P5B

P5A’s Wacky Week…


On Monday we drew detailed pencil drawings of Linlithgow Palace, where Mary Queen of Scots was born. We looked at the technique that artists use and we tried our best to use some of the techniques that we learned. We used a variety of photos of the palace and our drawings were all different. Mrs McCartney was delighted with our efforts!

We created subtraction word problems in Maths. We identified key subtraction words to use in our word problems and even created some tricky problems. Primary 5A got Primary 5B to solve their word problems- well done, P5B!

On Tuesday we started to decorate our door for World Book Day. We decided to do a ‘Gangsta Granny’door and used photos of us as if we were on the scooter like ‘Gangsta Granny.’

We had a wonderful visit from Mr Woodhouse who came to talk to use about his life experiences working on the original Forth Road Bridge. It was an amazing talk and he brought to life all of his stories! Thank you so much, Mr Woodhouse.

On Thursday it was World Book Day. We all brought in our favourite book and enjoyed a reading session with our book. We used persuasive language with our peers by creating a ‘Try this’ poster. Our peer s listened to us really well and some managed to be persuaded to try out their books.

We dressed up for ‘World Book Day’ on Friday. It was a lot of fun and we were very creative with our costumes!

We took part in a World Book Day Scavenger Hunt in our school library. We had to find an item in a variety of books, write the title of the book that it was found in, the page number and identify whether there it was a word, picture book or both.

Have a wonderful weekend, happy reading and thank you for taking the time to read our blog!
Mrs McCartney and P5A x


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