Springfield Gymnasts and Other Achievements…

We have had a week of further pupil successes at Springfield and Bonnytoun. Well done to a host of children from P2 upwards for their recent achievements in gymnastics. Here they all are with their medals.

Here is C in P2 who told me that he was a Sumdog, maths champion for our school last weekend. Well done to you C!  Did you know that you can access Sumdog on your laptops at home and that this motivational website can help to expand your child’s skills and confidence in Numeracy and Maths? Contact your child’s class teacher if you need access to our Sumdog login details.

Here is E, who is also in P2 with piece of writing that she did in Russian. I was most impressed at ther efforts! E’s Mum speaks Russian at home and E can say lots of words and phrases.  We have lots of children in our school and nursery who speak more than one language fluently and we are extremely proud of them. Celebrating cultural diversity is a major priority for us and part of our ‘included’ value.

Also, here are some P7 Girl Guide entrepreneurs who have been making and selling lip balm across school for a Dragon’s Den themed challenge. Well done girls! I can report that the lip balm is very good!

Finally, I must mention our school chess team who took second place at the inter-schools competition last Friday. What a great effort boys!

Miss Baillie xx 💫

P3/4 Home Learning for Week beginning 19.3.18


Hope you are having a great weekend.

Home Learning for Week beginning 19.3.18


Reading from group novel. There is no additional reading task this week so that there is more time to focus on spelling task.


Spelling words for this week are attached with i-e, o-e, u-e sounds. Children should try to learn these words and choose a spelling task on 5 of the words using a variety of the sounds.

i-e o-e o-e u-e
tire coke rose cube
wire joke vote tube
alive poke broke rude
drive woke broken duke
live hole choke flume
prize dome smoke tune
home spoke cute
cope stone chute
hope throne use
pope close fuse
rope those
hose chose
nose froze


This week’s focus is time. A good website for practising time is http://www.visnos.com/demos/clock which shows analogue and digital time together to make connections. The children do not need to know the exact minutes for analogue time but it is useful to learn 5 past, 10 past etc. not just quarter to and quarter past. Time is learned better with practical situations so can you ask your child examples of how long it will take to get to an event or how long event lasted e.g. if we leave at 5.30 for swimming which starts 6.15, how long do we have. Please emphasise that there are 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour as they are used to most measurements being 100.

Learning across the Curriculum

Unfortunately, this is the last week of learning about the Vikings. Thank you for all the resources you shared with the class. Please ask your child to collect it back by the end of the week and finish anything they have been working on.

Have a good week!

Kind Regards


Primary 3/4 Blog Week Ending 16.3.18


Dear All

This week in literacy we did reading in our reading groups.

We did our spelling test on ‘a-e’ and ‘i-e’ words.

In numeracy we were learning analogue and digital time learning minutes to and past, half past, quarter past, quarter to and o`clock. We also played dominos with cards that had clocks on them. We did times tables with dices.

In health and wellbeing we did PE.  We played tennis, football and badminton it was fun.

In learning across the curriculum we displayed what we learned about the Vikings and tidied our class

Hope you have a good weekend!

Typed by Cori and Daniel


The P4s had a very busy week.  They have been practicing for their assembly all week and it paid off.   They did a brilliant job at articulating their lines and were very confident at performing.   Well done Primar4s!

The Vikings came to visit Springfield this week as well.   Thursday was an exciting day as the children got to ask questions, explore Viking related artifacts, clothes  and tools.  In addition to this, they also got to see a Viking fishing boat.  What a rich learning experience to be involved in.

For Literacy this week, the P4s have been learning different ways to capture a reader’s attention e.g.  using onomatopoeia, question, definition etc.  They also wrote a fictional story ensuring that all elements of a story is included.

For Numeracy,  the children have learning to work out change from £5 and/ or £10.


On behalf of all the Primary 4 class,  I would like to say thank you to all the parents/ families who came to the assembly.   Your support is greatly appreciated! – Miss Durano

P3/4 Home Learning WB 5.3.18

a-e a-e i-e i-e
late shape tide wise
mate plate wide bite
gave grave bike kite
save shave hike size
wave slave like inside
shade   time slide
bake   fine smile
flake   line stile
shake care mine while
flame fare nine chime
shame share pine slim
plane square wine shine
grape stare pipe spine


Hi Everyone

Next Week’s spelling words:

Practise selection from Fry’s 100 words sheet

Reading: Pages covered in class from reading books

Numeracy: Practise Times tables

Have a safe weekend.

Kind Regards


P4 class

School is out, the weather has been quite severe  and most children are bound indoors for long periods. To avoid boredom, I have listed a few activities which may help those little minds stimulated while they are at home.

For Numeracy, the children have been learning to work out change from £5 or £10 depending on child’s ability level.

http://www.doorwayonline.org.uk/timeandmoney/tillwemeet/– change from £5

How about setting up a shop at home as a role play activity?

https://www.topmarks.co.uk/Flash.aspx?f=Buy2itemsv4-  change from £1

Two weeks ago, the P4s were revising on their ability to read time.   It would be helpful if they could keep practicing ” telling time” using quarter to/past, half past and o’ clock.


Multiplication games- https://uk.ixl.com/math/year-3/multiplication-tables-for-2-3-4-5-and-10

For Literacy, the children have been exploring persuasive writing.  You could maybe ask your child to write a letter to an imaginary  Viking chief and persuade him/ her to stop their pillaging and colonising ways.

The P4s have also started learning about the features of a newspapaer report.  Some children might  prefer to write a report on the Vikings’s arrival in Lindisfarne.

Have a lovely week everyone!


P3/4 Resource suggestions to download


Hi Everyone

School is closed another day. Here’s some resource suggestions for you to download. Your child can choose their own word for their acrostic poem about vikings, e.g. longboat.

Have a good day!

Kind Regards







P3/4 Snow Day


Hope you’re having a lovely snow day and the school closure hasn’t been too difficult for your work arrangements.

The trip to the Peel has been cancelled for tomorrow by Historic Scotland and I have requested a new date of Thursday 22nd March. I will let you know when this has been confirmed.

Suggestions for activities your child can do if the weather continues:

  • Read group novel or personal choice.
  • Look at format of books, paragraph structure etc, finding punctuation, practice expression.
  • The next assessment will be on imagining you are a Viking, try to get ideas formed of what a day in their life would be like.
  • Work on tasks from Viking Grid
  • Research what Vikings ate, where they lived, gods, countries they invaded, any reason why they were not as bad as they seemed?
  • Practice times tables, money, (measuring and estimating, time – next maths focus)
  • Practice handwriting
  • Practice saying name, age, where they live in French

Please check blog regularly for more updates and document attachments.

Kind Regards


Primary 3/4 Blog Week Beginning 18.2.18


Dear All

This week in literacy we filled in a comprehension sheet about Snoutlout from How to Train your Dragon. We read another chapter of how to train your dragon. We learned about tenses and ‘ue’ words.

In numeracy we did money and change.

In health and wellbeing we played Gaelic Football in PE and did walk a mile.

In learning across the curriculum we learned about Vikings and did music and NYCOS.

Hope you have a good weekend!

Typed by Robbie and Sarah


P3/4 Home Learning WB 26.2.18

Hi All

Next Week’s home learning is:


Pages covered in class from reading books


Learn words written out from sheet:

Choose a task from spelling grid to practice five of the words (at least one from each sound)

ee oo oo a-e
sheep too good made
sleep food stood cage
sweep mood wood page
sleet roof book cake
sheet cool brook lake
sweet fool cook make
  pool hook take
  room look came
  broom shook game
  spoon took name
  moon wool same
  soon foot date
  boot soot gate


In addition to the spelling words I will be giving out the 100 most used words for children to practise regularly.

Link below:

Fry’s 100 first words


Practice paying for goods and giving change with coins


Practice on the following website link:



Choose a task from Viking home learning grid (but not literacy or numeracy).

(I am not expecting you have time to do the optional task, especially as I have added in the spelling task and you may have already completed.)

Home learning should be submitted on a Thursday. Where possible I will give out before the weekend if you prefer to do at the weekend. As always do what you can. If your child is enjoying their learning encourage their enthusiasm. If it is becoming a chore, try to just do enough to cover the basic learning or find a way to make it creative. Thank you to everyone who has sent in photos of their children doing their spelling home learning. I’m going to make a gallery in the classroom to encourage them to try new ways of learning!

Hope you have a great weekend!

Kind Regards


Louise McAlpine

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