Primary 1B – w/e 3rd May 2019

We have had a very busy week in P1b!

In Literacy, we have been learning two new digraphs, ‘oi’ as in coin and ‘oy’ as in boy.  We learned that ‘oi’ usually comes at the beginning or middle of a word and ‘oy’ mostly comes at the end.  We did find quite a few exceptions though which made it tricky!  Our new tricky words were ‘there’ and ‘were’.  We found that when we tried to come up with sentences using ‘there’ we were getting a little bit muddled up with ‘they’.  We kept trying though and now understand the difference between the words.

In Numeracy we were learning about the different ways that a subtraction question could be written.  For example, find the difference between, minus, take away, less than.  We have also been learning how to use subtraction within worded questions.  For example, there were 10 carrots.  5 were eaten.  How many were left?  We saw how important it was to read the question carefully before answering.

In Maths we were learning about Capacity.  In pairs, we took on two challenges to work out the capacity of a variety of vessels – a spoon challenge and a cube challenge.  We had to choose a vessel and predict the number of spoons of sand which would fit inside the vessel and then redo the experiment to see how many cubes the vessel would hold.  It was interesting to see how accurate (or not!) our predictions were.  We found that some groups got a different answer for the number of spoons of sand in the same vessel and worked out that this was because the size of spoonfuls differed from one group to the next.

In PE, we continued our Gymnastics block with Mrs Harris.  We were learning about different types of jump this week.

Mrs Laing visited us again to complete the clay modelling.  Everyone has now sculpted a model.  The models look amazing!  There were so many different ideas.  Once they are dry they will be able to come home.

We also participated in a Generation Science workshop, part of the Edinburgh International Science Festival.  The children learned about computer programming through following instructions to build a Lego robot goal keeper and programming the robot to try to save shots at goal.  They learned how important it is to give clear instructions to make sure the robot did what they wanted it to do.  They had great fun programming the ‘live’ robot to make a jam sandwich!  Mrs Reid was impressed with the Lego building skills and how confidently the computer programmes were devised.

Have a lovely holiday weekend!

Mrs Reid and Primary 1B

Primary 1B – w/e 26th April 2019

It was lovely to see everyone back after the Easter holidays.

This week we revised all of the sounds, digraphs and tricky words which we have learned so far in P1.  Mrs Reid was very impressed with how much everyone could remember!

In Numeracy we continued to learn about numbers to 20.  We have been identifying larger/smaller and largest/smallest numbers within a given selection of numbers.  We have also been practising writing our numbers to 20.

In PE, we started a term long block of Gymnastics lessons with Mrs Harris who is an external Gymnastics specialist.  We were learning three different positions – straight, tuck and star.  We had to listen carefully to hear which position we needed to make to move around the hall.  Everyone tried very hard to follow Mrs Harris’ instructions.

We were very lucky to have Mrs Laing visit us this week to do an Art lesson, teaching us how to work with clay.  Everyone will have the chance to build a clay sandcastle.  Some children completed their sandcastles this week and the others will have a chance to do this next week.  It was tricky (and very messy!) working with the clay and we found we needed to have strong hands to mould the clay into shape.

We also had four very special visitors to the class this week – Mr & Mrs McAulay, Tilly and Lottie!  It was wonderful to see them all.  We were very quiet as Tilly and Lottie were asleep!

We finished the week with a lovely paired reading session with our P7 buddies.


Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Reid and Primary 1B

P1a’s weekly news

We were happy to be back in P1 after a lovely break.

This week we did lots of revision to make sure we had not forgotten our digraphs and subtraction.  Mrs Gordon was really impressed with how much we remembered.

We went outside and did a circle time share about our Easter holidays. We then did some personal writing about what we had done. It was lovely to share our stories.

This week we started a term long weekly Gymnastics sessions with Mrs Harris an external Gymnastics specialist. This week we learnt about the 3 positions straight, tuck and star. We had to use those shapes in different moves. We also did different types of bunny hops including across the bench.

In art we were very lucky to have T’s mum come in and share her knowledge of clay with us. Each child will have a chance to make a sculpture out of clay, some did it this week and some will do it next week. It was tricky to work with the clay to begin with as it was really tough to manipulate, it was really messy too! We had great fun…

Happy weekend from Mrs Gordon and P1a




P1a’s Transport Design Challenge

This week we pulled together all our transport learning to create an end of topic design challenge. We talked about transport methods from the past the present and the future. We then picked our own groups for the transport challenge…

We had to plan, design and then make a model of a futuristic mode of transport. The final goal was to present our models and ideas to the class.

Collaboration, cooperation and compromise were key skills in our group task. We all had to be involved and we all had to agree on one model. We then drew our plan/design, coloured it and labelled key features.

The next stage was making the models. We had to cut and paint the parts, then glue them together. Some designs were trickier than others (especially the hot air balloon!).

The final stage was presenting to the class. Mrs Gordon could not believe how confidently we spoke about our models, and the way we answered any questions. Here are the final models.

Happy holidays from Mrs Gordon and P1a



Primary 1B – w/e 5th April 2019

This week in Literacy we have continued our revision of the sounds and tricky words we have learned this term.  We have worked through a number of phoneme challenges, identifying words with the correct phoneme in them and blending the words together.  In Dictation, we have been writing sentences incorporating a variety of digraph words.  We are getting better at remembering capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.

In Numeracy we have continued to learn about numbers to 20.  We have been sharing strategies of how to keep track when counting a set of items and have also been working on identifying numbers between 0 and 20, using a number line to help us.  We have continued to practise writing our numbers to 20.

Within our Transport topic we have been working in groups to design and build futuristic modes of transport.  We talked about the past, present and future and how things change over time.  We looked at pictures of transport from the past and present, discussed how these had changed and how they might change in the future.  Each group drew a picture of their chosen mode of transport, used the picture to help build a model and then presented their model to the class.  There were some fantastic features of our futuristic transport including a hot air balloon fuelled by angel cakes, a rainbow aeroplane and an aeroplane/double decker bus combo which was almost taller than the children who made it!

We also had a trip to the park this week and had great fun playing together with P1a.  Many of us showed resilience when trying to climb up or down and bravery when riding on the flying fox!

We have had a very busy term, working hard and learning lots!

Have a lovely Easter holiday!

Mrs Reid and Primary 1B

P1a weekly news


We have had a digraph revision week where we went back over all the digraphs we have learnt…we are finding it really tricky when they are all mixed up. Next week we are going to keep revising. One reading group were very confident individuals when they shared their reading book with the class for milk and story time. The children loved having their classmates read to them.

Our guest readers


This week we started to move our focus to numbers to 20 whilst still using addition and subtraction methods to help us. We talked a lot about number before and number after and also number inbetween.  Most of us can say the numbers to 20, but lots of us can’t recognise them or write them yet. We will do lots of practice… twelve is a tricky one with many people writing 21 instead of 12. In money we did an end of topic assessment. Most of us are able to recognise the coins, add them together, work out change and do simple word problems.


This week we learnt about flying. We started learning about the Montgolfier brothers and hot air balloons, we then made our own hot air balloons using bits of material. Then we learnt about airplanes and the history of the first flight by the Wright brothers in 1903. The children really enjoyed learning about these first planes and were fascinated that they had no roofs or passengers…Next week we are going to design a futuristic mode of transport…


In PE we did some basic ball skills and team games with Mrs Gordon. The focus was on following instructions and keeping the ball under control. With Mrs Reid we had another week of gymnastics with the apparatus which we are loving.

We learnt about internet safety this week and talked about what to do if we see something online that worries us. We discussed who our trusted adults were and that we must tell them if anything corries or upsets us.

Happy weekend, Mrs Gordon and P1a


Primary 1B – w/e 29th March 2019

This week in Literacy we have been revising all sounds and tricky words we have learned this term.  Everyone had the chance to go over each of the digraphs and tricky words individually with Mrs Reid.  As well as reading the digraphs and digraph words, everyone tried to write them too.  We found this trickier but know with practise we will get better at this.

In Numeracy we have been learning about numbers to 20.  We have been counting up from 0 to 20 and back again and have also been practising writing the numbers.  We have been doing lots of sequencing activities, talking about number before and number after.  We found completing the backwards sequences a little more challenging than going forwards but when we took our time we could work out the next number.

We completed our work on Money this week.  Our coin recognition is now very good.  We added monetary amounts together and also worked out the difference between monetary amounts.  We still need to remember to check which symbol is used in a question (+ or -) or check which words are used (e.g. more than, less than) to work out whether we should be adding or taking away.

Within our Transport topic we have been learning about hot air balloons.  We learned how they fly and Mrs Reid was impressed to hear us talking about the air molecules which had been mentioned in the film we watched!  We looked at pictures of different hot air balloons and described them to each other and then everyone designed their own hot air balloon.  Our designs were very imaginative.

Everyone made their hand print into something special for their Mum for Mother’s Day.  Hope all the Mums are well looked after this weekend!

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Reid and Primary 1B

Spring has sprung in P1a

We have been learning all about signs of spring this week in P1a. We went on a spring hunt in our grounds and managed to find everything on our checklist apart from a lamb…. (some people did say they saw a lamb!). We have also been watering our bulbs and they are growing each week. We can’t wait to see what colour the hyacinths will be when they come out…

When we came back to school we wrote about what we had seen. We all worked really hard to include an adjective or describing word to make our sentences more interesting. You will see our lovely writing on the walls outside our class at parents night.


We have been revising our subtraction from 6 and 7 this week, trying lots of different combinations and strategies. We also had to work out different ways to make amounts eg 8p, we found this really tricky as we knew that 4+4=8 so wanted to draw 2 x 4p, but then we realised there was no 4p coin…We really had to use our school value of resilience and keep trying and trying until we could find an answer…


Our new digraphs this week were ‘oo’ and ‘ew’ as in look and blew. They both make an ooh sound. We realised that ‘oo’ is mainly in the middle of words and ‘ew’ at the end. Our new common words were ‘of’ and ‘her’.


This week we did some baking since Mrs Gordon had some very ripe bananas. We learnt about food hygiene and keeping ourselves safe in the kitchen. We made 2 Banana Loaves and then we got to eat them! We all tried it and most of us had seconds…we love baking!


This week we had a guest art teacher…Tallulah’s mum! We made art to go with the story “We’re going on a bear hunt”. We made the swishy swashy grass, some snowflakes, the river and some bears! It was such fun! They are for our “Going on a Bear Hunt” display. Thank you Mrs Lang!

Happy weekend from Mrs Gordon and P1a


Primary 1B – w/e 22nd March 2019

This week in Literacy we were have been learning ‘oo’ and ‘ew’ as in grew.  We have found that ‘oo’ is mainly found in the middle of a word and ‘ew’ is mainly found at the end.  We have also been practising our new tricky words – her and of.

We have been learning about Spring this week and had fun going outside to look for the first signs of Spring around the school.  We found some flowers and saw buds on the trees and bushes and were excited to find a nest high up in one of the trees.  When we got back to the classroom we did some fantastic ‘Spring Writing’ which you will be able to see on display when you come in for your Parents’ Evening appointment.

In Numeracy we have been continuing our learning about subtraction within 10 and have focused on subtracting from 10, 9 and 6.

We found our work on Money a bit tricky this week.  We were trying to work out which coins we could use to make up a given amount.  We were good at working out numbers which made the amount we needed but got a bit muddled deciding which coins were real.  We had lots of discussion about whether there was a 3p, 4p, 6p, 7p or 8p coin!  We enjoyed playing an online money game, working on sorting, ordering and counting coins (single coins to 10p and 1p to 10p).  You could play this at home too –

Within our Transport topic we managed to finish our junk modelling.  Everyone chose a form of transport to design.  There was lots of discussion and problem solving during our building as we tried to work out the best way to structure our models. Everyone used their imaginations very well indeed and successfully worked out how best to fix their models together.

In Health and Wellbeing, we have begun to see our plant life cycle in action.  Our sunflower seeds have already started to grow into seedlings.  We have been looking after them carefully and have been very good at taking turns to water them.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Reid and Primary 1B

A Week of Performances at SPS and Bonnytoun

Our children continue to make us extremely proud with another week of successful performances.

Mrs Gordon was delighted with her group of P4 and P5 girls who took part in the West Lothian Schools Dance  Competition and performed brilliantly!

Our P6 and P7 children ‘blew us away’ with their Scottish Opera performance entitled, 1719. All children sang and danced their hearts out and were a credit to their parents and our school.

In addition, our Glee ‘superstars’took to the stage last night at Howden Park Centre and amazed the audience with their strong vocal and dance moves. We also came away with the trophy for the best ‘values’ displayed which we are delighted about!

A group of P6 and P7 children recently  received  awards in the Scottish Maths Challenge which is run in conjunction with Edinburgh University. Well done especially to Emily in P7 and Katie in P6 who both gained gold awards.

Lastly, our school chess team won at the inter-schools tournament today and we couldn’t be any more chuffed! What a fantastic win boys!

Mrs Kerr and P5 led a fun assembly today to tell us all about the work of Comic Relief and to help us to celebrate Red Nose Day.

Pupil Achievements for this Week:

-A brilliant effort  from the lovely sisters S in P4 and U in P6 for their accomplishments in piano!

-Great work from C and A in P1 for their achievements in dancing!

-F in P4 came along to see me with a magnificent Egyptian pyramid that she had made for homework! What fabulous work F!

Have a great weekend!

Miss Baillie xx💖💫

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