Planting with P1B


We have been busy planting in P1B.  At the end of last week we each planted a sunflower seed.  They have begun to grow and we have had to tie some of them to support sticks as they are getting very tall.

As we are looking at ‘Our Local Community’ for our topic, also inspired by the assembly from Burgh Beautiful, we decided to begin very local and brighten up our playground.  With the help of another Mrs Kennedy, we planted some tubs in the playground with colourful flowers and herbs. We were very careful with the delicate plants and listened well to make sure we planted them correctly.  We’re very pleased with the finished result and we will continue to look after them.

We have been learning the sounds ‘ou’ and ‘ow’, here we are playing with the sounds as we practise them.

We have begun to prepare for our assembly.  We have been busy making props, practising some songs and have had a little run through of the words.  We will be working on this a lot in the next two weeks.  We are very excited about it.

During ‘Buddy Time’ on Friday, our buddies helped us with some measuring work.  They were a great help and we measured lots of objects around the classroom. Thank you P7.

In our role play corner this week some children wanted to make it into a camping and caravan site.  They have had great fun and I have really enjoyed listening to the dinner time discussions 😉

Finally, Lily made this wonderful Lily robot.  It looks exactly like her, complete with her lovely smile.

Have a good weekend.

From P1B and Mrs Kennedy

P1A’s amazing assembly!

This week, we learned two new sounds, ‘ou’ and ‘ow’. When learning the ‘ou’ sound, we played bingo with different ‘ou’ words and pictures, played ‘ou’ games on the computer, looked for ‘ou’ words in a word search and practised reading and writing the ‘ou’ sound and words containing ‘ou’. We also worked with a partner to write different ‘ou’ words on our whiteboards.

When learning the ‘ow’ sound, we made different ‘ow’ words with jewels, pebbles, Lego and small world people, worked with a partner to highlight ‘ow’ words in a text, drew pictures with the ‘ow’ sound in and practised writing ‘ow’ words and we used these in sentences. Our three new common words were ‘made’, ‘make’ and ‘like’.

This week we have been learning subtraction facts for 6-10. We have been playing dice games to practise our subtraction facts, playing Subtraction Bowling and Subtraction Smash, working with a partner to create and solve subtraction sums and we have been playing subtraction games on Education City.

On Thursday, we were learning to use non-standard units to measure length and height. We used our hands and feet to find objects which were longer/shorter than these body parts and then we used paper clips, cubes and counters to estimate and then measure the length and height of different objects.

On Monday afternoon some nursery children came to visit to see what it’s like in P1! Miss Harrison read us all a story and then we helped to look after the nursery children whilst they were playing. We were super buddies to the nursery children and made them feel very welcome.

On Friday morning, the buddies came to see us and help us learn on the laptops. They helped us to log on to the computers using a password, identify the Google Chrome icon and they supported us with using key words to find information on the internet.

The rest of our week was taken up with preparing and practising for our class assembly! On Friday we had lots of mums, dads, family and friends into school to present our assembly. We did an absolutely amazing job and we enjoyed sharing our learning, achievements and memories of P1 with everyone.  Miss Harrison was extremely proud of us and felt very emotional! We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who helped us to prepare for our assembly and to all the mums, dads, family and friends for coming along this morning to see our assembly.

As always, thank you very much for reading our blog post. We hope that you all have a lovely weekend.

P1A and Miss Harrison 🙂

A busy week in P1A!

Even though it’s been a short week, we have been very busy in P1A! This week we were revising the ‘ew’ sound and learning new common words. We have been looking for common words in our reading books, using common words in sentences, unscrambling sentences, writing common words on graffiti walls and playing games with our common words on the laptops. Next week we will be learning two new sounds (‘ou’ and ‘ow’) and three new common words (‘made’, ‘like’ and ‘make’).

During Number Talks, we have been looking at dot images and ten frames. We are really good at talking about our strategies and at using the Number Talks hand signals. This week we have also been learning subtraction facts for 6 and linking addition and subtraction facts for doubles to 10. On Wednesday, we used our play chalk to write subtraction facts for 6 in the playground. Next week we will be learning subtraction facts for 6-10.

On Wednesday, we started our Internet Safety lessons. We enjoyed watching Hector’s World and meeting all the characters. We learned that some information is precious and unique to each individual. This is called personal information. We discussed that you should only share personal information with adults that you know and trust.

This week we have been working very hard with practising for our assembly. We went into the hall today and had our first practice with the microphones! Miss Harrison said her words far too quickly and quietly so we made sure that we spoke clearly and at a good pace. Miss Harrison was very impressed! Our assembly is next Friday at 10.00am.

Due to technical issues on the blog last week, we were unable to post and we shared our photos of our learning and our trips to Bo’ness and Kinneil Railway and Linlithgow Loch on ClassDojo instead. However, here are a few more photos of our trip to Bo’ness and Kinneil Railway. In our writing lesson, we wrote reports on our school trip using words such as ‘first’, ‘next’, ‘then’ and ‘finally’ to order our ideas. We used capital letters, full stops and finger spaces and most of us were able to use our sounds to write words and sentences. Our trip was a big success and we enjoyed going on the steam train to Manuel, eating our lunch on the train, going through the dark tunnel and visiting the museum. Thank you very much to all of the parents who helped us on both of our trips. Here are some more photos…

We hope that you all have a lovely weekend. Thank you for reading our blog post,

P1A and Miss Harrison 🙂

Our trip to Bo’Ness

Primary 1/2 thoroughly enjoyed their trip to Bo’Ness and Kinneil Railway. We loved seeing the steam train and enjoyed eating our lunch on our journey. We then got to go around the museum and see all of the wonderful trains and carriages. We did some fantastic writing about our trip and used lots of different sentence openers to make our writing interesting.

This is what we thought about our trip……

“I liked going on the train because we went on a real steam train and it was like we went into the past” (Alistair)

“I liked the museum because you got to see lots of trains from the past. We got to go in the royal carriage” (Sam)

“I loved sorting the letters in the post office train” (Oliver)



A huge thank you to the parents that came along to help us. We had a great day with you and really appreciate your help.


Miss Mudd and P1/2

The sunshine has arrived!

The sunshine has definitely arrived in Linlithgow this week. We are so happy that we can get outside and do more outdoor learning. We haven’t posted in  little while, so we need to fill you in on what P1/2 have been up to.

Each term we have looked at a different season so this term it was time for Spring. We went on a Spring walk and looked for all the different signs of Spring. We talked the changes that occur at this time of year and most of us agreed that it is one of our favourite seasons.

We also went down to the Peel for our Ranger visit. We loved playing the games and using our senses to pretend  we were like the animals. We used our listening skills to try and hear our prey coming and developed our team work skills. A big thank you to our wonderful Rangers.

We talked about how Spring often brings new life and all of the plants and flowers start to grow. We set up an experiment to test what plants need to help them grow. We have planted one bean in the window with the sunshine and the other one in the dark cupboard. We then made predictions about what might happen. We are measuring the shoots each week to see which one grows faster.

We have been working with our buddies to develop our ICT skills. We learnt how to log on and practised our keyboard skills. As a school, we have been learning about Internet Safety and P1/2 have learnt about keeping their personal details safe and secure.

In Maths we have been learning subtraction facts to 10. We have been counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and looking at dot patterns during our Number Talks sessions.  Some children have been learning how to count forwards and back from different numbers to 100. This week we also started learning about Time. We went outside and used the number tiles to make a giant clock. We then used our bodies to make the hands on the clock. Miss Mudd gave us a time and we had to make it with our bodies!

We hope you have a lovely weekend.


P1/2 and Miss Mudd

P1B – Trips

What a quick week in primary 1.  Both our trips went very well.  The children seem to have really enjoyed them and have learned a lot – lots of chat and play related to our trips back in the classroom.  The children were very well behaved outside of school and I’m really proud of them.

There was great excitement when we set off in the bus for Bo’ness and Kinneil Railway on Tuesday, some of the children said the bus ride was the best bit!  We had a super journey on the steam train, eating our lunch in the old fashioned coaches and making sure we had our tickets ready to be punched by the ticket inspector.  We got off the train to watch the steam engine change sides to pull us back again.  In the museum, our lovely guide, Mina, let us go into lots of trains and told us information about them.  Our favourites were the Royal Mail train and the Glasgow underground train.

On Wednesday we were off out again – to the Loch this time.  We were met by two National Trust Rangers who played games with us to teach us about bird migration.  The games were good fun – it was really hard to reach South Africa without any mishaps on the way!  We eventually all made it though.  Lots of worms came up to see us as we were trampling on the ground, the Rangers let us hold them and told us all about how good the worms are for the soil and the part they play in helping things to grow.  We all enjoyed learning outside and we are very lucky that we have such lovely outdoor spaces near to the school.

Around our trips we have been learning the ‘oi’ sound, we are continuing with subtraction and have been looking at size and measure.  We have also been writing reports, we wrote one about our Spring walk last week and another about our trip to Bo’ness this week.

Have a lovely long weekend everyone.

From P1B and Mrs Kennedy

Welcome Back P1B

It was lovely to be back together again on Tuesday, all the children seem to have grown and have healthy glows from spending time outside during the holidays.  A lot of the first morning was spent discussing what we were up to during the holidays then we wrote all about them.  Some were very long and detailed as the children continue to make very good progress with their writing.

We finished off our transport topic with one final lesson. Tess wrote us another letter and she left us a book about space travel.  We looked at transport in the past, present and future.  We especially enjoyed looking at how we might travel in the future, particularly seeing the ‘Bloodhound’ – a supersonic car, maglev trains, driver-less cars and rockets to allow us to travel into space as tourists.  We designed our own methods of transport for the future, combining features from lots of different types of transport.  Lily’s car can drive on rainbows, Isla Vereker’s car doesn’t need fuel, it uses a big battery that never runs out because it’s massive 🙂  All the vehicles were very good and they will be on display outside the classroom along with notes about the specific features of each one.

On Thursday we went outside on a Spring nature hunt.  We had a checklist of things that we might see in Spring and worked with a partner, looking at how our school grounds are changing at this time of year.

Harrison brought in a certificate he received from a Swim program he did during the Easter holidays.  His swimming teacher was very impressed with his breaststroke and how well he listened to instructions – well done Harrison!

We are looking forward to our busy week next week with two trips!  Lets hope the weather is kind to us.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

P1B and Mrs Kennedy

Spring has sprung in P1A!

Welcome back! This week we have been consolidating all of our sounds and revising all of our common words. We have been reading non-fiction books and trying to find our common words, identifying pictures to match sounds, writing our own sentences on the whiteboards and playing games on the smartboard with our common words. Next week we will be learning some new sounds and words.

This week, we have been revising all of our subtraction facts to 5 and have started to subtract 1 and 2 from numbers to 10. We have been continuing to use subtraction language such as ‘less than’ and ‘take from’ and we are beginning to link addition and subtraction facts. We worked with a partner to give each other subtraction sums to solve.


On Wednesday morning, we found a photograph of Mr Fluff in a space shuttle! He thanked us for helping him to learn all about transport and we talked about what we learned and how transport has changed. We then discussed how people might travel in the future and we enjoyed looking at photos of magnetic levitation trains, driverless cars and supersonic cars. It was then our turn to be inventors and we drew pictures of our own transportation vehicles that could be used in the future! We shared our inventions with the rest of the class.


This week, we started our Outdoor Learning Focus on Spring. We discussed signs of spring and using clipboards and a Spring Hunt checklist, went outside to our play areas and outdoor classroom. We found daffodils, insects, flower buds, flowers, birds, blossom, seedlings and nests.

Later that afternoon, we used potatoes to print pictures of tulips and used tissue paper to make flowers. Spring has definitely arrived in P1A!


Thank you very much for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P1A and Miss Harrison 🙂


Happy Easter from P1B

It was such lovely weather on Monday, we went outside in the afternoon.  We are lucky to have some outdoor toys and equipment, a good selection so we can choose activities that suit us.

The future of Springfield School football team is looking good Mr Logan – some great skills being shown here!


A group of children decided to work together to build the longest cuboid they could – good teamwork guys!


We have continued our floating and sinking this week – carrying out experiments by ourselves and making our own boats.  There was a selection of materials available and we had to think about shape and design.  Most of the boats floated, for a little while at least and it was good fun talking about why they sank, what were the best designs and materials? We also thought about what we could do differently next time.

We were learning the ‘oo’ sound this week.  We did lots of different ‘oo’ activities although we particularly liked playing with the ‘goo’ or ‘gloop’ – both good ‘oo’ words!

Looking back at some of my blogs I realised that I don’t post very many maths pictures, not that we don’t do much maths – I just seem to be too busy during maths time to take pictures!  Here are some of us working on subtraction this week.  We were looking at maths language – different word problems that mean we have to use subtraction to work out the answer and we are beginning to link addition and subtraction facts to improve our mental maths.

On Thursday it was our Easter Bonnet Parade.  The Easter Bonnets were all fantastic – thank you very much for all your hard work.  It was lovely seeing some of you at the parade, even though we were a little star struck and didn’t sing as loudly as we usually do!

On Thursday afternoon some of the children from Bonnytoun Nursery came for a visit.  They listened to a story with us and spent some time in the classroom.  Then we went outside for an Easter Egg hunt and some games.

We had a lovely Easter service at St Michael’s church on Friday, walking all the way there and back without a hitch or a grumble!  Well done guys – as usual you were little stars.  Also, a big thank you to the parents who helped us today.

Have a fantastic Easter break and I’ll see you in just over two weeks time.

B1B and Mrs Kennedy x


Easter fun in P1A!

This week we learned the ‘oo’ sound. We matched ‘oo’ words and pictures, played ‘oo’ games on Education City, looked for ‘oo’ words in a word search and made our own ‘oo’ sentences. We are able to use capital letters, full stops and finger spaces in our sentences and can use our sounds to spell words.


Our favourite ‘oo’ activity was making and playing with goo!


This week, we have been continuing to learn about subtraction facts to 5. We learned that there are different words that you can use for subtraction such as ‘less than’ and ‘take from’ and we are beginning to link our addition and subtraction facts. After the holidays we will be learning subtraction facts to 10.

On Thursday morning, we had our Easter parade. We wore our fantastic Easter bonnets and went along to the hall to show everyone our wonderful creations and to sing ‘Spring Chicken’. A huge thank you to our parents for helping us to make such amazing Easter bonnets and for supporting our Easter parade.

On Thursday afternoon, we continued our Easter celebrations. We went to the Outdoor Classroom and had a huge Easter egg hunt with P1B. Afterwards, we went onto the football pitch to have some egg and spoon races. The wind made it quite tricky as we were using plastic eggs but we still had fun!

We had some special visitors on Thursday. After lunch, we had some nursery children up to visit. Miss Harrison read us all a story and then we showed the nursery children all the activities and resources in our classroom. Miss Harrison was extremely proud of us as we looked after the nursery children very well and we were very kind, helpful and caring.


Today we went to St. Michael’s Church for our Easter Service. We were a little tired after the walk there and back but it was a lovely way to end the term. Thank you to our parent helpers who helped us to get there and back safely.

We would like to wish everyone a Happy Easter!

P1A and Miss Harrison 🙂

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