Snowflakes and Sheep in P1B

We are gearing up for the nativity live shows and have been practising really hard this week.  You’re in for a treat – P1 make a lovely choir.  We’re very excited to have a real audience.

We have also begun to think a bit more about winter and Christmas. In art on Monday we made snowflakes by folding paper circles and cutting out shapes and then opening them up – we loved the results and were very surprised at how they looked when they were opened.  We were also able to practise the properties of 2D shapes again as we discussed and decided how to cut our paper.  This was such a big hit that a number of the children have been making snowflakes whenever they can!

We also made some decorations for the walls in the hall.  P1 made sheep, we all drew a sheep and 2 were chosen to be enlarged using a clever trick with a camera and the smartboard projector.  Then groups of children painted them and stuck cotton wool on their bodies.  Make sure you have a look for them at the nativity.

We finally learned curly ‘c’ this week – a few the children have been waiting for this day since the beginning of the school year!  We also learned all about ‘l’. We have been sounding out and writing a lot more words too.

In numeracy, we have been adding to 5 and 6 – learning recall of all the sums that make these numbers.  In outer maths we continued with time, looking again at ‘oclock on analogue and digital clocks.

As always, there has been some really good learning through play going on in P1.  We have some very inventive children who love to make models out of junk or sticklebricks, some like to draw or write, practising their sounds and motor skills, they are also very sociable at the writing table too – lots of chat going on! They have also been enjoying playing with the dolls house where they act out little bits of their own lives and make up stories.  Sometimes they also like to have some quite time with a book.

We’re looking forward to seeing many of you at the nativity.  P1B and Mrs Kennedy

Nearly the Nativity! (P1A)

This week we have been revising adding numbers to 5 and we have been learning addition facts for 6. We played with dominoes and looked for the dominoes which made 6, explored different ways to make 6 in our workbooks and played ‘Save the Whale’ on the smartboard. We needed to know our number bonds to 6 to save the whale!

On Thursday, we continued to look at reading o’clock times on analogue and digital clocks. We played ‘Hour Hero’ on Education City, played o’clock Bingo and matched written, analogue and digital o’clock times. We have also been learning songs about the days of the week and the months of the year.

Next week is our Christmas Nativity, ‘A Little Nativity’. There is lots of excitement in our class! This week we drew detailed line drawings of sheep for our hall decorations. We used paint, cotton wool, glitter and tinsel to make our sheep. Look out for our hall decorations next week! We have been participating extremely well in our songs and we are looking forward to performing for audiences.

This week our new sounds were ‘l’ and ‘c’. When learning about the ‘l’ sound, we played ‘l’ Bingo with words and pictures, practised writing ‘l’ and ‘l’ words, drew ‘l’ pictures and played ‘Lovely Lollipops’ on Education City. When learning about the ‘c’ sound, we made ‘c’ with jewels, pebbles and counters, made ‘c’ with rainbow writing and made a ‘c’ graffiti wall. On Friday we had a turn of being the teacher! We used Miss Harrison’s magnetic letter board on the smartboard to show the rest of our class ‘l’ and ‘c’ words! We have also been learning to read and write our common words. This week our common words were ‘he’, ‘me’ and ‘is’. We played ‘Beat the Teacher’ and we were able to read our common words so Miss Harrison didn’t get any points!

Thank you for reading our blog post.

P1A and Miss Harrison 🙂

P1B Vowels, Baubles and Time

We have been learning vowel sounds and names this week.  We have been singing vowel songs, practicing the vowels in lots of different ways, identifying vowels in written words and listening for vowels in CVC words as we write them.

In numeracy, we have been learning number bonds for 4 and 5.  We played number bond games on the smartboard and used cubes, counting kids and playdough to layout our addition sums.  We also write our sums on whiteboards and in our maths books.

On Thursday we were learning about time.  We sang two songs about days of the week – we really liked the one to the ‘Adam’s Family’ theme tune 🙂  We were reading o’clock times on digital and analogue clocks.  We were really good at it and picked it up really well.  We will continue with time next Thursday.

We have been working hard decorated Christmas baubles for a display in Tesco window.  We drew our favourite Christmas things on the bauble and coloured them brightly.  They are now on display so have a look if you are in.  There is a small picture below.

G brought in his Enjoy-a-Ball trophy to show us.  He told us that he was throwing a ball and Paul Pizza said he wasn’t doing it the right way and showed him a better way to do it, then G worked really hard to get it right – great resilience!  Well done G!

On Friday, at assembly, we learned that we had won the ‘peg challenge’ the week, collecting the most pegs for walking quietly as we move around the school.  We will have an extra 5 minutes breaktime on Monday as a reward.

Have a lovely weekend, from P1B and Mrs Kennedy

Telling the Time & Christmas Baubles (P1A)

This week we have been learning addition facts for 4 and 5. We made our own number sentences, explored different ways to make 4 and 5, made number bonds for 5 on robots and played number bond games on the smartboard.

On Thursday, we were learning to read o’clock times on analogue and digital clocks. We played ‘Watchman’ on Education City, worked with a partner to make o’clock times, matched o’clock analogue times, made o’clock times on blank clock faces and matched analogue and digital times.

This week we were looking at the vowels, learning the letter names and also focusing on hearing/identifying vowels in CVC words. We threw bean bags onto vowel stepping stones and read the vowels, used our magnetic boards to find missing vowel letters in CVC words, painted the vowels and CVC words, looked for vowels amongst other letters and played CVC word games on Education City.

Although Miss Harrison is trying to limit our Christmas activities until December, this week we made Christmas tree baubles for the Springfield Primary School Christmas Tree at Tesco, Linlithgow. We created our own patterns and images on our baubles and used different materials. You can see our baubles on the tree in the window beside the checkouts!

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P1A and Miss Harrison 🙂

1B Capacity and Cupcakes

We began the week thinking about kindness.  We had a lovely assembly from P5 last Friday all about kindness and we have been thinking of ways in which we are kind already and what things we could do to be really kind to each other.  We practised our detailed drawing as we drew pictures to show how we can be kind,  F did a fantastic drawing of him helping his dad with the washing.  It is very clear from his picture what they are doing, they both have very big smiles too 🙂 for this reason, F is our ‘star writer’ this week.

In literacy, we have been learning the sounds ‘u’ and ‘b’.  We came up with lots and lots of ‘b’ words with our chatty partners!  Some of us have been writing words, sounding out the letters.

In maths, we have been doing more addition and have begun to learn addition facts so that we can recall answers without having to count objects.  We have been learning all the ways of adding to 2 and 3.  We will continue this with numbers 4 and 5 next week.

We also began learning about capacity.  We investigated with water and different sized containers – how many cups of water will it take to fill it up?  We also used cubes to measure capacity too. We looked at measuring jugs and used the numbers on the side to measure amounts.  We have been using the words ‘most’, ‘least’, ‘full’, ’empty’ and ‘half full’.

We are continuing our book study of ‘Wee Granny’s Tartan Bag.’  If you haven’t heard about it yet, ask your child to tell you the story.  As Wee Granny has a tartan bag and skirt we have been looking closely at tartan patterns and designing our own.  They are on display in our home corner and have really brightened it up.  In the story Granny, Emily and Harry bake cupcakes for a bake sale.  We have been busy making cakes of our own this too, using lots of weird and wonderful ingredients found around the classroom!

It was lovely to see everyone dressed in their spotty clothes on Friday.  It was great fun going to the bake sale and spending our own money.  Thank you to everyone who baked and handed in donation money – it was a huge success and I’m sure we will find out soon how much we raised for this excellent cause.

Some photographs from this week:


Kindness and Tartan (P1A)

As part of our Anti-Bullying Week, we looked at kindness. We listened to the story ‘Last Stop on Market Street’ and talked about all the different things that CJ did which were kind. He gave up his seat up on the bus and he helped to give food to people at the soup kitchen. We then shared examples of when we had shown kindness. We drew detailed pictures of us being kind. When we have been playing this week we have shown kindness to others.

This week our new sounds were ‘u’ and ‘b’. When learning the ‘u’ sound, we made ‘u’ with play dough, practised writing ‘u’, played a memory game with ‘u’ words and pictures and made our own underpants! When we were learning the ‘b’ sound, we played ‘Bath Time Bubbles’ on Education City, found pictures beginning with ‘b’ and made ‘b’ words on the magnetic boards.

This week, we were learning to add one and two more and we were also finding addition facts for two and three.  We found different ways to make 3 with our play dough and ladybirds, made our own number sentences and played a game called ‘Ghostblasters’ on the smartboard to practise our addition facts.

On Thursday we were learning to describe and compare the capacity of objects. We looked at containers and circled which could hold more/less, used cubes to see how many cubes each container could hold, explored how many cups of sand filled different buckets and played a capacity game called ‘Pitcher Perfect’ on Education City.

This week we have been continuing to look at the story ‘Wee Granny’s Magic Bag’. We looked at wee Granny’s bag and discussed it’s pattern. We described what tartan looks like, the colours we could see and looked at examples of tartan. We made our own tartan using strips of red, white and green paper. Miss Harrison loved our tartan so much that she put it all up in our role play area. Now it is Wee Granny’s tartan kitchen!

Today was Children in Need Day. We came to school in spotty clothing and we helped to raise money by paying £1 to dress down and we went to the Pupil Council bake sale. We thought it was very funny that we got to eat cakes in our classroom! Thank you to everyone who helped support our Children in Need Day.

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P1A and Miss Harrison 🙂

Weighing and Wee Granny’s Magic Bag (P1A)

This week we have been learning to use + and =. Miss Harrison hid lots of + and = symbols around the classroom and we went on a maths hunt to find them! We have been using these symbols in our adding sums. We have also been learning how to add 1 and 2 more.

On Thursday, we were learning to describe and compare weights. We drew pictures of heavy and light objects, compared weights, sorted items according to their weight and weighed items using scales and cubes. We had to weigh some of our shoes and one shoe weighed 77 cubes!

This week our new sounds were ‘g’ and ‘f’. We played ‘g’ bingo, made our own gloves, made ‘f’ fish and made ‘f’ words on our magnetic boards. We have been working hard with writing our letters, using our sounds to make words and some of us are even writing a sentence! We have also been using our sounds to read words in our reading books.

This week we started our Scottish Book Focus. We listened to the story, ‘Wee Granny’s Magic Bag’. We really liked when Granny pulled out the deckchairs, the telephone box, the oven and Bert the donkey from her magic bag. On Tuesday morning as part of our ‘Big Write’, we talked about and drew or wrote our favourite parts. We made recipes for cupcakes in our role play area (just like Granny’s), painted big cupcakes, drew pictures of the things that came out of Granny’s bag and used pictures and props to retell the story.

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P1A and Miss Harrison 🙂


Party Time! P1B

It was a busy, busy week again in P1B.  We began the week by welcoming Mrs Marshall, our lovely new student, she will be in one day a week for the next three weeks.  She was in at the deep end helping us to make some orange dough for our Halloween themed play activities.  It is fantastic and has been well used.

On Monday afternoon we had the Halloween Hop, organised by the PTA, it was great fun! We looked amazing in our costumes and loved the disco with dancing and games and then making our own Halloween masks.  A big thank you to the PTA, parent helpers and P7 chidren who helped to make it run so smoothly.

In literacy we were learning ‘d’ and ‘o’ and we were writing some three letter words – sounding them out to hear which sounds we should write down.

We searched through lentils, spiders and ghosts to find sounds and CVC words.

We tried a challenge task – reading words to match them with the correct picture.

Play dough and writing in lentils.

We’ve been doing lots of maths this week, we started with addition – looking at two and then three sets of numbers and counting to see how many there were altogether.  We tried adding in lots of different ways – putting counting kids on buses, counters on Mickey Mouse ears, frogs in ponds, sponges and people in hoops.  We also have new maths books and we have been practising writing our numbers as we write our answers.



In outer maths we have been learning more about measure – using non-standard units to measure things around us.  We measured each other, then went outside and had fun measuring out there too.


On Friday we played with lots of different measuring tools, including metre sticks and rulers, we really enjoyed using these and I think we’ll have some very practical handymen and handywomen in the future.  In other activities we used cubes and counting kids to measure with.

In our exploration area we have a wooden marble run which has lots of small parts that require a lot of thinking and trial and error to fit the parts together to allow the marble to run along it.  Matthew and Kiernan worked very hard to make this run, they were a great team and didn’t give up until they had managed it.  Well done boys!


Some children worked on a Lego challenge this week with Mrs Woolsey our parent helper.  They worked really well together to make a tall tower and then build houses, they each had very clear ideas on how their house should be – fantastic designs 🙂

Enjoy your weekend and have a safe bonfire night.

P1B and Mrs Kennedy

Addition, Reading and Halloween! (P1A)

What a busy week we have had in P1A!

On Monday morning we started to look at adding to 10. We have been learning to add two and three sets of objects and find how many altogether. We have been using pebbles to add, adding people on a bus, using dice to make addition sums, using Mickey Mouse to help us add, adding in our workbooks and playing addition games on the smartboard.



In Numeracy & Maths, we have also been learning how to estimate and measure the length and height of objects using different materials such as cubes, paper clips and counters. We used building bricks to measure the height of objects and we used cubes, counters, pebbles and paper clips to measure the length of different items. We also went outside to measure in the playground! We looked for things which were longer and shorter than our feet.



This week our new sounds were ‘d’ and ‘o’. We made ‘d’ with our play dough and jewels, wrote ‘d’ words on the whiteboards, played ‘Dancing Dinosaurs’ on Education City, practised writing ‘d’ in our workbooks and looked for ‘d’ words under the lentils. When we were learning the ‘o’ sound, we made ‘o’ words on the magnetic boards, we drew ‘o’ pictures, we practised writing ‘o’ with rainbow writing and we played ‘Ollie Octopus’ on Education City.


As well as learning our new sounds, we have also been learning all the character names in our reading books. We have been matching the pictures to the character names; Mum, Dad, Kipper, Biff, Chip and Floppy. We have been working hard to use our sounds to read the words in our reading books.

On Monday afternoon we were very excited! It was the PTA Halloween Hop. We got to dress up in our Halloween costumes, make Halloween masks and dance at the Halloween disco. We had lots of fun and we would like to thank the PTA for all their hard work.


On Friday we were very pleased to hear that we won Class of the Week and the peg challenge! Miss Harrison was very proud of us as she knew how hard we had been working this week with all our new learning.

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P1A and Miss Harrison 🙂

Words, Measurement and Weather (P1A)

This week we revised all of the sounds that we have learned so far in P1. We used our sounds to read, make, say and write words. We cut out our sounds to make words to match pictures, we worked with a partner to read words on gold coins, we made words with our magnetic letters and we wrote words with chalk and on the whiteboards with Miss Harrison.


This week we have been finding one more than with numbers to 10. We were able to use our ‘counting to 10’ to find numbers after and check that we were right. We played one more than games, found one more than on number rockets and played ‘One More, One Less’ on Education City. We were also finding one less than with numbers to 10. We were able to count back to find numbers before and we played one less than games, found one less than on number rockets and ordered our number pebbles from the largest number to the smallest number.




On Thursday we started to learn about measurement. We were learning to use the words long, short, tall, wide, narrow, thick and thin. We made long and short trains with cubes, we made tall and short towers with Lego bricks, we sorted animals according to their size on the smartboard, we made long and short worms with our playdough and we drew tall, short and long pictures.




This week as well as having Mrs Stewart for Science, Mrs Reid for PE and beginning to practise for our Christmas nativity ‘A Little Nativity’, we also learned about different types of weather. We looked at photographs of different types of weather and spoke about how they affect us. This week we have been keeping a diary of the weather and we even watched the weather forecast on the smartboard! We had to draw a lot of clouds on our weather diaries!

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P1A and Miss Harrison 🙂




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