Caterpillars and counting!

This week we have been learning the ‘i’ and ‘s’ sounds. We have now started to build simple words using our sounds. In our challenge area we had to try and build an igloo out of sugar cubes but could not use our fingers. We had to use the tweezers. It was very tricky but we all showed our value of ‘resilience’.

In Numeracy we continued learning our numbers to 10. We worked really hard on our formation this week as we have been finding that a bit difficult. We had lots of active stations to help us get used to the shape of the numbers. We read stories about our numbers ‘7’ and ‘8’ in the number zoo and in PE we were doing lots of actions in groups of 7 and 8.

In PE we have been following our Better Movers, Better Thinkers programme to work both sides of the brain. We practised our dribbling skills and did lots of tricky sequences with the basketballs.

In IDL this week we did a little descriptive writing lesson. We looked at different pictures of dragons and came up with lots of describing words. Then we created our own friendly dragon and tried to write some words to describe it. We listened hard for the first sound in the word and all had a great attitude towards writing. We just had a go!

On Thursday we read the story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ and spent the afternoon working around the 4 different activities linked to the story. We talked about healthy eating and foods that are good for our bodies. We designed healthy packed lunches for the caterpillar. We also made paper plate butterflies and used collage materials to decorate them. We did some finger painting of caterpillars and practised our counting. We also worked in groups to use the story stones to sequence the events in the story. We worked very well together and showed patience and kindness.

Hoping you all have a lovely long weekend.

Mrs McAulay and P1B x


Weekly News from SPS and Bonnytoun…

Today we held a super assembly about diversity. The assembly reminded us all to treat each other with kindness and respect no matter our skin colour, belief, likes or dislikes. We looked around the room and admired our differences. We are all unique and beautiful in our own way. We celebrated the success of Sahasra in P7 who won a recent competition for designing a character who champions diversity. In her winning entry, Sahasra talks about how she used to feel different and worried about being accepted but since coming to Springfield she feels good about herself and knows that she is respected by all. We are so proud of Sahasra for having the courage to speak up about a difficult subject.  We are truly lucky to have the wonderful school that we have, where children are generally very kind to each other, but we must not rest on our laurels. We will continue to teach the message of the value and beauty in difference and we will continue to have a zero-tolerance approach to any form of bullying, racism or discrimination. In our school, we lead with kindness. 💖

Here are some children who won certificates for upholding our school values this week:

We have been busy transforming our infant area once again to represent the world of books. It’s currently a work in progress but we hope that you enjoy seeing part of the transformation at our Meet the Teacher even on Tuesday 11th.

Our nursery children are pleased to report that Victor is now much better and is back with Jack in his home in the nursery. We missed you Victor!

Thank you to our nursery ladies, Mrs Welsh, Mrs Malcolm and our new recruit, Mrs Mitchell who provide excellent ‘end of day’ care for our full-day children until 6pm each evening. Mrs Malcolm has recently been working hard in our outdoor area to make hanging art work with the children.

Here are our pupil achievements for this week:

-Well done to C in P1 for gaining his Enjoy-a-ball trophy!

-Congratulations to A in P4 for making great progress in swimming.

Have a lovely weekend everyone and remember to be kind!


Miss Baillie xx💖💫



P1a Weekly News

P1a have had a very busy week full of learning and fun.


In phonics this week we have learnt 2 new sounds “p” and “n”.  We played lots of games with our sounds and made the letters out of flour, sand, newspaper, popcorn and pasta…We also learned how to read a book from left to right, and what words and letters look like. We even learnt that a full stop is there to make us stop and pause when we read. Next week will will get our first reading book home and Mrs Gordon showed us the characters we will meet….Kipper, Biff, Chip and Floppy. We are very excited…


This week our focus was on 3, 4 and 5. These were quite tricky to write, especially the number 5, so we need lots of practice at home too. We sang the lovely “5 little ducks song” and are getting better at counting forwards and backwards. We also did some more work on 2D shape. Have a look at us making a circle, square, rectangle and triangle from people! We also then went outdoors and made those shapes with sticks, stones and leaves that we found in the outdoor classroom.


Our first topic was launched this week when a sad dragon sent us a letter telling us his castle had been destroyed and no one was believing in fairyland anymore. The dragon needs us to read more fairy tales and help them rebuild fairyland. We have already built a beanstalk for Jack and we will be busy doing more work next week….If anyone has any large bits of cardboard to help us make a castle we would be very grateful.


In French this week with Camembear we learnt about “ca va?” how are you. We were able to reply “ca va bien”, “comme ci comme ca” or “ca vas mal”. We also remembered how to count to 5.


In Health and Well being we worked on another our our school values – respect. We learnt about respecting others and belongings and also respecting ourselves. We also started to learn about the 5 point scale.  Every day we will move our photo on the scale depending on how we are feeling. This lets Mrs Gordon see any children who are upset or worried about anything. We talked about different scenarios like going to the dining hall, coming to school etc and about how everyone is different. For some people those things can make them nervous and for others not, it is ok to be nervous about things and to share those feelings.

Have a lovely weekend and I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at meet the teacher on Tuesday.

Mrs Gordon and P1a

A Special Visitor in P1B

This week we have been learning all about our P and N sounds. Now we have learnt 4 sounds we have started to build words eg. tap, tan, nap. We learnt how to read words too. We sound them out and then blend the sounds together. For our P sound we used popcorn and pasta to make a P. We did some pompom painting. We made the letter ‘N’ out of newspaper!

In Numeracy we were learning all about the numbers 3, 4 and 5. We read stories about these numbers and did lots of fun activities to help us learn them. We played connect 4, matched the giant dominoes and learnt little rhymes to help us with our number formation. We also started learning our 2D shapes. We looked at the different features and played games outside to identify shapes. We then used the stones and sticks to make some of the 2D shapes we had learnt.

This week we launched our topic for this term. We came back to class and found a trail of glitter leading to a letter. We were all so excited!! Who could it be from?

Mrs McAulay read out the letter and it was from a friendly dragon. He had a problem because his home (Fairyland) had been destroyed and he asked us to help him. We came up with lots of ideas and we started to build a home for all of the Fairyland characters in our classroom. We read the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and built Jack his very own beanstalk. Firstly we went outside and collected leaves to look at the different colours. We then used crayons to design our own leaves. Then we twisted paper to create the stalk. We used cotton wool to make the clouds.

The infant classes have all been doing some work for Miss Baillie’s display on Beatrix Potter. Today we talked about the different vegetables Mr McGregor might grow in his garden. We then used them to to do some vegetable printing pictures.

Another busy week in P1B!

We hope you all have a great weekend.


Mrs McAulay and P1B x

P1a Weekly News

What a wonderful second week we had in P1a. We are really settling in and managing well with all the new routines.

Literacy – This week we learnt our first 2 sounds “a” and “t”. We had lots of practice saying, writing, forming and making these letters and sounds.

Numeracy – Our focus this week was on understanding 0, 1 and 2 and what they look like. We explored dot patterns, numbers, written words for the numbers and counting and matching the numbers.

HWB – We continued our focus on our school values and the work we started last week on kindness. On Monday the “Kindness Fairy” wrote to us to say that she would be looking out for acts of kindness throughout the year. Lots of us enjoyed writing a letter to the “Kindness Fairy” and we hope she might reply to us next week…

Resilience – We also did a focus on another of our values – Resilience. We learnt about not giving up when things are tricky and had lots of fun with our P3 Play Buddies trying to build very tall towers, doing tricky jigsaws and making models out of junk. Can you see N’s “Leaning Tower of Pisa”?

Mrs Gordon and P1a


Showing our school values in P1B

This week we have been learning the a and t sounds. We have learnt to say, read and write our sounds. We even started to blend them together in simple words.


In Numeracy we have been learning all about the numbers 0, 1 and 2. We have been doing lots of different activities to demonstrate our understanding of these numbers.

We have been learning all about our school values. The kindness fairy sent us a letter and left us a tub of kindness for Mrs McAulay to sprinkle over the classroom. We drew special pictures to show all of the kind things we have been doing in P1 and created our own kindness tree. We even showed kindness to our buddies and made them special thank you cards as they have looked after us this week. On Thursday we were learning all about resilience and we read a story about a little boy who couldn’t ride his bike. We did a circle time activciyt and shared all of the things we have found tricky. Mrs McAulay set up some tricky activities around the class and we had to try and use to encourage each other and not give up. The P3 play leaders then came across to help us build some junk model towers. It was very tricky but everyone showed a great attitude!

Paddington arrived in our classroom this week and asked us to write him letters to tell him all about our first week in Primary 1. We took up the challenge and wrote some beautiful letters to him in our free play time.

A big well done to N and A for winning the enjoy-a-ball trophies. A great achievement and we love hearing all about achievements outside of school.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

P1B and Mrs McAulay x


Welcome to P1B!

A very warm welcome to all of the new Primary 1 children who have started at Springfield Primary this week. We have had a very busy week trying to learn all of our new routines. We have done some nice circle time activities to practise our listening skills. We have had lots of fun free play time to explore our new classroom and toys. We drew some self portraits and even did some number work!

Each day we went out onto the pitch to get some fresh air and do our daily mile. We have a had a great week in P1B and Mrs McAulay said we are all  stars!!!!


Have a lovely weekend!

P1B and Mrs McAulay x

Welcome to school P1a and Mrs Gordon

What an amazing week we have had in P1a. Mrs Gordon is so proud of her wonderful children and all that they have achieved in week 1.

This week we have been learning routines and had a tour of the school. We have been exploring our new classroom and have really enjoyed the house corner, dressing up and the cars.

We started some work on rhyme by reading “Room on the broom” the children enjoyed working out which word was the odd one out.

We met our French bear Camembear and he taught us numbers 1-5 and how to say yes and no, “oui et non”.

Today we were very excited to win class of the week ! Look at us with our trophy!


Have a lovely weekend, Mrs Gordon and P1a

Our final fortnight in P1A

Last week we finished revising all of our digraphs. We revised the digraphs ‘ou’ and ‘ow’. We wrote ‘ou’ words in clouds, played ‘ou’ bingo, wrote ‘ou’ and ‘ow’ words to match pictures, made ‘ou’ and ‘ow’ words with play dough, played Roll and Read for ‘ow’ words and wrote sentences containing different digraphs in our literacy jotters.  This week we practised our handwriting and letter formation. We wrote letters and words with chalk, practised writing lowercase and uppercase letters on alphabet strips, completed a handwriting activity with ‘b’ and ‘d’ and played games on our iPad and Promethean board.

In Maths and Numeracy we have been continuing to learn our subtraction facts to 10. Last week we learned subtraction facts for 7, 8 and 9. We wrote subtraction facts on our whiteboards, completed subtraction challenge cards, played Snakes and Ladders, played ‘Simple Take Away’ and ‘Lazy Lambs’ on the Promethean board and used our knowledge to complete subtraction sums in our workbooks. Last week we also continued to learn about fractions. We looked at splitting shapes into quarters. We made our own pizzas and put different toppings in each quarter, we played ‘Shape It Up’ on Education City, made the missing quarters on cakes and pizzas with our play dough and coloured in quarters of shapes with Miss Harrison. This week we have been learning subtraction facts for 10 and we have also been linking our addition and subtraction facts to 10. We played number fact games on the Promethean board, made our own number sentences and used our addition and subtraction skills to complete a pirate addition and subtraction to 10 activity.

This week we went to Springfield’s Got Talent. We really enjoyed watching all of the acts and we were a very supportive audience. Well done to the P1A girls who performed a dance to ‘A Million Dreams’. We thought you were fantastic! Miss Harrison was very proud of everyone who auditioned for Springfield’s Got Talent. We have lots of confidence and talent in P1A!

This week we have been learning how to stay safe when using the internet. We played a game where we had to sort ourselves into different groups according to certain characteristics. When Miss Harrison asked us to sort ourselves into groups with the same first and last name, we ended up being on our own. We learned that this was personal information and when you are using the internet, you shouldn’t give away any personal information. We watched an episode of Hector’s World and we learned how to keep safe when using the internet.

This week we looked at the visual elements; line, shape and colour. We looked at different lines and shapes that you can use in art and we looked at using oil pastels to blend and to make bright colours. We created our own pictures using line, shape and colour.

On Thursday this week we had a Teddy Bear’s Picnic with our P7 buddies. It was very hot so we stayed in the shade! We really enjoyed spending time with our buddies and we would like to thank them for all their support, kindness and care over our year in P1.

We hope that you have a lovely, happy and safe summer. Thank you for reading all of our blog posts throughout our year in P1.

P1A, Miss Harrison and Miss Hardie 🙂







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