Springfield and Bonnytoun News…

Another busy week has been and gone at Springfield and Bonnytoun, ending with our Scottish assembly last Friday. During assembly,  we talked about what we think of when we say the word “Scotland” and what it means to be Scottish. We then sang some Scottish songs such as ‘Yeh cannae shove yer granny aff a bus’ and ‘Three Craws.’

Our Primary Seven children all received certificates for their achievements over the past while in skiing. It has been a pleasure to take these children to Hillend and watch their confidence grow on the slopes.

We sang our birthday song to Lucy in P3 and presented our Values certificates to a host of children.

Here is A in P5 with her cheerleading achievement from this week…

Next week most classes will begin their Social Subjects, interdisciplinary learning focus which has a historical context. I wonder what your child’s class will choose to learn about? We continue to work hard to let all children make choices in and lead the direction of their learning . I hope too, that you have now  received your child’s ‘Sharing the Learning’ sheet from their class teacher to keep you up-to-date with planned learning.

Speak to you all next week. Have a good one!

Love Miss Baillie xx💖


Springfield and Bonnytoun News…

Happy New Year and Happy New Term everyone! We have had a busy couple of weeks as we settle the children into term 3 of this session. Where does the time go!

You will notice that we have had some staff absence of late and Mr Wells and I continue to work hard to make decisions that will ensure that your child continues to make progress in their learning, despite staff being off. We understand that staff absence is difficult for everyone but please bear with us… we promise you that we continue to look after and prioritise the need of your children.

We have had two lovely assemblies recently where we have continued to work on our Vision, Values and Aims. Our Nursery children can all perform our ‘values actions’ and a special song to help them to remember the values.

Here are out latest certificates winners from assembly…

And our birthday stars including one of our sets of twins!

We also had a great visit by a musical group called Travelling By Tuba this week. The children across the school loved hearing different brass instruments and a piano being played as they were taken on a musical trip around the world. We value the Expressive Arts in our Curriculum and  recognise the importance of promoting a love of Music, Art, Dance and Drama in our children.

Our children have loved playing in the snowy weather this week and if you come into our school office, please take time to view some ‘snowy photos’ of your children playing in the playground, which we have displayed in our main entrance-way. Thank you to Mrs Hutton for her help with this.

Finally here is the very sweet R in P2 with her Highland dancing achievement! Well done R! You are always smiling and we love you for it!

Have a great Sunday everyone and stay warm! ❄️⛄️

Love Miss Baillie xxx💖



News From This Week…

We are now just one sleep away from the end of an extremely busy two terms at Springfield and Bonnytoun.  As children get ready for their visit from Santa, here are the happenings of the last week or so in school and nursery…

Our nursery cherubs were amazing as they performed their ‘Easy Cheesy Nativity’ last week. All children sat beautifully through the performance, joining in the songs and actions and they were a credit to the staff and their parents. Thank you to Mrs T and all of the nursery team who continue to do a brilliant job.

We held a very successful Learning Showcase last Wednesday with many parents enjoying a coffee with us and a wander around the classrooms in school to view the different learning. Some parents even managed to catch some Scottish dancing in the gym hall!

Here are some pictures from our last assembly and the pupils who received our new Vison, Values and Aims awards. Well done to you all!

Thank so much to everyone who came to our church service on Tuesday night of this week. It was a beautiful service and our school choir , instrumentalists and all of the children who read aloud did us proud. Thank you to Mrs Hogg, Miss Prince, Miss Craenor and Mrs Begarnie for helping with this service.

Have a wonderful Christmas everyone and we shall see you all back in school and nursery on Tuesday 9th January 2018.

Thank you so much for your support. It continues to be a pleasure to work with you all.

Love Miss Baillie xx⛄️🌟🎄💖




News over the past two weeks…

We have had another couple of busy weeks at Springfield and Bonnytoun. The Christmas season is now well and truly upon us and the children are beginning to get very excited about the fun that lies ahead.

Last Friday we had a special assembly focusing on the GIRFEC Wellbeing Indicator of ‘being nurtured.’ We spoke about how we do our best to ensure that every pupil at Springfield and Bonnytoun feels nurtured and cared for. Jessie even got a shout out for the nutritious food that she feeds to all of our little tummies each day! We are grateful to you Jessie and all of your team!

Our certificate winners from last week are shown below as well as two birthday girls from P1. Being five years old is such fun!

This week we were busy decorating our school and church Xmas trees with all of the decorations that pupils have made. Thank you so much to all mums and dads who helped their child to make a decoration. If you have had the chance to go to St. Michael’s to view our trees then I am sure that you will agree that they are beautiful. There is something very heart-warming about seeing children’s decorations hung on a tree at  Christmas-time. I was very proud of my two little helpers who helped with the trees. Thanks you girls for your help!

Here is a picture from our P1 and P2 Nativity. Again, we were all so proud of our wonderful children. They are all little stars! Thank you so much to all of the adults who helped to make this year’s performance a great success. We do hope that you enjoyed it if you came along!

A massive thank you to all of our PTA who helped to organise a fantastic Xmas Fayre  yesterday. A huge amount of money was raised for our school and this will be carefully spend to benefit all pupils.

More news coming next week…

Kind wishes and many thanks for your continued support,

Miss Baillie xxx❄️




Springfield and Bonnytoun News…

In Assembly this week, Mr Wells shared our new Vision, Values and Aims. We are really excited with what we have created and are grateful to all parents, pupils and staff who contributed. Watch out for our Vison, Values and Aims in all of our publications and around school in the next few weeks and months ahead.  Mr Wells and I have even created actions to go with each value so that the children remember them! We plan to make our Vision and our Values alive and at the heart of our school.

We also launched our new achievement certificates, linked into our Vison and Values and these will be presented regularly at assembly. Here are the first group of infant children to get an award:


We also had a number of birthdays in our infant school this week… congratulations and ‘happy birthday’ to you all!

Our Primary 7 children revived their new school ties two weeks ago and this week their ‘Friday hoodies’ arrived. They all look very smart in their new uniforms and stand out from the rest of the children in the school as young leaders. What a great bunch they all are!

Our nursery children have now finished creating their turnip patch with an Enomous Turnip included! Thank you to all parents for handing in a turnip! The children have enjoyed investigating the different sizes, shapes and tones as part of their Literacy and Numeracy skills development.

I hope that you had a happy weekend everyone. Remember that next Friday, 1st December, is ‘dress down’ and ‘bring a chocolate item to school’ for the PTA tombolla at the Xmas Fayre.

Miss Baillie x


Springfield and Bonnytoun News…

We have had another busy week at Springfield and Bonnytoun…

We ended the week with a great assembly to raise awareness about bullying led by P6B. We have a ‘zero tolerance’ approach to bullying in school. We believe that promoting kindness and having a clear understanding of acceptable and unacceptable behaviour helps our children to treat one and other with respect.  All children know that if they have a problem then the adults will listen to them and ensure that the situation is sorted. Please always let school know if your child reports any issues with friendships or people being unkind to them.  Thank you to Mrs Kerr for her hard work in putting this assembly together-it is much appreciated!

Friday was also our annual ‘Children in Need’ fundraiser. Here is a photo of some  of our little ‘Pudsey Bears’ and ‘ spotty’ children in our infants. Thanks so much to the Pupil Council and Mrs Gordon for organising a successful Bake Sale with all profits going to Children in Need.

We have now introduced a ‘birthday slot’ to our infant assembly and here are some of our P1 children who have all turned five years old in the past week! Congratulations to you all!

Here is E in P3 with an achievement for this week. E did a walk for charity and we are very proud of her! Well done E!

Our nursery children have been busy having a special ‘nursery rhymes’ week and have come to nursery dressed up as characters from different nursery rhymes. They have all looked very cute!

I hope that you have all had a lovely weekend!

Love Miss Baillie xx💖




Harvest Assembly 🍂

A heartfelt thanks from all of us here at Springfield and Bonnytoun for the generous food donations that you all provided for our Harvest Assembly. These items have now been handed over to the West Lothian Foodbank and will be distributed within our community. We had a lovely assembly with Stuart, the minister from St Michael’s Church, kindly coming along to join us.

Children were in fine voice as they sang their Harvest songs and we listened to some Autumn poems written by pupils in P4-7.

Have a lovely October break everyone!

Love Miss Baillie xx 🍂


Internet Safety at SPS

Just a little post to tell you all about our commitment to working with West Lothian Council and other agencies to keep your child safe online. As you will be aware , our school blog is our main avenue for sharing your child’s learning with you. We take the safety of our pupils very seriously online and as a result of this we shall try not to post a child’s image with their name beside it. This policy is in line with both West Lothian Council and the NSPCC guidelines. Where we do post a child’s name, there will be no image of the child within the vicinity.

We continue to teach our children about staying safe and being a responsible user online through our on-going classroom work, assemblies and in our Internet Safety week which runs in Term 4. All children signed a ‘Safe User’ policy which was sent home last session to ensure that they understood rules around the use of the Internet.

Digital technologies continue to play a massive part of all of our lives and will be increasingly important in the lives of our children. We will continue to work with you and all of our partners to ensure that our children can make the best use of technologies whilst being protected online.

Please let us know of any queries or concerns around our use of the Internet or ICT.

We do want to get it right for everyone!

Kind wishes,

Miss Baillie x

P5a and P5b

This week, we did the SCOOT challenge, where we needed to find fraction cards and answer the questions individually. For our chilli challenge, we looked at shaded fractions and  fraction number lines.

We brought in storyboxes on Monday and we retold our stories to a partner. On Thursday, P5a joined with the Nursery to tell them their stories. On Tuesday the 26th of September, P5b, are going to join the Nursery then, to do their retelling. We had a range of stories from Harry Potter to The Paper Dolls, with people being very creative, imaginative and inventive.

On Wednesday, we took part in Roald Dahl Day and we made dream jars after getting inspiration from the BFG. We watched a live feed about Roald Dahl and the illustrator of his books, Quentin Blake. Also, an inventor, called Colin Furze, who showed us a flame throwing guitar to represent one of the dangerous monsters in Billy and The Minpins. We tried to find a Phizzwizard but we haven’t caught it yet………..

Please remember that the children are on holiday on Monday and Tuesday 🙂



Chicks in nursery

On Monday we were very excited to receive some chick’s eggs in nursery. At first we kept them in a special incubator to keep them warm. We have been carefully observing them and have watched some chicks emerge. Today when we arrived at nursery we discovered that all nine eggs have now hatched. Yesterday they looked very tired and were struggling to stand but today they have really fluffed up and are making lots of noise as they move around their crate. We have discovered that the brown chicks are girls and the yellow ones are boys. This experience has helped us to learn about life-cycles. I wonder if we will observe any changes next week.


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