Roald Dahl Problem Solving

We have had a Roald Dahl problem solving afternoon. We have been reading Fantastic Mr Fox so he had asked us to help him plan a great feast! We had to choose items from the shopping list and work in a group to stay within a budget. We had to think about how many guests we had coming and how much we had to spend. We then had to add up the different items and calculate how much we had spent altogether. As a challenge Miss Mudd asked us to work out how much money we had left over. We fed our ideas back to the class.

We then had to plan where everyone was sitting. We got given some clues and had to make sure our seating plan followed the rules

‘Mrs Twit sits opposite Sophie’

‘James sits in between Matilda and Willy Wonka’

We found this quite tricky and had to show a lot of resilience. We had to try out different ways and change it if it didn’t work. We then went on to write our own clues for different groups and made it really tricky!

MoneySense with RBS

A huge thank you to all of the volunteers from RBS for helping us deliver the MoneySense workshop. We learnt all about the different between wants and needs. We discussed the different ways we use money and learnt about the different bills that families need to pay each month. We even got a fabulous goody bag to take home!

We had a great time!

Primary 2A x


Food Glorious Food

In Phonics we have been learning about magic ‘e’. He changes the sound of the vowel and makes it say its letter name. On Tuesday we had a tricky word day and focussed on spelling our words. We had different stations set up to help us……

  • Make
  • Say
  • Read
  • Write our words

We have made so much progress with our spelling so just need to apply it to our written work now!

In IDL we were learning all about the Victorian workhouses. We watched some video clips and looked at photographs of the workhouses. We watched a clip of Oliver Twist and discussed the clothes, jobs and food the children would have had. We then wrote a diary entry pretending we were in the workhouse for the day. We used some great language to describe how we were feeling. As a brain break we had to act out some of the jobs that the children had to do. We decided that we wouldn’t like to have lived in the workhouses.

In the workhouses they used to eat gruel. We had a go at making our own. We have been learning how to write instructions so this was a perfect opportunity to follow a recipe! We made the porridge together then wrote a set of instructions to show what we did. We used pictures to help people understand the instructions. We then got to eat the porridge and talk about what we liked/didn’t like. We made some gruel and compared the modern day porridge to the gruel.

In Maths we were learning about time durations – adding on hours and half hours. We were also converting analogue times to digital times. We had to do some revision on halves and fractions to try and understand half past and quarter past.

In Futsal we were working on accuracy. We had to try and kick the ball and hit a specific target. We also did a Better Movers Better Thinkers lesson with Ms Crombie.

We have been reading the story ‘Fantastic Mr Fox’. We thought about different ways that we are fantastic. We are all fantastic in different ways. We then learnt how to draw a self-portrait. We looked at famous examples and talked about what we liked and disliked. We then followed a step-by-step guide to help us think about the details on our face and the positioning of our features. You will have to wait until next week to see our masterpieces.


Have a lovely weekend

Miss Mudd and P2A x

In phonics we were learning the sk, sn and st blends. We found objects around the classroom to put in our sound of the day box. We found a star, skirt, snow, snail (The Snail and the Whale story). In writing we started learning about writing instructions. We looked at examples and picked out key things that they included. We learnt how to use bossy words to give an instruction. We enjoyed bossing our partners about. We then received a letter from Paddington Bear asking us for help. He didn’t know how to make his favourite sandwich so needed us to write him some instructions to talk him through it.

So we had a practise! We worked in pairs to make a Marmalade sandwich then used what we had learnt to break it down into manageable steps. We had to then write our instructions for Paddington and highlight all of the bossy words we had used.


In Maths we have been learning about time. We recapped on our months of the year and made some fabulous collages for homework. We learnt the days of the week in French….Oooo la la! We revised o’clock and half past times, looking at the positions of the different hands. On Wednesday we used paper plates to make our own clocks. We worked in pairs to make different times.

In IDL we were comparing Victorian toys to modern day toys. We learnt about toys for boys and girls. The rich children had different toys to the poorer children. On Thursday we then made our own Jack in the box. We had to fold net to make a box then fold strips of card to make a spring. It was very tricky but we did so well.

In PE we were applying our Futsal skills to mini games. We had to dribble and pass accurately. We learnt how to work as a team and how to include our team members. We also spent our PE lesson on Thursday playing some Victorian games. We had so much fun!

Here is our learning for this week…..

Enjoy your long weekend,

Miss Mudd and P2A x

Tuesday learning

Primary 2 have been busy practising their tricky words. We were confident at reading them but found the spelling challenging. We showed great resilience and didn’t give up. We tried to take a photograph of the words with our eyes so we could picture it when we tried to write it.

In Maths we were learning how to give change. We used number lines and Numicon to calculate how much change we needed to give our partner. We then worked in groups to find 5 different ways to make an amount.

We were all VERY excited today as Miss Mudd launched our new topic. We will be learning about the Victorians! We worked with Miss Mudd to plan our topic and talked about what we already know and what we wanted to learn. We started to learn about Queen Victoria and the Royal family. Our buddies then came down during ICT time and helped us do some research. We went on the BBC History website and had to try and find 3 facts about Victorians.

P2A and Miss Mudd x


Just a quick note to let everyone know that there will be NO rugby after school club this term. I will start the club up again after Easter when the weather improves and we are able to get back outside.




Miss Mudd x

The Great P2 Pet Sale

We have been reading ‘The Great Pet Sale’ as we have been learning about money. In P2A we had our very own pet sale. We brought in our favourite pets and created a poster to try and sell them. We then worked in pairs to create a shopping list to show what we wanted to buy. We were given £4 to spend at the sale.

CA and MK worked behind the till and had to calculate the change needed…..a very tricky job!


Physical Literacy

Primary 2A have been learning about punctuation. We went on a punctuation hunt around the school and outdoor environment. Look at how many we found! We looked at full stops and realised they are just dots. We went on a dot hunt. The primary 2 students even room control of the photography and used our new class iPad to photograph our evidence.

We found a question mark….

And an exclamation mark….

We the practised walking out sentences and dropped our beanbag where we thought the full stop should go. We worked in partners to practise this.

We even started using connectives in our sentences!

It is great to get outside to do our learning


Miss Mudd and P2A x


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