Springfield and Bonnytoun News

We have taken a number of classes out of school this week into the local community and surrounding area, to learn across the wider curriculum.

P7 had a wonderful time skiing at Hillend on a Tuesday of this week with all children making good progress after their first lesson.

Our P1 children had a visit to Tesco to sample a range of different fruits as part of their learning about Africa and the book ‘Handa’s Surprise.’

P5 visited Cross House to take part in an RME experience associated with Christmas.

Today, P6B led a super assembly  about the benefits of reading and our contribution to the First Minister’s Reading Challenge. Did you know that we now have a group of children who run a lunchtime ‘book club’ in school as well as an infant ‘reading committee’ which is led by Mrs Kennedy? We all love reading at Springfield and sharing our experiences of different texts.

Thank you to all children and families who have made and handed in a Santa or Snowman decoration for our two Xmas trees which will be at the Festival or Christmas Trees at St Michael’s Church next weekend. We hope that you will go along to the church to see our trees if you have time.

Next week our Christmas festivities start with our nursery sing-along with a visit from Santa. We also have our pupil and staff Xmas lunch on Thursday 6th.

Our latest newsletter will come out next week with more of our news and events for the new year.

Have a great weekend!

Miss Baillie xx💖



SPS and Bonnytoun News

We’ve has a fairly quiet week here at Springfield and Bonnytoun which ended today with our assembly on ‘being active.’

We learned about how to stay healthy by eating a balanced diet and taking part in a range of physical activities.

All children in school are kept active each day though their P.E lessons, outdoor learning, outdoor play, The Daily Mile and after-school clubs. Our nursery children have free access to the outdoors and may spend the entire nursery session in the outdoor area should they choose to do so.

We also provide a wide-range of sporting opportunities through our cluster schools events. This week, our P3 showcased excellent behaviour and ‘sportsperson-ship’ when they took part in a Benchball festival at Linlithgow Academy.

Our Pupil Council held their ‘pyjama day’ today with a sea of children coming to school dressed for bed! It was an interesting sight this morning with a host of different pyjamas, dressing gowns, slippers and onesies on display and we also managed to raise lots of money for school funds. Thank you to you all!

Here are some pupil achievements from this week:

-Well done to K in P1 for her Enjoy-a-Ball trophy!

-A super effort from 0 and S in P4 for their gymnastics achievements. Well done girls!

-A group of our P6 girls have raised a great sum of money for Cancer Research over the last few weeks and we are delighted with their efforts!

-Finally a mention for R in P4 and also her little brother, M in P2, who were recently bridesmaid and best man at their Auntie’s wedding in Mexico. I loved seeing the pictures!

Have a great weekend! Stay active!

Miss Baillie x💖🏀🏸🏏⛸🏌🏿‍♀️

Working with Burgh Beautiful to Enhance our Grounds…

Jean from Burgh Beautiful and one of our lovely grandparent helpers, Ms Tucker, helped us to plant winter pansies in the tubs at our front entrance today.

Here are some members of our school Eco Committee giving the ladies a hand!

Thank you so much! We are very grateful!

Miss Baillie x

Springfield and Bonnytoun News

We’ve had another lovely week in school and nursery. Here is all of our news:

Our assembly this morning was held to celebrate World Kindness Day. We talked about how ‘being kind’ is our core value within school and nursery. We discussed our approach to including everyone and showing respect regardless of skin colour, gender, religion or belief. Anti-racism and anti-discrimination are crucial to our school belief system. We will always educate our children to celebrate differences and be kind to all. We then asked children to do a random act of kindness for another before the morning was finished. It was a day full of love! 💖

Our nursery staff are busy creating a new playroom which we are going to call ‘The Snug.’  This playroom will be like a family living room and will give children a quiet, calming space to play and learn. We are also going to be starting some mindfulness , meditation sessions with our little ones to help them to begin to identify and regulate their emotions. We will keep you posted of further news of The Snug with pictures to follow…

Pupil Achievements:

Lots of children took part in the Supernova fun run at the Kelpies last weekend and here are some of their pictures:

A brilliant effort from H for her Enjoy-a-Ball trophy!

A in P3 is competing in gymnastics at national level. She trains so hard every week (several times!) and we are so proud of her. I saw a video of her training on the bars this week and couldn’t believe that it was one of our children. Well done A!

Well done to R in P3 who came along to show me his lovely art work! What a talented soul!


Have a super weekend! Remember to be kind!

Miss Baillie xx💖


Springfield and Bonnytoun News

Thank you to all parents who came along to our successful ‘Big Spell’ event on Wednesday of this week. We loved sharing our passion for teaching this aspect of literacy with you! We hope that you had fun and enjoyed visiting classes to take part in the different spelling activities on offer.  Our teaching of spelling starts in nursery and is a progressive programme right up to P7.

We had an assembly today to mark Remembrance Day. We linked Poppy Day to our school value of ‘being kind.’ We talked about the fact that disagreements, fighting and indeed wars, can be avoided if we understand differences and treat each other with kindness. On Sunday the 11th, some of our P7 pupils will be laying a wreath of poppies in St Michael’s Church on behalf of the Springfield community.

The nursery boys and girls had a lovely Diwali celebration this week and we thank H’s family who shared their beautiful culture with us all.  We had a very special day. Thank you! Xxx💖⭐️

I have three pupil achievements for this week:

– Well done to S for his Judo trophy and to C for his football success. These boys are both in P3 and continue to do us proud! Well done boys!

-Congrtaulations to S who is also in P3. We had a lovely chat about the rainbow trout that he managed to catch whilst fishing with his Dad. He also told me that he put the fish back into the water so that it could swim away. Brilliant effort S!

Have a great weekend!

Miss Baillie xx💖

Grounds Maintenance at Springfield

Some of our parents have been busy helping in our playground of late. Bulb planting has taken place and a general ‘spruce up’  has been undertaken. Thank you all so much to our helpers! You have made such a difference already. xx

We are still needing shrubs cut back, particularly around the perimeter of our pitch and odd tidying jobs completed.

We also love help from any parent who would be able to join some of our tyres together, with screws, to make a large planter.

If you can spare a little bit of time to help us then please email the school office.

We’d be so grateful,

Miss Baillie xx

Springfield and Bonnytoun News


We held our second  ‘values assembly’ of the session today after a fun-filled week.

All children, including our youngest, are brilliant at articulating our values and giving examples of when they are used throughout the school day.

Our infant Halloween disco was a great success and we had fun playing musical statues and other games. Well done to Oliver and Tallulah who won the best costume prizes  for their homemade efforts.

Our nursery children had a great Halloween where they dressed up and made spooky biscuits. The biscuits looked very yummy!

We held a very successful nursery curriculum evening last night where we spoke about our continued work in the nursery. Thanks to all parents who attended.

Our P6-7 Jass awards were also launched this week with all children beginning to work though this scheme in upper classes.

Coming soon, will be a new Rotakids lunchtime club, run in conjunction with Linlithgow Rotary, which will help us to develop community (and global!) links as we work to help others.

Next week is Bonfire Night and we have spoken to all chicken about having fun but taking care during the firework celebrations. As animal lovers, we’d kindly ask you all to look out for pets and wild animals at this time of year too.

I have two pupil achievements for this week:

-Well done to D in P6 for winning a Halloween tennis match!

-A superb effort from our Fizzy Fingers group and Mrs Scott who made these spooky spiders for Halloween! Well done!

Have a great weekend!

Miss Baillie xx 🔥💖🍂 xx

Springfield and Bonnytoun News

Today we had our second Wellbeing assembly of the year which was on being healthy.  The main message from our assembly was that ‘good health’ is about having a healthy body and a healthy mind.

We talked about the components of a healthy diet and the importance of being active to keep our bodies fit and well. We then learned about how to stay mentally well. It’s important that we recognise that all feelings are normal and that we seek support from our grown ups when we feel ‘big’ or overwhelming feelings.

Here are some of our infant certificate winners who gained an award for showcasing our school values:

Thank you to Sheena, Carol and all of the lovely PTA volunteers who organised the Halloween disco for our P4-7 children this week. Our infant disco takes place in school next Tuesday (30th). We are looking forward to seeing all of the children’s costumes and are grateful to Alison from the PTA for helping us. Our nursery children are invited to dress up on Wednesday (31st) should they like to do so.

I only have only one pupil achievement this week and it is the turn of D in P3 who has been busy winning a trophy with her pony. Well done D!

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Baillie x💖 🎃 👻



Pupil Achievements

Another week passes with another flurry of pupil achievements. Well done to all of our boys and girls for continuing to make us proud!

Pupils who visited me this week to share their good news include:

– P in P1 who took part in a walking event. She walked so far for someone with such little legs! Good job P!

-C in P6 took part in a run during his recent trip to Spain with his family. Well done C!

-A in P2 and R in P4 who have had further success in swimming. Keep it up girls!

Miss Baillie xx😉💫

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