Springfield’s Fairtrade Winners

Congratulations to Lucy Leamy in P1/2, Isla McFadden in P4A and Erin Pottinger in P6A for winning this year’s Fairtrade Competition for our School. These children designed wonderful shields to represent the ideas behind Fairtrade. The winning designs will be on display at Linlithgow Primary School on Friday 10th March at the Linlithgow Fairtrade Fortnight Event-which runs from 7-9pm. All are welcome at this event to help Linlithgow to celebrate Fairtrade Fortnight. Great effort girls! We are proud of you!


Miss Baillie x

P2/3 Victorians’ Assembly

P2/3 and Mrs Law ‘wowed’ us all yesterday with their fantastic assembly about Victorian times and in particular New Lanark. Well done to all children involved and especially Layla Inglis who gave a stunning solo singing performance.

Have a super weekend everyone!

Miss Baillie xx

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P6 Boys’ Writing

I am delighted to show the hard work of some of our P6 boys. These boys brought their writing down to show me and were very proud of their efforts! Well done boys and keep up the hard work!


Miss Baillie x

P7 Superstars!

A massive well done to Lewis, Michael, Aidan and Catriona for coming Second (by three points) in this year’s Linlithgow Rotary, Inter-Schools Quiz! I accompanied the children along to Linlithgow-Bridge Primary for the event yesterday and was bursting with pride at their accomplishement, effort and good manners. What Clever Clogs they are! Well done also to Torphichen Primary who took First prize-the first ever Quiz win for the school. Great effort! Go team Springfield!!!!

Miss Baillie x

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P3 Fairtrade Assembly

We have begun to think about Fairtrade across School in the run up to Fairtrade Fortnight. Primary 3 launched this year’s focus through their excellent assembly yesterday , when children learned about the journey of a cocoa bean and how Fairtrade chocolate is produced.  We understand the importance of giving farmers a fair price for their produce to ensure that we live in a world where we treat others as equals and with respect. Keep your eyes peeled for some more Fairtrade Activities happening in School and around our community over the next few weeks…. Well done to Primary 3 and Mrs Leadbetter!

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Gala Day News!

You may have already heard about the line-up for this year’s Gala Day… We were so proud to hear the news that Ruby Cardie, one of our lovely P7 children, will be Queen! Our congratulations and best wishes go to Ruby and her family!  We are delighted that we also have so many children from Springfield who are in the main retinue. Well done to Emma Preston, Chief Lady in Waiting, Catriona Simpson, First Lady, Fraser Preston, Lord Provost and Esther Begarnie, Second Lady!  We are so excited that Springfield will be so well represented at this year’s Gala and we look forward to working with you all to make this a special day for all of our children.


P2’s Drumming Delight!

I was treated to a very impromtue but exciting performance by Primary 2 this week who have begun to learn the basics of drumming. Our ‘musical whizz’, Miss Prince, will be working with the class over the next while to teach some exciting music lessons with drumming being the first focus. Keep an eye out for your child showcasing their drumming talents at home…We may have some young Rock Stars in the making!


P4B’s Super Scottish Assembly!

Thank you to Primary 4B and Mrs McAlpine for their hard work in putting together last Friday’s assembly. Following on from the previous week’s assembly,  the class chose to stick with the Scottish theme and they showcased their many talents as they shared examples of our culture. The children had also made wonderful models of Scottish landmarks which were on display for the audience to look at. Well done to all of those involved!

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Scottish Assembly

Yesterday we celebrated ‘all things Scottish’ through music, poetry recitals and singing in our special assembly. Thank you to Primary 6 for sharing the lovely performance that they gave to Linlithgow Day Care Centre last Tuesday. What a talented class of children Miss Prince has! For the past few weeks we have been busy working on a whole-school focus on Famour Scots. Each stage has been learning about a different Famous Scot and how their work has contributed to society today. All classes nominated two or three pupils to come up to the microphone in assembly, to share their learning. We are so proud of our Scottish culture and of the many talented individuals who have come from our country. We shall all keep trying hard in School to see if we can be the Famous Scots of the future!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Miss Baillie x

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Quality Diners…

Here are some of our lovely ‘Quality Diners’ from this week. What superstars they are! Thank you to Jessie and her team for always providing our children with such delicious home-cooking!

Miss Baillie x


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