Springfield Gymnasts and Other Achievements…

We have had a week of further pupil successes at Springfield and Bonnytoun. Well done to a host of children from P2 upwards for their recent achievements in gymnastics. Here they all are with their medals.

Here is C in P2 who told me that he was a Sumdog, maths champion for our school last weekend. Well done to you C!  Did you know that you can access Sumdog on your laptops at home and that this motivational website can help to expand your child’s skills and confidence in Numeracy and Maths? Contact your child’s class teacher if you need access to our Sumdog login details.

Here is E, who is also in P2 with piece of writing that she did in Russian. I was most impressed at ther efforts! E’s Mum speaks Russian at home and E can say lots of words and phrases.  We have lots of children in our school and nursery who speak more than one language fluently and we are extremely proud of them. Celebrating cultural diversity is a major priority for us and part of our ‘included’ value.

Also, here are some P7 Girl Guide entrepreneurs who have been making and selling lip balm across school for a Dragon’s Den themed challenge. Well done girls! I can report that the lip balm is very good!

Finally, I must mention our school chess team who took second place at the inter-schools competition last Friday. What a great effort boys!

Miss Baillie xx 💫

Another Week at SPS and Bonnytoun…

We managed to all get back to school safely last Monday after our three ‘snow days.’

Our Lion King production has now been postponed until the end of April when the weather will hopefully be a lot more settled. Children in P6-7 are going to have a short break from rehearsing and focus on other curricular areas for a short period.

We have had two assemblies this week due to missing one last week when we were off. Mrs Matos and I held a Fairtrade assembly last Thursday where we looked at the importance of paying farmer’s in  less economically developed countries, a fair price for their produce. On Friday we dressed down in something ‘wacky’ to raise money for the Fairtrade Foundation. Well done to Joseph, Alisa, Ben W and Issac who worked extremely hard to make a Fairtrade board game as part of a challenge that I set them. Morven, Lauren C and Olivia M were the proud winners of our Fairtrade competition which was to design a Fairtrade football. Well done to you all!

P4 and Miss Durano led a professionally delivered assembly last Friday on the Vikings and the day before two ‘real’ Vikings visited Springfield for the day bringing their longboat along with them. This was a great experience for our children.

The nursery have had a particularly exciting week as we have welcomed our new pets to Bonnytoun! Our pet committee are going to be busy looking after two more fish (we have four now!) and Jack and Victor, our new baby Guinea Pigs! Mrs T and I are in love and are going to be very busy over the next few weekends nursing the little piggies at home so that they are calm and ready for the boys and girls to stroke them. They are real cuties so please pop by to have a look if you are passing. We are passionate about animal welfare in the nursery and will ensure that they are extremely well looked after. They are already enjoying a wonderful diet of kale, parsley, broccoli, brussel sprouts and the occasional apple! There are researched benefits to having animals around children and we hope that our pets will enhance your child’s early years experience. Please let me know your thoughts and feedback on this.

Here are some photographs of our certificate winners and ‘birthday’ children from this week:

Well done also to the Demick girls for their dancing achievements and also to M in P1 for his achievement.

Have a very happy Mother’s Day everyone and we will see you all next week for parents’ night.

Kind wishes,

Miss Baillie 💖 🐹 xxx

Another Super Week at SPS and Bonnytoun

We have been continuing to think about anti-bullying and all parents should now have seen our new anti-bullying policy which is open for consultation.

In assembly we learned about the GIRFEC Wellbeing Indicator of being ‘responsible’ and we tied this into our anti-bullying message. We want to educate all children and adults in the importance of reporting bullying both as a victim and bystander. Bullying can happen to anyone in any school or workplace and we will continue to actively work to prevent it at Springfield.

We had a visit from  a lady called Nancy and also Dr MacKenzie, Grandad of Alyth in the nursery and Nairn in P3. These individuals are members of Linlithgow Grange Rotary Club.  We are excited to announce our new partnership with Rotary which will take the form of a Roto Kids club. We will give more information on this as we have it. We are really delighted with this new opportunity for our children to engage in global citizenship as well as making a difference to their local community.

Here are some certificate winners from this week:

And some birthday children from our nursery and infant department:

Here are two pupil achievements from this week: Firstly to the lovely H in P2 for her Enjoy-a-Ball success and also to brilliant E in P3 for her swimming certificate. Well done girls!

The nursery are now the proud owners of pet fish and as part of our developments in child-led learning, have set up pet, health and wellbeing and snack committees. Who said that children can’t be leaders at aged three!

We have a busy week of events coming up this week-week beginning 26th February. Please note the following information:

– Monday 26th- Big Bedtime Story in the hall from 5-6pm for nursery to P3 children and adults.  Wear pyjamas!

-Wednesday 28th- STEM Curriculum evening and whole-school challenge from 6-7pm in the hall for P1-P7 children and adults.

-Friday 2nd March-World Book Day. Dress down as a character from a favourite book. No money needed.

-Friday 2nd March- P4 assembly at 10am.

Have a lovely Sunday evening!

Love Miss Baillie xx💖






Fizzy Fingers and Jumping Jims

Here are some photos of our Fizzy Fingers group taking part in lots of activities to support their fine motor skills.

We also have a Junping Jims club for children who continue to be supported as they further develop their gross motor skills. Our kids love this club and always have lots of fun!


Thank you so much to Mrs Scott and Mrs Doran who continue to help our children in this way. Thank you also to Mrs Manlove for her contribution to Fizzy Fingers in terms 1 and 2. We continue to offer a wide variety of groups and clubs to support all learners in different ways.

Miss Baillie x


This Week’s News…

We have had a short week at Springfield and Bonnytoun after the holiday weekend.

Children in P6-7 are working hard on their Lion King performance and costumes and scenery are beginning to take shape. Thanks to all parents who are helping us by making costumes. We couldn’t do it without your support and we are very grateful!

In response to the interests of a pupil, the nursery have just taken delivery of a beautiful, new fish tank and the fish will come to their new home next week. The children enjoyed setting up the tank and can’t wait for their fishy friends to arrive! We are hoping that the fish tank provides a visual stimulus in the nursery and supports our calming environment.

Across school and nursery children have been undertaking further learning on the Chinese New Year. We are going to make a wall display of our efforts. Keep an eye out for it in school.

Two of our  little, P3 girls came to my room this week to show me their Dragon Dance. Thank you to A for bringing in her mask to help the class with their learning.

Here are some achievements from this week…

Here are two of our lovely P3 boys with their football souvenirs from attending a mini-camp last week. One of these pupils plays for Hearts boys and we are very proud of him and keen to track his progress in football.

Here is gorgeous B from P2A who popped along to show me his writing the other day. B is coming along an absolute treat in all areas and we are extremely delighted with his efforts! Good work B!

We honestly have the loveliest children in the world , who are a credit to their families. They are a pleasure to work with. Every day at Springfield and Bonnytoun is  an absolute joy.

Have a super Sunday!

Love Miss Baillie xxx💖💓💖💫





School And Nursery News…

I hope that you are all enjoying the holiday weekend and are making the most of a couple of days off work and school. Here is our news from last week…

We held a lovely assembly last Friday when Anita, Jayden and Lucas took centre stage to share with us how they celebrate Chinese New Year. We watched a video of The Dragon Dance and learned about different Chinese customs that are traditional to this time of year.

Next week, all children will make or write something in classes to do with Chinese New Year and we will make a whole-school display of our work. We really enjoy learning about different cultures and broadening our understanding of global citizenship.

Here are some of our certificate winners for this week:

Our birthday children are pictured below, including two of our little nursery pupils who also celebrated a birthday last week. Happy Birthday to you all!

Finally, an achievement for last week. Here is G in P1B with his Enjoy-A-Ball trophy. Well done G, we are very proud of you!

The nursery children had a visit from Zoo Lab last week and really enjoyed learning about different animals associated with Chinese New Year. Did you know that 2018 is the year of the dog?

See you all back in school and nursery on Wednesday for a nice, short week.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Love Miss Baillie xx💖💓💖



This Week’s News…💫

Thank you so much to Mrs McAlpine and P3/4 for their insightful assembly about Growth Mindset. We all really enjoyed it and learned lots of new things.

Here are our nursery angels who came to join us at assembly showing us our ‘resilience’ value. Look at those big muscles!!

Mrs Parlett and the boys and girls have been making ‘slime’ in the nursery this week which particularly fascinated our P7B boys when we went down for a visit last Tuesday morning. Mrs Fraser has also been busy making the Aurora Borealis at pupils’ request, above the ice palace in the Expressive Arts room. Imagine being able to see the Northern Lights in our nursery! How amazing!

Here is D in P5A with his chess achievement  for this week. D took part in a big competition with lots of other children and won! We are so proud of you D!  We are also very grateful to D’s Dad, Mr Kitaev, who comes into school each Monday lunchtime to run a Maths Club for our children. If you have a skill to share and would be interested in running a lunchtime or after-school club for our kids then please get in touch with me at school-we’d love to have you as part of our team!

We are delighted to reveal that we have this year’s Gala Queen once again, with the lovely Emilie Cunningham due to take up reign in June from our previous Queen, Ruby. This is a huge accolade for Springfield and for Emilie and her family. We can’t wait to support Emilie over the coming months as she prepares for her big day!

Keep an eye out for the next edition of our school and nursery newsletters which should be mailed out to you all next week.

At the request of one of our P1 girls, we are planning to rearrange the ‘Big Bedtime Story’ for nursery to P3 children which we had to cancel last month due to the snowy weather.  We are so sorry that we had to cancel. Watch this space for a new date!

Finally, a very Happy Birthday to AL in P3 who got her birthday sticker in Assembly last Friday. We all hope that you had a lovely day!

Speak to you all next week,

Love Miss Baillie xxx💖💖🌟





Springfield and Bonnytoun News…

Another busy week has been and gone at Springfield and Bonnytoun, ending with our Scottish assembly last Friday. During assembly,  we talked about what we think of when we say the word “Scotland” and what it means to be Scottish. We then sang some Scottish songs such as ‘Yeh cannae shove yer granny aff a bus’ and ‘Three Craws.’

Our Primary Seven children all received certificates for their achievements over the past while in skiing. It has been a pleasure to take these children to Hillend and watch their confidence grow on the slopes.

We sang our birthday song to Lucy in P3 and presented our Values certificates to a host of children.

Here is A in P5 with her cheerleading achievement from this week…

Next week most classes will begin their Social Subjects, interdisciplinary learning focus which has a historical context. I wonder what your child’s class will choose to learn about? We continue to work hard to let all children make choices in and lead the direction of their learning . I hope too, that you have now  received your child’s ‘Sharing the Learning’ sheet from their class teacher to keep you up-to-date with planned learning.

Speak to you all next week. Have a good one!

Love Miss Baillie xx💖


Springfield and Bonnytoun News…

Happy New Year and Happy New Term everyone! We have had a busy couple of weeks as we settle the children into term 3 of this session. Where does the time go!

You will notice that we have had some staff absence of late and Mr Wells and I continue to work hard to make decisions that will ensure that your child continues to make progress in their learning, despite staff being off. We understand that staff absence is difficult for everyone but please bear with us… we promise you that we continue to look after and prioritise the need of your children.

We have had two lovely assemblies recently where we have continued to work on our Vision, Values and Aims. Our Nursery children can all perform our ‘values actions’ and a special song to help them to remember the values.

Here are out latest certificates winners from assembly…

And our birthday stars including one of our sets of twins!

We also had a great visit by a musical group called Travelling By Tuba this week. The children across the school loved hearing different brass instruments and a piano being played as they were taken on a musical trip around the world. We value the Expressive Arts in our Curriculum and  recognise the importance of promoting a love of Music, Art, Dance and Drama in our children.

Our children have loved playing in the snowy weather this week and if you come into our school office, please take time to view some ‘snowy photos’ of your children playing in the playground, which we have displayed in our main entrance-way. Thank you to Mrs Hutton for her help with this.

Finally here is the very sweet R in P2 with her Highland dancing achievement! Well done R! You are always smiling and we love you for it!

Have a great Sunday everyone and stay warm! ❄️⛄️

Love Miss Baillie xxx💖



Pupil Achievements…

A huge ‘well done’ to the following children who have been along to visit me with their achievements this week:

Congratulations to the Green sisters for further awards in horse-riding and gymnastics! What a talented family they are!

Well done two other sisters; E in P3 and I  in P2 who also recently received gymnastics awards! 

Lastly congratulations to E in P3 for her dancing award. Good effort E!

Love Miss Baillie x





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