Primary 5 week ending 22/2/19

We’ve had a short, but busy week.

In maths we have continued to explore fractions, with some of us beginning to explore the relationship between fractions, decimals and percentages and others placing fractions on a numberline.

In Science we have begun to learn about micro-organisms.

We have been researching facts about Egypt and putting them into a timeline, which started at 7,500BC.

In music we learned how to make our own graphic scores in small groups. We’re looking forward to performing these soon!

Finally, in grammar, we explored open and closed questions and created some of our own.

Have a lovely weekend.

Kind regards,

Primary 5 and Mrs Kerr

Primary 5 – w/e 15th February 2019

We have had another busy week in Primary 5.

In maths our focus has been fractions. We have looked at fractions of a number and equivalent fractions. A few of us have begun to explore percentages.

Our writing focus this week was informal letter writing, when we wrote a letter to a friend, sharing information about ourselves and asking questions. Some of us chose to bring these letters home to post!

In PE we have continued to explore our physical fitness and completed circuits with a variety of activities.

In music we were looking at more graphic scores.

Our reading tasks this week looked at sequencing events in a story.

We started our Egyptian topic this week, with a KWL about Ancient Egypt. We also located Egypt and some of the key features on maps.

Have a lovely holiday weekend.

See you Wednesday

Primary 5 and Mrs Kerr

Primary 5 w/e 1st February 2019

We are the upper school class of the week this week!!

This week we learned a little bit about Charles Rennie MacKintosh. We then recreated a rose on a stained glass window in this style.

In maths, some of us were adding money and others were calculating best value for money. We’ll continue to explore this next week.

Our storywriting this week was based around a polar bear. We also included characters from our class novel in our stories.

We were reading graphic scores in music this week.

In science we were separating materials using sieves that we made ourselves.

We looked at speech marks and how to use them accurately in our written work. Some of us also explored indirect speech and how this is used.

We finished our handball block in PE this week, with a series of mini games.



Primary 5 w/e 25th January 2019

This week we had the opportunity to put our handball skills to the test, at the Handball Festival at Linlithgow Academy on Thursday. We played against other schools from Linlithgow and had great fun.

In maths we have begun to explore money. We will continue to do this next week too. We have begun to use a new mental maths resource to help us with our mental agility.

Our storywriting this week was about The Arctic Circle. Our stimulus for the story was a character outside a small metal building in the Arctic. We then created our own stories about the character and the events that might happen to him.

In our Guided Reading Task this week we described what we might do if we could spend a day with a character from our reading book. There were some interesting ideas. We have also completed comprehension tasks.

We have looked at Alexander Fleming as our Famous Scot. We have created posters and powerpoints about both Fleming and Alexander Graham Bell.

Primary 5 w/e 18th January 2019

This week we enjoyed our visit to The Peel. We played games, hunted for birds, learned about migration and made bird feeders. When we came back, we wrote a report about our adventures.

We started to look at our Famous Scot- this week we researched lots of information about Alexander Graham Bell.

In maths, we looked at negative numbers and how they are used in real life.

Have a lovely weekend

Primary 5 and Mrs Kerr

Primary 5 w/e 11th January 2019

Happy New Year from Primary 5.

The photos show us enjoying our fitness session with Mhairi. We participated in a variety of exercise to develop our personal fitness. Everyone worked hard!

In maths we have been looking at subtraction. We have been formally recording our answers and using exchanging to help us calculate these.

One of our literacy tasks this week has been to create a storyboard about our holidays. We shared our holiday news through these boards.

We have started the new session with a focus on our School Values. We worked in small groups to create an information poster about each of our values.

We are continuing to read Sky Song and we recreated the  character, Erkenbear, from this novel.

With Ms Bain in music we learned some new terms and a rap about a conversation in the snow.

In Science we learned about mixtures and chemical reactions. Ask us to explain what we were doing!!

Have a lovely weekend.

Primary 5 and Mrs Kerr


Primary 5 w/e 21st December 2018

We have had lots of fun in class this week.

We escaped Santa’s Grotto by solving a variety of literacy clues that revised some of the skills we have learned this term.

We solved the mystery of who had eaten Mrs Claus’ Christmas Cake, working through a series of problem solving and maths activities to do this.

We had an amazing time at our Christmas Party yesterday – thankyou Miss Baillie for organising this and to  Mr Logan for being our DJ for the afternoon.

We have completed a variety of Christmas activities, including a sock snowman which was our Christmas present from Mrs Kerr.

We would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and best wishes for 2019.

Love from Primary 5 and Mrs Kerr

Primary 5 w/e 14th December 2018

The pictures show us making our models for our Novel Study of Sky Song. We recreated a scene from the novel and wrote a short blurb explaining what was happening in the scene.

In maths we have learnt how to use function machines and we designed our own function machines to display in the classroom. As our Problem Solving challenge this week, we were working with digits – ask us what we were up to with this!!

In PE we were learning how to do some Ceilidh dances. We practised the Canadian Barn Dance and the Dashing White Sargent. We also did the Grand Old Duke of York.

We had a wonderful trip to the Pantomime and enjoyed the fun that was happening there.

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

Primary 5 and Mrs Kerr


Primary 5 w/e 7/12/18

As we count down towards Christmas, we have had a busy week with our enterprise activities. We have filled our gift bags for the Day Care Centre with the donations we received. Many thanks if you helped us with these. We also created candy cane reindeer and snowman ‘mystery’ cups to sell at the Christmas Fayre. We have raised £88 this morning at the Fayre. Well done to everyone.

In Literacy we have continued to read Sky Song and complete activities related to this.

In maths our focus has been number sequences and patterns. We have looked at how to work out which numbers are missing when the sequence goes up and down.

Have a lovely weekend

Kind regards

Primary 5 and Mrs Kerr

Primary 5 w/e 30.11.18




Today brings November’s learning to a close.

We have had another busy week.

The weather was kind to us on Wednesday and we managed to walk along to Cross House and take part in activities related to Christmas. The children heard from some of the characters in the Nativity Story, had a snack and completed craft activities. They should be able to bring these home soon.

In maths we have begun to explore number patterns and sequences, looking at how these can go up as well as down.

In literacy we have continued to explore our class novel Sky Song, creating images of the scenes the author describes.

Our problem solving task this week was to create a decoration for a Christmas Tree,  using symmetry and repeating patterns. This was harder than it sounds!!

Have a lovely weekend.

Primary 5 and Mrs Kerr

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