P7a Fabulous, Fantastical FAME :)

This week has all been about FAME. We had our last full in school rehearsal on Monday and then on Tuesday we had two full dress rehearsals at the Academy. These went really well and we were very happy with what we had learned. Rebecca Holmes took pictures of us and they look amazing 🙂

Wednesday and Thursday were show days and we were outstanding. Mrs Newton (and all the other teachers) said we were FABULOUS and we came off stage on Thursday night on a high. We are happy that we do not need to rehearse any more, but also a little sad that it is all over.

On Monday we had a small break from FAME when Angus Gaillie, a Senior Mechanical Engineer from The Royal Observatory of Scotland, came into speak to us. We had lots of questions about his job and we loved hearing about the parts he has designed for telescopes that are going into space.

Today we had a reflective reading event for parents, This was a nice way to end the week as we were working in pairs and had the chance to share our learning with family.

Have a lovely weekend, most of us intend to sleep 😉

P7a and Mrs Newton


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