P4A Blog Week Ending 22.11.19

P4A Blog Week Ending 22.11.19


Literacy and English

In literacy we have been learning to write explanations about how things happen or work. We learned about the water cycle and how the process is shown in order and that there is often technical words used in explanation writing such as evaporation.

In grammar we learned when to use verbs which are doing or action words. WE learned that imperative verbs are bossy verbs that tell you what to do in a command style. E.g. shut the door, put the eggs in. For spelling this week, we were learning to spell words that start with ‘un’ or end in ‘d’. We had some ERIC time (Everyone Reading in Class) to enjoy reading of our choice. We are continuing to focus on non-fiction books for home reading this week.

Numeracy and Mathematics

In Numeracy and Mathematics we have been practising our mental maths strategies every day. This week we were learning how to use ‘doubles and near doubles’. We have been playing lots of active games to practice. e.g. dominoes, racing board games counting in doubles, using 100, 10 and 1 wooden cubes to practise with our partners. We are now able to use a range of strategies and are getting to know which strategy is the quickest to use depending on the calculation.

Have a lovely weekend!


P4A and Ms McAlpine

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