Welcome back everyone, we hope you had a lovely October break!
We got straight back to it this week and learned two new sounds – d and o. Letter formation:
d – around the dinosaur’s bottom, up his neck, down to his feet (it also helps to remind them it starts like an a!)
o – all around the orange (remember to start at the top)
In Numeracy we learned about ‘more’ and ‘less’. We looked at two groups and identified which group had more/less. Here’s an online game to practise:
We then challenged ourselves to find out one more and one less than a given number, eg, what is one more than 8? What is one less than 5? Some of us found this quite tricky but using a number line and concrete materials helped.
On Wednesday we began learning about Time – days of the week. We discussed what we usually do on each day of the week. We then looked at the starting sound of each of the words, this helped us to read the days of the week and put them in the correct order:
This song helped us to remember the order:
In IDL we continued with our Fairyland topic and designed castles for Fairyland. Lots of fantastic ideas, including a floating castle!
Thank you for all the signs of autumn collected over the holiday, we are enjoying exploring them. We had lots of fun outside this week in the autumn sunshine:
We were very impressed by DK who designed this tower in the block play area, we think he will be an architect one day!
Check out LR’s super homework – great effort!
Next week we will begin our book study focus, we will be focusing on books and stories about hedgehogs. If you have any at home that you wouldn’t mind us borrowing that would be fab! Any hedgehog experts out there, we’d love to hear from you
Have a great weekend,
Love P1b and Mrs Bell x