Another hectic week in P4B. We have been finishing our powerpoints on Comparisons of Indian/Scottish life and then presenting them. We all spoke very clearly and did some very good presentations. Some of us need to add more detail and that needs remembering for next time. Hope to include some photos of some of us doing our presentations.
We have continued with diary writing this week. We pretended we were Jonah from our class novel – “Lucky Button” and wrote some brilliant descriptions of our day. Well done P4B and we are getting to grips with doing Peer, Self and Teacher assessments. We have worked on a comprehension exercise, answering questions on information about India and revised the punctuation we have covered this term. Just need to see regular evidence of this now!
In Numeracy we have continued with addition and adding doubles and near doubles. Also we have been describing the properties of 3D shapes and are using straws and flat shapes to construct these.
So the end of a busy term. Enjoy your holidays and look forward to seeing you on 22/10/19.
With love from P4B and Mrs.Burton
Sorry no photos.