P1B – Week ending 24th May

What a quick week!

In Literacy, we have been learning the new digraphs, ‘au’ as in launch and ‘aw’ as in draw.  We learned that, once again, there is unfortunately no set pattern to follow to work out which au/aw to use when we are spelling using this digraph but, as we have discussed before, this will get better with practise.  Our new tricky words were ‘do’ and ‘as’.  This was the last week of new digraphs and tricky words for Primary 1.  The rest of the term will be used to consolidate learning of all sounds we have learned throughout the year.

In Numeracy we continued to work on our sequencing skills, forwards and backwards, within 20.  We took turns to choose a selection of numbers and found the easiest way to sequence the numbers was to work out which were the largest and the smallest numbers and sequence the others in between.  We loved using the caterpillar sequencing game and used this to challenge each other.  You could play this at home too (https://www.topmarks.co.uk/ordering-and-sequencing/caterpillar-ordering).

In Maths we continued to learn about how to present data in a pictogram.  We learned that it is important to create a separate column for each of data sets in the pictogram, making it clear to understand.  We began to learn about strategies we could use to interpret the data in the chart.

In PE we were working on eye/foot co-ordination, dribbling a ball and we also continued our Gymnastics block with Mrs Harris.  We built on the Gymnastics learning that we have done so far, practising a variety of rolls and jumps.  Everyone worked very hard to try to complete the tasks.

We were also lucky to have an Enjoy-A-Ball session this week.  Paul Pizza was impressed with the ball dribbling skills on show and how well the children listened to his instructions.

We started thinking about our class assembly which is set for Friday 7th June.  Mrs Reid was very impressed with the ideas which were suggested and we are hoping to incorporate all of them into our performance.  We’re keeping this top secret just now!

We arrived in school on Thursday to find one of our butterflies had hatched from its cocoon and shortly after we started our day, another one emerged!  We were very excited to see them and had a super discussion about the hatching process.  We had lots of questions and researched the answers to these together.  We wanted to know if our butterflies were boys or girls and what the red liquid was that came out of the butterflies as they hatched.  I wonder if the children can tell you the answers?

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Reid and Primary 1B

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