We have been exploring our local area in quite a few of our lessons this week. We began by exploring Linlithgow High Street in our art lesson on Monday. We were focussing on shape and line, looking closely at the buildings on Linlithgow high street to see what shapes and lines we could see. Using only sugar paper and our hands – we tore the paper into the shapes we wanted to make the buildings and then added lines with black pen. We looked at the buildings really closely and made a good job of recreating the sky line and adding the lines we could see on the buildings too.
We continued to look at our local area on Tuesday when we made maps of Linlithgow and then had to programme E.A.R.L to make his way around the map. We learned the terms algorithm and debug. We used direction cards to make algorithms which we used to programme E.A.R.L We had to debug some of our algorithms by finding and fixing the problems. This was great fun and E.A.R.L has become a favourite in our class, we will hopefully be programming him using Scratch soon. After all this hard work work we finished the day with a visit to the park.
In writing this week, we were trying to persuade people to stop dropping litter. We begun this last week with a listening and talking session where we looked at photographs showing different problems that litter can cause, we shared our opinions with our friends. This week, using these opinions we wrote notes on our arguments for not dropping litter and then used these notes to write pieces of persuasive text. We worked on using strong words to convince others. Some of us were also working on sentence openers to make our points even stronger. The finished pieces of writing are very good and we have certainly got the hang of expressing and writing our opinions!
In health we have begun to look at transitions and changes as we begin to think about moving onto P4. We read the story ‘Silly Billy’ about a boy who worried about everything. He found a good solution to his problem though. We had some discussion about sharing our worries to help us to resolve them and did some group work using a Venn diagram to allow us to think about differences between P3 and P4 and all the things that will stay the same too. We will continue to work on this over the coming weeks.
In social studies we looked again at our local community. We were set a task to make a powerpoint to persuade The Simpson family to move to Linlithgow. We carried out research and made presentations showing all the things that there is to do in and around Linlithgow. We will complete and present these next week.
In numeracy some of us have been working on quick recall of the 3 and 4 times tables and some have begun to multiply 10s numbers by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 e.g., 30 X 5 = 150. In outer maths we are continuing to develop our measuring skills, using cm and 1/2 cm. We were measuring objects and lines as well as drawing accurate lines and shapes with a ruler and using construction to create structures of specific sizes.
We enjoyed outdoor PE again this week, trying different activities for our circuit training. The weather has been lovely and we are hoping it continues into the weekend.
Have a good couple of days, everyone worked very hard this week.
P3B and Mrs Kennedy