Primary 5 – w/e 7/9/18

This week Primary 5 have had another busy week.

We walked along to the leisure centre and completed our swimming assessment. The children were great and tried really hard for Adam.

In maths, we worked with numbers into millions, adding and subtracting multiples of ten. We played hit the button and other times tables activities to continue to build our speed and accuracy with these. We have set ourselves targets for the term in maths too.

We have started to look at what a refugee may be and how this can happen to people. We will begin a comparison study next week, which will integrate this and give us a basis to compare Scotland and India.

After a practise run last week, we have created hot air balloons for our Growth Mindset display.

We have established the 5 point scale as part of our HWB focus, where the children will have an opportunity to regularly reflect on how they are feeling.

Have a great weekend

Kind regards

Mrs Kerr



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