Primary 6

This week in Science, Primary 6 have been learning all about energy. We discovered that energy can take different forms like chemical, light or heat and can transfer from one object to another. We worked together to match objects and actions to the type of energy they hold or produce.

In Maths, we have been applying our numeracy skills to complete word problems. We have been looking at two-step problems, where we need to complete two different calculations in order to find the answer.

We are looking forward to our class trip on Wednesday to the Water of Leith Centre to discover more about the Jacobites!

Fun Time Friday Take 2!

Today we had our second Fun Time Friday of the school year. Fun Time Friday is an opportunity for all our children to select an activity that they are interested in and take part in it with peers across different classes. We had a range of activities to choose from which the children brainstormed at Pumphie Pals last session.

Profiling @ PUSCPS

This session we are looking at improving our approaches to profiling. At our recent inservice day staff looked at our current approaches to profiling and some changes we would like to trial following some professional reading.

Please see below an overview of profiling in our school. We will be asking you for your feedback on some of our current and new ideas over the school session.

Profiling at PUSCPS

P4-7 Pupil Profiling Survey

As part of our school improvement plan, Primary 4-7 took part in a survey to evaluate our approaches to profiling. They were asked to score out of 6 if they agreed with the following statements from How Good Is OUR School? The feedback will support us with making improvements to our profiling approaches.

The results are as follows:

  1. Everyone in our school has opportunities to be able to develop a variety of different interests, talents and learn new skills. 5.13
  2. Everyone in our school can take part in a group, club, team or activity beyond normal class time if they want to. 5.26
  3. Our school keeps accurate records of pupil participation and achievements and helps us to recognise their importance of these. 4.85
  4. At all stages of school we have good opportunities to take responsibility through organising and leading activities. 5.13
  5. We can talk confidently about the skills we are gaining as a result of leading and organising aspects of school life. 4.91
  6. We are getting better at knowing when our skills are improving and being able to talk about this. 5
  7. We have a good way of recording our knowledge and skills and this shows how we are building on the skills we have developed. 5.3
  8. Our school knows and is interested in building on the skills we are learning out of school. 4.96
  9. Our achievements are recognised, valued and celebrated by our school and community through a range of ways which help build our self-esteem and confidence. 5.09

Profiling Pupil Response

Parent Partner: Halloween Parties

This year we had a Halloween Party with a difference! Our Parent Partners had organised a range of exciting activities and games for us to play.  There was lots of positive feedback about the different activities on offer.

Thank you to the house and vice captains for helping out at the younger party and to the staff who came along to support the event, and have a dance with their children!

A big thank you to our parent partners for coming with up a very original Halloween Party, for preparing all the fun activities and attending on the evening.

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