In the lead up to Book Week Scotland all our classes are having a reading interdisciplinary book or author focus.
Library Afterschool Club: 08.11.18
Communication Survey Feedback
Following a recent Parent Partner meeting, we sent out a survey to all families from nursery to primary 7 to evaluate our approaches to communicate. 10% of families responded to the survey; a sample from each year group responded, including nursery.
Families Learning Together: 22/11/18
Book Week Scotland @ PUSCPS
Primary 4 Poetry
The book we have been studying is George’s Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl. The children have explored the techniques used by Roald Dahl in poetry and compared them to William Shakespeare. They then used tone, pace, volume and gesture to present the poems to a class audience in small groups.
Camera Club
Fun Time Friday Take 2!
Today we had our second Fun Time Friday of the school year. Fun Time Friday is an opportunity for all our children to select an activity that they are interested in and take part in it with peers across different classes. We had a range of activities to choose from which the children brainstormed at Pumphie Pals last session.
Term 2 Learning Overviews
Profiling @ PUSCPS
This session we are looking at improving our approaches to profiling. At our recent inservice day staff looked at our current approaches to profiling and some changes we would like to trial following some professional reading.
Please see below an overview of profiling in our school. We will be asking you for your feedback on some of our current and new ideas over the school session.