All posts by Miss Reilly

P1-3 Websites to go on to! :-)

Hi All,

If you are looking for some fun websites to help you with your Literacy and Numeracy try some of these…


I will keep adding so there is plenty to keep you all busy – AND LEARNING!

New P1 School Visit!

We all welcomed the new P1s starting school in August to the school today. They came along to meet their new teacher, buddies and also get a chance to say hello to any older brother and sisters! They were all amazing – came in smiling and left smiling! 🙂 A very successful first day! Looking forward to seeing them all again soon!

Feast Day Fun Day! 🤗

All the children moved around the classes today, getting a variety of fun activities with all the teachers! We had drawing, Kareoke, building, games, dancing and then chilling out watching cartoons! A good variety and lots of happy children having fun, fun, fun! Thanks to all the staff for organising. 👍

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