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Measuring Length P2 & P2/1 – Wk beg Mon Apr 20th

Click on the link below to watch a short video which may help you with this week’s measure task as described on the home learning sheet.

This task is for all  children in P2a, P2b and P2/1.

Remember if you are able to, you can take photos of the things you measure or your home learning jotter page and send these to your class teacher.


P6A at the new Linlithgow Museum

Last Thursday P6A visited the new museum to perform their song ‘Medieval Times’. We worked with community songwriter Caro Bridges to write the song. We hope you enjoy listening – it has a catchy chorus!
We also had the opportunity to look round the museum and learn lots of new facts about Linlithgow in olden days.

P1c Learning Update 29 April

Miss McDermott and Mrs Smith were delighted to see us all back safely for our last term together as P1c. We also welcomed 2 new children to our class and we hope that they enjoy learning and taking part in all the super activities at Linlithgow Primary School with us.

This term one of our topics is Fairy Tales and Traditional Stories and we have started this by reading a  rhyming and lift the flap story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Unfortunately as you know, Goldilocks is rather naughty in the story so we made and displayed some WANTED posters.

Our first team challenge this term was based on the book “A Chair for Baby Bear”.

We worked in teams of 3 to design and build new chairs for our own baby bear using different construction materials. We had to make sure that he would fit comfortably on the chair and that the chair would not fall over.  As you will see from the photographs most of the groups came up with fantastic designs to complete the challenge.

Our second team challenge was to retell the  Goldilocks story using puppets and trying to use “character voices”.  First of all we made the stick puppets and then decided who would be each character.  This was quite tricky as there were 4 characters and only 3 of us in each group. Miss McDermott was very pleased as she did not need to help any of the groups to sort this out!  We then had some practice time before we performed our puppet shows to each other.  There was much laughter at our different “bear” voices!

We have also enjoyed reading the story “Who’s Been Eating My Porridge?” by Nick Ward which includes a very strange porridge monster and a porridge party.

So we decided to end the week by having our very own porridge tasting party, helped of course by Mrs Smith!  We all tried some plain porridge and some sweet porridge to see which one we liked best.  Some of us however, didn’t like any of them (as you might be able to tell from our faces!!) but we did try them which was the important thing.




P1c Learning Update 28th March

We now have an engineer’s corner set up in the classroom and are enjoying using  this for both building and designing our own constructions.

This week’s team challenge also involved building as we had to work together to build a bridge for the Three Billy Goats Gruff.  The bridge had to be 50cm wide and be able to carry the weight of the three goats.  As you will see from the photographs, the groups used different construction materials so in some ways the challenge wasn’t very fair! However we have been learning all about being “resilient” in P1c and none of the groups gave up.

This term our topic is The Farm and part of this  has been learning about different animals.  We have particularly enjoyed learning about sheep and were rather surprised to learn that sheep can give us milk!

In RME we read the story of The Lost Sheep and drew some fantastic pictures to show different parts  the story.

We were delighted last week to welcome Mrs Burns (who is a parent of another P1 child at our school) into our class to read us a story.  We are currently taking part in the First Minister’s Reading Challenge and we are trying to read 100 books before the summer holidays!

Mrs Burns read us a story in German and it was all about goats!

As part of the First Minister’s Reading Challenge we all received Reading passports. Each week we complete a review of a book that we have read and give it a star rating. This week’s book was My Big Brother Boris by Liz Pichon.

Here are a few of our reviews.



P1c February Learning Update

This term as part of our learning in RME we have been talking about the golden goal “Do be kind and helpful”.  In particular we have been talking about people that who are special to us and how we can be kind and helpful to them.  We have been reading lots of stories about special people and being kind including the story of St Valentine on the 14th of February.

We liked finding how he helped people to get married even though the Emperor had forbidden it and this is why people now send cards and give gifts on St Valentine’s Day. We hope our special people liked our gifts!

One of this month’s team challenges was the Penguin Rescue.   During the challenge we had to  use  our thinking skills and work together to free the penguin from the block of ice.  However we were not allowed to smash the ice on the floor in case the penguin got damaged. As you will see from the photographs we had lots of great ideas. These ranged from everything including blowing, rubbing, and shaking.   And yes all of the penguins were rescued and none of them were damaged!!


We also completed a very different team challenge  –  to make a  farm animals poster.  In this challenge we had to practise our talking and listening skills as well as our thinking skills as we had to make sure that everyone in our team  drew different animals.  Miss McDermott was very impressed because she thought that there might have been a lot of doubles and we proved her wrong!


P1c Scottish Celebrations – 25th January

This week we have been listening to lots of Scottish stories and talking about Scots words. We learned that Robert Burns was famous for writing Scots songs and poems and today we celebrated his birthday by having our own Burns Supper in class.

This included toasts to the laddies and lassies which we had written ourselves and a toast to the haggis (crisps!) read by Mrs Smith.  We enjoyed our Scottish snacks which also included shortbread and tablet that Mrs Smith had kindly made for us.  As you will see from the photographs there was lots of dancing to Scottish music! At our Scottish assembly we sang Heid, Shooders, Knaps an Taes – not a traditional Scots song but a nice way to end our special Scottish morning!

P1c Skeleton Challenges – 25th October

This week we have been reading the Funnybones stories all about 3 skeletons – a big skeleton, a little skeleton and a dog skeleton.

We have been learning why the skelton is an important part of the body and have been getting quite good at naming some of the different bones including skull, spine, ribs and pelvis.

We  practised our cutting skills to make these super Hallowe’en skeleton decorations which are going to be put up for the party in the hall.

We also enjoyed taking part in a special outdoor team challenge with our P6 buddies to make skeletons using sticks and stones. Everyone had to take part in finding the materials and then building the skeleton.

Here is a link to the Go Noodle “Bones” song that we have been singing and dancing along to in class!

P1c Pumpkin Soup Making – 24 October

It might not quite be Hallowe’en yet but P1c are getting in the mood. This morning we enjoyed  reading the story Pumpkin Soup by Helen Cooper, then we got busy carving pumpkins and making our own pumpkin soup.

Today we not only practised cutting the vegetables but also grating them too. After playtime we enjoyed having the soup with some bread for snack.   A big thank you to Mrs Smith and Mrs Kemsley (our student teacher from Edinburgh University) for their help this morning.