Category Archives: P3

P3A Monday 18th May

Good Morning P3A 🙂

I hope you had a relaxing weekend.  I spent time in my garden fixing nets for my pea plants.  They have started to grow a bit taller now and need some support to help them stay upright.  The onions and potatoes seem to be growing well too but I’m not sure about my strawberry plants- I can’t see much happening!  My children helped to pull out some weeds too.

I also tried out the drawing activity from the Week 7 grid.  I tried the Gregosaurus the stegosaurus video.  I am pleased with it 🙂  Send me your pictures if you try any.

This week’s learning grid is on the website and linked below.  New activities and challenges have been set on Heinemann Active and Sumdog too.

I know lots of you are already keeping in touch.  If you are able to send an email once a week that would be great.

Mrs Bell

Gilbert The Hero

Hi Primary 3,

This week my story for you is ‘Gilbert The Hero’.

And below are the follow on activities you can do. Try to do at least two over the week.

Gilbert the Hero Reading Comprehension

  1. What kind of shark is Gilbert?
  2. Why did Rita suggest they put Finn on the swing?
  3. How do you think Finnball is played?
  4. Which word described how they swam to the wreck?
  5. Where exactly did Finn and Rita hide?
  6. Do you think Gilbert was good at looking after Finn? Explain your answer.

Wonderful Writer

During the book, Gilbert is given the responsibility to look after his younger sibling. If you had to look after a younger brother or sister, what would you get up to? Where would you go? How would you make sure they were safe? Write a short story about it.

Book Review

Print out the book review and complete (or create your own version)

Dynamic Designer

Design a play park for Finn, draw it and label its features.

Word Wizard

Find out the dictionary definition of the following words and write them in your own sentence: proud, hurl, urchin, sigh, churn

Artistic Ace

Draw a picture to represent part of the story and write at least 2 sentences to describe your drawing.

Question Master

Design your own Gilbert the Hero quiz or a quiz about sharks. (remember to use question marks)

Rocking Researcher

In the book Gilbert is a shark. Find out about sharks. You could choose one species of shark to draw and write a few facts about.

Here are some files that might help you.

Book Review

Gilbert the Hero Comprehension

Gilbert the Hero Tasks

Gilbert The Hero

Shark Activities

P3B Monday 18th May

Good morning,

First some highlights from my past week: I saw a deer and a hare whilst jogging in the countryside. The deer jumped out of some bushes right in front of me, it was amazing. I’ve been writing a quiz for my big sister who turns 40 on the 23rd, which includes lots of embarrassing photos. Finally, I’ve been painting some rocks inspired by our P3B celebrity. Here is one of my rocks.

I would love to hear about your highlights too.

Please, check out the school website for some P3 resources for home learning this week.

This week my story is ‘Gilbert the Hero’, which I will post about separately. This week it is a revision week for spelling of the last four weeks of rules. Below are the rules you have been practicing. 

My daughters made their own board game which they enjoy playing to practice their spelling words. They also play the game Twister. If they fall they have to spell five words. I wonder what games you might like to play while practicing your words.

During the week let us know how you are getting on by emailing myself and Miss Ross.

Have a great day,

Mr Brice

Story Time From Home – Monday 18th May

Hello everyone and welcome back after the weekend!

Last week I created an online quiz for P2/1 to try all about Scotland.  It seemed to work really well so this week I have made one for everyone who enjoys the Story Time videos.  The quiz is all about bears which you can play online by clicking the link below.

You do not need to download an app or to login but you can put your name or initials in.  It is a multiple choice quiz and it is very easy to play on a mobile phone. Please let me know how you get on and what you think!

This week’s story theme is robots and here are the robots that were made by the children in my street that you will see in the video this week .  Aren’t they fantastic?

And of course here is the link to today’s story which I hope you enjoy!

Miss McDermott

P3B Friday 15th May

Morning, I hope everyone has had a great week.

I have been sent lots of arts and crafts this week. Have a look at this video created by someone in our class, he has been painting rocks and created a ‘How to’ video. This might be a nice activity for over the weekend. Remember to paint #LPSrocks on your rock.

I have also being doing some arts and crafts at night. This is called diamond painting, its like a paint by numbers but with tiny little beads,  20,000 of them!! I made this picture for my niece’s bedroom, she is only 9 weeks old. Now it is finished I need to think of what I can do next, does anyone have any suggestions?

Have a great weekend.

Miss Ross 😀

P3A Friday 15th May

Good Morning P3 🙂

Happy Friday!  I hope you have been enjoying the activities on our P3 grid this week.  If you managed to make the egg box mouse I’d love to see it.  Does anyone have a recommendation of a book they have enjoyed on Oxford Owl? There’s so much choice!  If you email me your top picks, I’ll add them to next week’s blog.  It could help your classmates find their next book!

Just a wee reminder that P3 have access to Maths, Spelling and Grammar sections on Sumdog. I know lots of the class have been on enjoying Sumdog this week.

Today’s exciting news is about Sumdog’s West Lothian Maths Contest.  It started this morning at 8am and finishes at 8pm on Thursday 21st May.  You’ll see the contest activity on your homepage and any games you play when this is displayed will count towards your score.  Other classes in LPS are joining in with this too, I think it sounds like great fun!

Have a good weekend and I’ll be back on the blog on Monday.

Mrs Bell



Story Time From Home – Friday 15th May

Hello everyone

Here is the link to Friday’s Story Time From Home.

As well as a bear, it includes some pesky rabbits too.  I hope none of you are being pesky! Mind you, it is nearly the weekend so you can have some time off from home learning and hopefully do something nice with your families.

Best wishes and thank you again for watching all the videos and sending me your kind messages.

Miss McDermott

3a 14.5.20 Good Morning

Good morning everybody.

I love reading and on a quiet day, during lockdown, I admit I can read a book from start to finish. I hope you enjoy the books you can find on Oxford Owl. Email and let me know what books you’re reading and why you’ve enjoyed them.

Today’s favourite poem to share is Talking Turkeys by Benjamin Zephaniah. I’ve made it easy today.

Click to access talking_turkeys_zephaniah.pdf

Just for fun – Which dog do you think is faster?

Ms Occardi

P3B Thursday 14th May

Morning everyone!

I have really enjoyed seeing all the work you have been doing this week! Someone in our class has made a quiz about ‘One button Benny’ why don’t you have a go… 

This week in maths you were looking at data handling. Have a go at this game to practise reading tally marks.

Here is todays riddle, have a go!

Have a great day!

Miss Ross


Story Time From Home – Thursday 14th May

Hello everyone!

Welcome to the Story Time from Home page although it seems like yesterday some of you were left rather disappointed when the links didn’t work.

I am very sorry about this.  I do check them and they both worked fine for me and they did work for some other people it seems. I am able to tell how many people watch each video and I just thought maybe you were all having the day off yesterday!

Here is the link for today’s story which is quite a short one and finger’s crossed will work.  Grown ups – please let me know if it doesn’t and I’ll see what, if anything, I can do.

Miss McDermott

3a Wed 13.5.20 Good Morning

Good morning everybody.

Thank you again for all of the emails, photos and examples of work you have sent to myself and Mrs Bell. Until  we’re back in school,  it is really important that we keep in touch and your teachers want to do all they can to support you with your online home learning grids.

Our favourite poem to share today is “Bruce’s Address Before Bannockburn” I’m not even going to tell you who wrote it, but I don’t  think you’ll have any problem finding it on the internet. Sometimes, especially when it’s performed as a song, it entitled ” Scots Wha Hae”

Just for fun – I think Katie Morag is feeling a bit fed up…

PS – Another of my squinty photos. I’m just not getting any better at this. You know the drill – just turn your laptop around until it’s the right way around.

Ms Occardi