Category Archives: P2

Good Morning, P2A Thursday 23rd April

Good morning, everyone!  I hope you had a fun day yesterday and got out in the sunshine.  I had fun reading some emails from boys and girls in our class.  I love to see your photos of all the learning activities you are doing with your families so please keep sending them to me and keep in touch!

My daughter and I baked a carrot and banana loaf last night.  We had to follow all the instructions in the recipe and use scales to weigh out all the ingredients.  Have any of you been baking at home?  It would be good to see photos of your baking.



Today is St George’s Day.  St George’s Day is celebrated in England on 23rd April.  He is the patron saint of England.  St George rescued a princess by slaying a fearsome fire-breathing dragon.  I hope you have enjoyed watching Miss McDermott’s stories about dragons this week.  Here is a link to a short video about St George –

Have fun learning and have a great day!

Mrs Herbison 

Good Morning P2A Wednesday, 22 April

Good morning everyone.  I hope you are all well and had a good day yesterday.  I enjoyed looking at my emails and seeing some of the fabulous activities you have been doing with your families.  Please keep sending them to me.  I also enjoyed my walk along the river yesterday and I could hear lots of different bird songs.  It was so lovely to listen to the birds singing, watch the ducks swimming and see all the spring flowers.

Today is Earth Day.  I have included a couple of information PowerPoints you can look at to find out more information about Earth Day and what we can all do.



Have fun learning with your family.  Keep sharing your wonderful activities.

Have a great day!

Mrs Herbison



Primary 2B Wednesday 22nd April

Good Morning Primary 2B

Good morning hope you are all well today. It  is a lovely day and I am sure you are all looking forward to learning lots of new things with the help of your family. We all understand why it is important that everyone stays at home as much as possible just now. If you can make a poster telling people to STAY AT HOME and put it in your window that would be great. Remember to make your writing Big and Bold. I would love to see your posters so if you can send them to me I will choose a few to share on our Twitter page.

Have fun

Mrs Boyle

Story Time from Home – Wednesday 22nd April Earth Day

Here is today’s Story Time from Home link.  I have chosen this story not just because it’s about dragons but because today is  Earth Day and the story is about caring, sharing and working together.

Below is also a short powerpoint explaining a little bit about Earth Day and a little activity you might want to do about  looking after the planet Earth.

Even if you can’t print the activity off, I am sure you could make your own version and maybe you could even send me a photograph if you are able to.

Today I am working at one of the hub schools in Bathgate so I won’t be able to reply to any emails or messages immediately – please be patient  though and I will get back to you when I can !

Miss McDermott

Music Time with Mrs McWhirter

Hi everyone  from Mrs McWhirter. I hope you all had a lovely Easter break and enjoyed the sunshine! I am missing seeing and hearing  you all but I hope we can have some musical fun and learning here!

I hope you enjoy this song all about the lovely flowers coming out just now and many more images of the wonderful world! I think some of you will already know this song and can sing along.

My favourite part is the Boom de anna bit which is repeated many times and you could clap along to that part or tap your knees or find something safe in your house to use as a drum. A cardboard box can make a great sound and wooden spoons can be tapped together a bit like our claves! Please always ask before you try to make sure it’s safe!

Another thing you could try is writing your own verse about what you like. I would love to read some of your ideas here so please get song writing! Here’s my verse, try and sing it!

I like the Springtime, I like the blossom trees

I like the garden , I like the bumble bees

I like the sunlight shining down on me

Boom de anna boom de anna boom de anna boom de anna

Good luck!

Story Time from Home – Tuesday 21st April

Hello everyone

Wow! What a lot of messages yesterday! I am so glad to hear that everyone is geting on well and having a go at all the home learning tasks. The photos that you have been sending are fantastic and it is lovely that I can now see some of your lovely smiley faces again!

Here is the link to today’s dragon story and underneath it is a link to a youtube video about how to draw a dragon that you might want to try.  We have used some of these videos in the classroom for drawing thistles and a Scottie dog.  Remember it is a good idea to keep pausing the video as you draw.

It is a lovely sunny day here in Bathgate and hopefully it will be in Linlithgow too,  so maybe you’d rather get outside and keep the dragon drawing for another day!

Miss McD

Dragon drawng

Good Morning P2A Tuesday 21st April

Good morning everyone.  I hope you are all fit and healthy and had a good day yesterday in the sunshine.   It was a lovely day for being outside in the garden or for going a family walk.  When I was out walking with Mr Herbison we saw a beautiful butterfly.  Have you seen any when you have been outside?

Today is a special day for someone  –  it is Queen Elizabeth II’s birthday!  Do you know what age she is and can you work out which year she was born?

Here is a link to a short video  about  the Queen: 

Have a great day😊

Mrs Herbison

Hello Primary 2B 21.4.20

Good Morning everyone. How are you all today?

One of the things I miss most about school is our Check-in time when we have the chance to share our news with each other or just have a chance to say how we are feeling. I would love to hear how you are getting on and what you have been doing. If you are able, it would be good if you could get an adult to help you to send me a short message just so that I know you are well.

Mrs Mills

Welcome back from Mrs Webster!

Good morning, Boys and Girls.

Welcome back to a new term. I am really missing you all.

I hope you have all had a lovely Easter break. Maybe you have been enjoying the sunshine or playing in the garden? I would love to know what you have been doing!

I have had a lovely Easter. I have been in my garden and have even been bouncing on the trampoline with my little boy! I have also been doing fitness programmes and dancing to keep healthy. I have been speaking with my family and friends on the phone. I also take shopping to my Mum and Dad because they cannot leave the house.

I hope you will send me some of your news or show me some of the things you have been doing too!

Take care and keep smiling!

Mrs Webster

Welcome Back, Primary 2A

Good Morning, Primary 2A

Welcome back to Term 4.  I hope you all had a fun Easter holiday and managed to get outdoors and enjoy our lovely weather.  How many of you managed to see  beautiful daffodils dancing in the breeze?

I am missing all of you and I am looking forward to supporting you and your family with your learning this term.

Please use the Learning at Home Grid which is on our school website to see our suggested activities for the week.  Also check our School Blog every day for updates.  We are always interested in finding out how you are getting on and happy to support you in any way we can.

Have fun learning at home with family members and enjoy being outside.  Remember – just do what you can.

Mrs Herbison

Welcome Back Primary 2B

Welcome back to Term 4. I hope you have all had a good Easter and managed to get outdoors and make the most of our lovely weather.

Mrs Boyle and I are missing you all and are looking forward to supporting you and your family with your learning this term.

Please use the Learning at Home Grid which is on our school website to see our suggested activities for the week. Also check our School Blog every day for updates.  We are always interested in finding out how you are getting on and happy to support you in any way we can.

Have fun and remember just do what you can.

Mrs Mills


Monday 20th April – Primary 2

Welcome back! Here are a few things for you to try today.

Numeracy: Watch Miss McDermott’s post about measuring. 

What things can you measure inside and outside? Record your measuring.

Who would need to measure things as part of their job? Can you name some things used for measuring?

Craft Challenge!

Can you make something useful from your old Easter egg boxes and packaging? Or try and make something from your recycling rubbish.

Daily Activity:

Make sure you get outside today for some fresh air. Go for a family walk, take out your bike, build a den in the garden, go on a bug hunt, do some accurate measuring or even help hang out the washing!