Welcome back, hope you all had a lovely Easter break.
Please use this link below to find ideas for activities, help and links to support your child at home.
Welcome back, hope you all had a lovely Easter break.
Please use this link below to find ideas for activities, help and links to support your child at home.
This is a short animated story to help explain very simply about social distancing.
Please click below for the story.
A wonderful action packed assembly by P2b.
Please see info about upcoming Fairtrade event at Linlithgow Primary School next Friday. Click link below.
This is an update about the P7 Lagganlia trip next week. The trip at the moment will still go ahead. We have spoken to Lagganlia Centre and they have told us they all roads are clear and safe to drive. We will update you if anything changes.
Please check the following basic kit list. Remember that is is the minimum requirements. Link to list below:-
Lagganlia Suggested Clothing List
They have however suggested to pack some extra layers as well as extra gloves, hat, snood and socks due to the cold weather.
Please note that any MEDICAL forms as well as any medicines needs to be into the office for 8:45 Monday at the latest. Staff will not be allowed to give any medicines without relevant completed medical forms and approval from parents.
Please bring all luggage to the school hall on Monday first thing. Children will also need a packed lunch for Monday.
Tomorrow is World Book Day. In school we had planned to have lots of activities related to the enjoyment and importance of reading. Due to the weather, however, we would love it if you all were able to complete a reading challenge in the snow.
Here are a few suggestions.
Anything you do please take a quick picture if possible – Tweet your pictures, share on GLOW or bring into school to show us when we return.
Happy snowy reading
Mr Taylor
Today we celebrated more of our fantastic Awesome Achievers. What a lot of fantastic achievements over the last few weeks. Well done everyone.
Many thanks to all those who played in the Inter School football festival on Monday. It was a cold night, but lots of great games.
We will look forward to the next one which should be in February.
First Awesome Achievers of our New Year! Well done!
This week in P4 we have been learning about Electricity and creating our own circuits.
We found out about James Bowman Lindsay (1799-1862). A Scottish Scientist who was said to be one of the earlier inventors of the incandescent lamp.
Here we are creating our own circuits to light our lamps and trying to match electrical symbols to their names. Did you know that electrical symbols are universal symbols, recognised Worldwide?