P2/1 – Wednesday 17th June

Hello everyone,

I hope you all had a nice day yesterday on Marches Day.

Here is a link to a little activity that I saw on another school’s blog which I thought looked great fun. It has nothing to do with health but is all about racing caterpillars and it is really simple because you only need;

  • paper
  • pens
  • scissors
  • 2 straws


Below is the link to today’s Story Time From Home.  I’m sure lots of you will enjoy this story as I have read this one before in class and we had a great time at the beginning of the school year making our own Supertatos.


Hope you all have a super day!

Miss McDermott

Good Morning – Minibeast Hunt

In the story yesterday, we heard about lots of different minibeasts.  Today’s activity is to hunt for minibeasts: Look high, look low and see what little beasts you can find in the garden and around your neighbourhood. Do not forget to peek under stones, in the grass, and behind rocks…

Here is a link to a minibeast bug hunt to tick off what minibeasts you find.  You could use tally marks to count how many you find of each. https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/media/48349/minibeast-hunt.pdf