A busy second last week of term in P2/1!

My apologies for not posting this last week but here is a little update of a few of the things that we have been doing even though it is just about holiday time!

As you may have seen on Twitter we have enjoyed learning about the Scottish artist Steven Brown and were even more delighted that he retweeted our post and obviously some pictures of our art work too.  I’m sure you’ll agree that there could well be some famous artists in P2/1 some day soon! Here a few more of the finished McCoos.

As the weather was nice last week we went outside to do some “wild writing”.  This is part of the outdoor classroom initiative and we were able to write about anything we chose although spiders did seem to feature in quite a lot of the stories.

One of the reading groups was recently reading about a book about World Instruments which included the didgeridoo.  MissMcDermott just happened to have a didgeridoo in her loft so she gave it a good clean and we all had a go at trying to play it. However, it was not as easy as it looked so we did some internet research ( which also said it was fun and easy!!!) and gave it another go.  With a lot of perseverance we finally managed – well, some of us did!

On Thursday some of the P6a buddies game to our classroom to join us in playing a variety of maths games.  We have been practising telling the time and money skills throughout the year and these are something that ideally we need to keep practising over the holidays. We would like to say a big thank you to the buddies for all their help this year!

40 Years of Palace Guiding at Linlithgow Primary!

As you may or may not know this year is the 40th Anniversary of Palace Guiding here at Linlithgow Primary School. I just wanted to let you know that we have just had some social media coverage about the 40th anniversary of the guides. There’s a tweet on Twitter


 a Facebook post on:

https://www.facebook.com/HistoricEnvScotland/ and a news story on the Historic Environment Scotland (HES) website:

Historic Scotland ran a competition with our up coming guides to design a 40th Anniversary Logo. The competition was won by Charlotte Casey and Ellie McDonald.

The logo by Charlotte and Ellie is featured in the web news story. A press release has gone out too and STV are interested as well as local and national press. The 40th anniversary event tickets are on Eventbrite.  The event will take place at Linlithgow Burgh Halls on Sunday 13th August. All welcome.

Details are at:-


P2/1 sun safety videos

As part of our  Health and Wellbeing learning P2/1, have  been learning about staying safe in sunny weather. You can watch us singing our sun  safety song on these video clips.  Well done to all the boys and girls who dressed up – we had hoped to make our video outside but as you probably know it has more or less poured with rain all week in Linlithgow! Fingers crossed we can practise our sun safety tips throughout the summer holidays! 😊