P2/1 celebrate 50 years of LPS!

This  week we have enjoyed lots of birthday celebrations including sharing our learning about 1967 – the year our school opened at Preston Road.  Thank you very much to everyone who came along on Wednesday evening and well done to the tour guides who certainly seemed to have learned lots!

Today the children looked fantastic in their 1960s costumes. They enjoyed the 1960s disco which was organised by P7a.  The class did not go together today but with their P1 or P2 peer group which they seemed to enjoy.

After a very busy day we enjoyed some ginger beer (a favourite of Enid Blyton!) and a little piece of Mr Kipling cake ( first sold in 19671) to toast “Happy 50th Birthday!” to Linlithgow Primary School.


Tigers make it to George Allan Final

The annual George Allan Football tournament took place on Sunday the 21st of May. Our Linlithgow Tigers managed to win all but one game giving them a chance at the title in the final against Linlithgow Bridge Primary. Linlithgow Bridge stole a goal and despite all efforts the Tigers could just not equalise. It was a valiant effort by all. Well done Tigers. If you want to watch the highlights of the game please follow link below.

In the other League our Leopards dominated many games but were unable to secure a victory over Springfield, narrowly missing out a spot in the final.

Well done to both teams. They are now preparing for the next local competition which will be the Round Table Football Festival on the 4th of June which will take place at the Leisure Centre on the new 3G astro turf pitch.

Multiplication & Division Family Learning Event

Thank you to the parents who made it along to the Multiplication & Division Family Learning Event. Please find the Powerpoint and Booklet used during the event below. We hope you find these resources helpful.

P2/1 Golden Time Visitors!

If you read our blog regularly you will know that we love having visitors in P2/1!  Today we had some very special visitors because they were invited by the P2 children in our class and came along to join us for Golden Time.

The P2 children wrote invitations to their friends in P2a and P2b and delivered them this morning.


Then at Golden Time we were delighted that they could join us.  Everyone played very nicely and Mrs Smith brought in a special game called Bagatelle which we enjoyed playing too.

Over the next few weeks the P1 children will have the opportunity to invite their friends to come along and join us for Golden Time too.

P2/1 and P6a – Outdoor Classroom Day

This afternoon P2/1 and P6a celebrated Outdoor Classroom Day by taking part in a joint scavenger hunt around the school grounds.  The theme was weight and measure which is the focus for P2/1 maths learning at the moment.  The children had a long list of things to find and do – some of them much trickier than others! Here are just some of the photographs.

Rocking Recorders

The P4 beginners recorder group started 5 weeks ago. The club has 12 budding musicians who meet bright and early every Wednesday morning to discover music and learn how to read musical notes. So far they have already mastered 3 new notes (B, A and G) and lots of new songs. Mrs Cameron is very proud of the group’s enthusiasm and dedication! The group hope to invite friends in P4 to come and watch them play some tunes and duets in a music lesson at the end of term. Watch this space for further updates…

Primary Engineer Young Leader!

Last month P7 and P2 and P2/1 were learning all about engineers and engineering skills. We found out about what engineers do and the process they use to solve problems and design solutions.  As part of this, the pupils identified a problem in today’s world that they wanted to solve and designed a machine to solve it.  These designs were entered into the Primary Engineers Young Leader Award.

After sorting through over 20,000 entries, the experts at Primary Engineers selected Aimee from P7A as a prize winner for her design for a rubbish bin!  She is now on the shortlist for the overall winner from each age group.

The shortlisted entries go on show at Barony Hall, Glasgow on Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th June 2017.  Good Luck Aimee!


P2/1 learn about 1967

This term P2/1 are learning about 1967 – the year that the school opened on Preston Road. We are creating some displays to share our learning at our open evening in a few weeks and we really hope that you will come along.

Today we were learning about February 1967 and our team challenge was to create our own Sooty, Sweep and Soo puppet shows. Here are just few photos and  video clips – more will follow of the other groups next week.

Cluster K’Nex Challenge

A fantastic morning with Primary 6 pupils from all cluster schools coming together to take part in a Cluster K’Nex Challenge. The teams had to construct a wheelbarrow to carry a house brick through a challenging obstacle course.  The wheelbarrows were all tested in the gym hall and the ‘ladder of doom’ ended the fate of many of them. All of the teams did a brilliant job and a huge well done to Winchburgh Primary who constructed the wheelbarrow which was the most successful.

Our team of master constructors and their model, well done boys.

Film Club

Our new film club has been up and running for a few weeks now and we’ve watched 3 very different film so far!

Our first was Beauty and the Beast, and it was interesting to compare it to the new version in cinemas.  Our second was The Lego Movie – a very different type of animation.  Our third movie was The Red Balloon – a French film from 1956.  For many of us, it was the first time we had watched a foreign film, and one that was so old.  It was really popular!