Category Archives: Primary 2/1

P1, P2/1, P2, Science WB 20.4.20

Good afternoon everyone. I hope you all had a relaxing Easter holiday and enjoyed spending time together with your families.

Our Science topic for this term is Minibeasts. Each week I will post your Science activities to your class teachers to be included with your weekly learning.

To get us started this week, there is a power point for you to explore and an activity sheet for you to complete titled ‘Minibeasts and Their Habitats’. I’ve also included an activity grid which is full of fun Minibeast activities for you to try at home!

There are a couple of videos for you to watch from the BBC Bitesize Science Clips series titled ‘What are Minibeasts?’ and ‘Magnificent Minibeasts’.

It would be lovely to see some examples of your learning in Science this term.

Enjoy your first week back and have fun!

Miss Whigham


P2/1 Superhero story writing

Please use the following game board with the help of a grown up to help you write a short story about a superhero. You will need a dice. You roll the dice at least four times. The first time you roll you pick a setting depending on what number your rolled. The second time you roll you pick your good character. The third time you roll the dice you choose your bad guy and the final time you roll the dice you choose your prop. Once you have all four things you are ready to write your story. I look forward to reading them. Miss Maclachlan x

Superhero story board game


Primary 1-3 Science Investigation

Good morning everyone. I hope you are all well and had a lovely weekend.

Here is a science investigation that you might want try at home this week.

Task – Can you investigate which solids dissolve in water? You will need some solids to test, cups of warm water and a spoon.

You could try a spoonful of salt, sugar, gravy granules, instant coffee, tea leaves, flour or pepper.

Beforehand write down a prediction about what you think will happen to each solid in the water then test each one separately. Remember to stir the solid in the cup.

If you can’t see any grains left after a minute, then the solid has dissolved!

It would be lovely to see any photos or videos of your work.

Take care and stay safe.

Miss Whigham

White Rose Maths videos for P2 from P2/1

Good afternoon

Please find below a link to White Rose Maths where they have uploaded videos to help with the teaching of lessons on Weight and Capacity. Your children should have these sheets in their home learning pack.

Hope you are all doing well and stay safe.

Miss Maclachlan x