Category Archives: Primary 1
P1a Learning Reflection W/E 28th September
This week P1 have been learning the sounds g and o. We are enjoying learning how to word build with these sounds and Fred talking words. Mrs Aitken taught us the story of Inky’s Vowel House. In writing, We wrote about Autumn. We used our senses to help us. In numeracy, we have started having number talks. We look at different dot patterns and discuss different ways of making those numbers. We also explored counting backwards and identifying numbers before. We designed a poster about our school values for a competition. Our school values are aspiration,compassion,equality, perseverance and respect. In Science we went outside and were looking for different examples of materials. We celebrated European Languages day by learning how to say bonjour and au revoir. We also had a session with our P4 reading buddies. Here are a few of the children’s reflections:
Sam: “I liked drawing my values poster because I drew a mini James.”
Leo: “I have enjoyed talking about numbers and counting backwards.”
Lois: “I enjoyed the challenge of designing a poster about our school values.”
Murdo: “I enjoyed designing my poster and learning how to write o.”
Ayden: “I liked designing my poster for Mr McCallum- McKay.”
Emma: “I enjoyed looking for different materials in science.”
Rory: “I liked designing my perseverance poster.”
Here are some photos of our learning:
P4-P1 Reading buddies P1-P4
This week, on Monday, saw the first steps of our reading buddies sessions. The P4’s were very excited and couldn’t wait to meet their buddies. One or two had already been making friends in the playground and this has continued all week. The children sat well reading and listening, learning to share and to be considerate of each other. Although you can’t see the smiles on the faces, believe me they were there and many were grinning at the sheer delight of having a reading buddy.
P1 Learning Reflection W/E 21st September
P1 have been learning to word build using mats and hoops. We also had a go at turtle talk and Fred talk which involves us sliding sounds together to blend words. In Numeracy we were learning about number 10. We used the rekenreks to find the different patterns of 10. In RME we spoke about the four seasons and went on a walk to find signs of Autumn. We also got together with P1 and Ms King to sing some Fischy music songs. On Thursday we took part in our Lepra fitness session. It was great fun. We enjoyed learning about equality during our assembly. Here are some of the children’s reflections:
Charley: “I found learning the p sound tricky.”
Coben: “I found counting to 10 tricky.”
Leighton: “I enjoyed playing Sumdog to help me learn about numbers.”
Isaac: “I found it tricky writing the sounds n and p.”
Murdo: “I found it tricky playing some of the games on Sumdog.”
Sevinc: “I found it tricky playing Street Cars on Sumdog. I enjoyed playing the cake game.”
Rory: “I think playing Sumdog is easy.”
P1a Learning Reflection W/E 14th September
What another busy week for P1. I can’t believe that is us at the end of week number 4. This week we have been learning the sounds i and n and the tricky word of. On Wednesday, Mrs Aitken taught us how to clap out syllables in words. Almost everyone in the class has 2 syllables in their name! In writing we wrote about when we feel excited. In numeracy, we have been learning about number 8 and 9. We have also been practicing counting to 20 and recognising the number after. For IDL this week we worked in groups to re-tell the story of the Three Little Pigs through mime. In Science we were learning about smooth and rough materials. Here are the children’s reflections:
Ayden: I liked learning about numbers after.
Lois: I found it tricky to find numbers after a given number to 20
Charley: I found it challenging to find the number 2 more than.
Ziva: I enjoyed taking part in the Sumdog contest.
Sevinc: I liked learning from my mistakes.
Leighton: I found answering some questions on Sumdog tricky. I muddled it up.
Isaac: I found writing tricky.
Euan: I enjoyed learning about colour your world with kindness at assembly.
Leo: I found writing challenging this week.
Coben: I found counting to 10 and finding the number after tricky.
Sam: I enjoyed word building.
Murdo: I found writing challenging
Rory: I found Sumdog easy. It was fun!
Emma: I enjoyed the assembly about compassion.
P1a Learning Reflection W/E 7th September 2018
In P1 this week we learned 2 new sounds, d and t. We learned the tricky word the. In writing, we wrote about when we felt loved. On Wednesday we had two visitors Mrs Aitken and Mrs Garcia. They came to help us with our Colourful Consonants and Vowel House learning and will be visiting us on a Wednesday morning for a few weeks. In numeracy we continued exploring numbers and learned all about the numbers 6 and 7. In P.E, we played team games and on Tuesday we did yoga with Ms King’s class. For drama we explored the story of the Three Little Pigs and acted out building a house. On Friday we had a visitor in assembly who spoke to us about the work of the Charity Lepra. Here are the children’s thoughts on the week:
Charley: I enjoyed the assembly all about Leprosy
Euan: I liked singing the songs
Leighton: I enjoyed exploring number 6 and 7
Sam: I enjoyed Golden Time
Ayden: I have found forming number 3 tricky
Lois: I liked learning our new sounds d and t
Ziva: I enjoyed Golden Time
Isaac: I found it tricky learning d and t
Rory: I liked exploring the numbers 6 and 7. I could find different ways of making each number.
Sevinc: I liked writing the letters and numbers. I also enjoyed the assembly.
Leo: I liked golden time
Coben: I found exploring the numbers tricky
Murdo: I enjoyed hearing about Leprosy at assembly
Emma: I found writing very tricky.
Primary 1 Information Booklet
Please find the link below for the Primary 1 information booklet from Meet the Teacher.
P1 Window into Learning Term 1
Please find below the link to the Window into Learning for Primary 1 for term 1.
P1a’s Learning Reflection W/E 31st August
This week we have been very busy. In literacy we have been learning the sounds m, a and s. We have been learning how to say and write these sounds. We also did some writing. We wrote about a time when we felt happy. In numeracy we have been exploring the numbers 5, 4 and 3. We can count and write these numbers. In P.E we have been playing games and we did yoga with Ms King’s class. We took on roles of different animals and acted out the story Rumble in the Jungle. We have also been learning about road safety.
Here are the children’s reflections:
Charley: I found writing m and a tricky
Lois: I enjoyed writing my sounds
Leighton: I have enjoyed learning how to write s. I like everything.
Isaac: I enjoyed writing about when I feel happy.
Ziva: I enjoyed colouring in my pictures for story of 3.
Euan: I enjoyed learning the ‘m’ sound.
Sam: I liked learning about road safety and making my 2D vehicle.
Emma: I like everything about school
Sevinc: I found it tricky learning the words I and me
Coben: I enjoyed Rumble in the Jungle.
Rory: I liked using the play dough to make the letters and numbers
Leo: I like when it’s Friday and we get golden time.
Ayden: I found writing 3s tricky.
Murdo: I enjoyed wearing my costume on dress down day.
Welcome to Primary 1M
What a busy first week of school! The majority of the children have settled into school really well. I am impressed with how independent they are. They can all take responsibility for getting ready in the morning by changing their shoes, unpacking their bags, putting their water bottles in the tray and snack away in their own tray. This week the children have been busy learning their first sound ‘m’, exploring the number 5 through play, learning about road safety and designing our own 2D vehicle pictures. These pictures were quite creative. For P.E this week the children enjoyed taking part in yoga. As part of our weekly routine on a Friday the children and I will have a reflection chat about their learning. Some of the children’s reflections will be included in the blog posts each week.