All posts by Ms King

Learning Highlights for W/E 15.11.19

The children enjoyed the opportunity to share their learning during our PATPAL session this week. Thank you to those who made it along it was lovely to see you all!

Isaac – teaching my Mum. We were finding some pronouns and nouns. Pronouns are words like ‘he’ and ‘she’ we use them instead of saying Father or Mother Duck in the story.

Austin – I liked the P6 assembly. It was about World War 2. The ladies made the bombs for the soldiers.

Nicholas – The P6 assembly was good. It was about the war.

Sushanth – I liked the assembly. They threw streamers to celebrate at the end of the war.

Savinc – I enjoyed the PATPAL. We were teaching the parents.  I showed them how to find all the sounds in our story.

Lois – we learned the sounds ‘oa’ and ‘ai’ this week. I am going to try and think of words with them. We know three ‘ai’ sounds.  split digraph o-e as in home. Coat has ‘oa’ in the middle. Snow has ‘ow’ at the end. Cake is split digraph a-e, snail has ‘ai’ in the middle and play has ‘ay’ at the end.

Leighton – I am enjoying the Nativity songs. My favourite one is Baby Jesus!

Coben – I liked the assembly because it was about World War 2.

Leo – I enjoyed the assembly because it had the song from The End Game.

James – I liked P6 assembly. They threw ribbons at us they were really long. They were celebrating the end of the war.

Ziva – I enjoyed the Nativity rehearsal. Plodding Along is my favourite song.

Subhan – I liked the Nativity songs, my favourite is Fishing for Stars!

Euan – The P6 assembly was good. It was about the people who died in the war.

Poppy – I like rehearsing for the Nativity play. I am enjoying lots of the songs and I am doing all of the actions. My favourite song is High on a Hill!

Lewis – I liked learning the ‘ai’ sound this week. It’s mostly in the middle of a word and sometimes at the start. Snail has that sound.

Kaelan – I liked the PATPAL. You get to show the parents what you are learning.

Rory – I enjoyed the PATPAL. My Mummy came and I showed my Mum what to do.

Charlie – I liked singing with Dave this week.

P2 Learning Reflection

Learning Reflection for W/E 8/11/19

Oops, I did not get round to posting this last Friday!

Another busy week in P2. Our phonics focus this week was the sounds: er, ‘ou’ as in shout and ‘ow’ as in flower. Our tricky words were: there & want. In maths we have continued to explore the properties of 3D shapes. The children enjoyed designing and making 3D junk models to help Max get back home from the land of the Wild Things! The children love the music workshops ‘Wee Story, Big Sound’ with Dave. This week they were all playing percussion to accompany the story of Josh and Granny. We have also started learning the songs for our Nativity!

Coben – We were trying to make a submarine out of shapes. So that Max could get back home. I used a cube and a cylinder to make it!

Euan – I enjoyed the assembly, it was about poppies.

Rory – I made a rocket so that it can go over the water and under it.  I used a cylinder and a cuboid in my model.

Nicholas – We were playing music with Dave. We had to count 1,2,3,4.

James –  I liked making my model. It is an aeroplane that can get Max over the water back to his home. It says Max’s aeroplane. We used three cuboids and a sphere.

Lois – I liked the assembly, I liked all the poppies. We have to remember the war and the people who died. I think war is bad because they all die and it is really sad!

Charley – I liked singing with Dave. We were doing a story about Josh and Granny. I was playing the glockenspiel. I played the D note!

Sevinc – I enjoyed music.

Sushanth – We were learning 3D shapes. I used a sphere and lots of cuboids in my model.

Isaac – I enjoyed learning about 3D shapes. We learned about how many faces, sides and vertices they have.  A dice is a cube,  it has six faces and eight vertices.

Leo – I enjoyed PE this week.

Poppy – I liked building the junk models to get Max home. I made a boat and it’s got lots of stuff in it. It takes a long time for Max to get home so there is food and a bed. I used cuboids to make it.

Ziva – My favourite was music with Dave. We helped Granny and Josh get home by telling a story.

Leighton – I enjoyed making the 3D models. Me and Rory made a rocket. We used a cuboid a cylinder and we used a cone and that’s all!

Austin – I liked the assembly. It was about remembering day. We think about the soldier and people who died in the war.

Lewis – I liked the assembly. It was about the people who died in the war. Some people wear poppies because it reminds us of the people who died.

Kaelan – I liked PE because we were doing gym stuff. We were getting animals into the pond and we had to run fast. We played the colour game, asking colours in French and having to go to that colour. Rouge is red, orange is orange, bleu is blue and jaune is yellow!

Subhan – I liked making the models. I made a helicopter with Euan. I used a cylinder and a cuboid.

P2 Learning Highlights for W/E 1.11.19

P2 have been learning about Diwali this week. They enjoyed making ladoo which is a traditional Diwali sweet. Our phonics focus this week has been ‘ur’ as in purple, and ‘ir’ as in twirl and our tricky word was her.  In numeracy we have been exploring 2D shape. The children have made shape pictures and have been describing the properties of 2D shapes. P2 enjoyed another music session with Dave, this week they were playing lots of different percussion instruments to accompany his story. We have made a start on our enterprise crafts for the school Christmas fair. The children wanted to sew again and they have all picked the decorations they want to make. Some are building on skills they learned last year and some are learning new skills, they have made a great start! Today we had a farewell party for Roshan. We will all miss you Roshan, best wishes to you and your family in your new home and school!

Roshan – I enjoyed making ladoo yesterday, it taste like coconut it tastes nice. We made ladoo to celebrate Diwali.

James – I liked making ladoo because we put sprinkles on it and it tasted nice and it is shaped like a sphere.

Nicholas – We learned the ur and ir sound. Bird and girl have the ir sound, hurt has the ur sound.

Emma – I enjoyed making the ladoo. It was really nice and tasty. We made it to celebrate Diwali.

Lewis – We learned about 2D shapes. A hexagon has six sides and an octagon has eight sides, a pentagon has 5 sides.

Lois- I enjoyed learning about the ur and ir sounds. Bird and girl have the ir sound and burp and burger have the ur sound.

Rory – I enjoyed PE, I was dribbling the ball.

Poppy – Yesterday I liked making the ladoo. We made it because it was the last day of Diwali. It was the last day of October too.

Euan – I enjoyed music with Dave. He played sad and happy music.

Austin – I liked learning the ur and ir sound. Purple and burp they have the ur sound. Twirl and swirl have the ir sound.

Leo – I enjoyed going to the Halloween disco. I was a werewolf.

Coben – I enjoyed the assembly. It had fireworks as the background. Don’t touch the fire or go close to it!

Sushanth – I like to make ladoo it is a Diwali sweet. It tastes of coconut and we made one with sprinkles on it.

Leighton – I enjoyed when we were doing 2D shapes. We sorted them and made 2D shape pictures. My picture had a circle, rectangle, triangle, hexagon and an octagon in it.

Kaelan – I liked making the ladoo. It has sprinkles and coconut. It tasted like sweeties.

Subhan – I enjoyed making ladoo. When people were making ladoo I helped them by putting their ladoo on the plate. We were celebrating Diwali.

Isaac – I enjoyed the 2D shapes, we made pictures. I had a hexagon, rectangle, circle and octagon in my picture.

P2 Learning Reflection for W/E 25.10.19

It has been a delight to listen to the children deliver their class talks this week.  I have learned so many interesting things about them all and I am so proud of everyone for giving it their best go. We all supported each other and did some breathing exercises to help settle any nerves or butterflies in the tummy.  The children enjoyed sharing their talking tools, there were a variety of different examples such as: photos, posters, visuals, mind maps, key words and notes.  All of the children had a real sense of achievement when they had finished and they have decided that they want to do it again, soon! Well done P2, I think you are all amazing!

Austin – I liked doing my class talk. I talked about my family and my hobbies.  I felt happy to do it.

Lois – It felt a bit nervous, but after I done it I felt really good.

Kaelan – I liked my class talk because I liked answering the questions.

Charley – I felt nervous first but it was okay. After I did it I felt really happy.

Nicholas – I loved giving my class talk. I felt good.

Ziva – I really liked doing my talk because I liked standing up and talking, it was really fun.

Lewis – I was nervous but then it washed away and I felt happy. I had pictures.

Emma – I forgot about the rest of my favourite things, like the colours of a butterfly wings they are really pretty.

Sushanth – I liked to do the questions because I said my favourite animal was a skunk.

Poppy – when I was doing my class talk first I felt I had butterflies in my tummy and I was a bit worried that other people would laugh at me.  After I did it, I felt good inside and I felt good that I did it. People were interested, it was good.

James – I was a wee bit nervous when I came up for my talk, but it was good because I had some pictures to help me.

Roshan – I looked at my paper and I looked at my audience.

Leighton – I liked the class talk because I was scared at first, but when I did it I was happy and impressed that I did really well.

Leo – I enjoyed saying the whole entire thing without having my sheet.

Savinc – I was nervous at first but after I did it I felt good about myself.

Rory – I enjoyed it because it was kind of scary at the start but as soon as I finished I felt good. It just kept getting better and better and better. I feel so good now.

Isaac – I was scared to talk to the whole class but it was just butterflies. I liked doing it.

Subhan – First I was nervous but then it was good.

Coben – at first I was nervous but when I was doing it I felt fine.

Euan – I liked doing my class talk because I said all the things.

P2 Learning Highlights for W/E 4.10.19

Oops, I didn’t get round to posting these on Friday. Here are the children’s highlights from last week!

Austin – I liked listening to music with Dave. There was happy music and scary music. The scary music was fast and it got louder it was like something was getting closer.

Leighton – I liked when we were doing big noises and little noises with Dave.

Sevinc – We were learning about the five senses.  This week we were doing smelling. We smelled coffee, vinegar, onion, orange and soap. I liked the orange smell it was nice and sweet. The one I didn’t like was the vinegar it was really strong.

Sushanth – we learned about the smells. we smell with our nose. The five senses are: sight, touch, hearing, smell and taste.

Poppy – I liked when we were learning about smell. We smelled five different things. They were orange, a coffee smell, an onion smell, soap smell and a vinegar smell. I didn’t really like the vinegar and the onion but I liked the orange, soap and coffee. The vinegar and onion were a really strong smell.

Nicholas – I loved the cake.

Charley – I liked the cakes from the cake sale. The cake sale is for a charity.

Euan – when I was through with Dave, I was right next to Leighton. Then when Dave played the piano it was terrifying because of the danger music.

Emma – I enjoyed the little assembly that happened yesterday, because I like the songs that we sing in assembly.

Leo – Doing my reading cause it is fun.

Ziva – I enjoyed science when we were smelling. My favourite was the soap and my less favourite was the vinegar.

Roshan – I enjoyed numeracy. We used 3, 2 and 5. 5 was the whole 3 and 2 were the parts.

James – I liked PE because we were doing some ball skills. We were controlling the ball and we had to go to the colours. We say the colours in French, rouge, bleu, jaune, vert and violet.

Lewis – I liked about the chimp story. We learned that your brain helps you remember, seeing, balance, thinking, movement and feeling.

P2 Learning Reflection for WE 27.09.19

P2 enjoy some French language PE games with P7






Sound Stories with Dave Trouton






Learning Reflection 

Austin – I liked going to the curriculum café and showing my mum my work. I am most proud of my Willy Wonka story my mum said ‘Wow’ and she took photo of some of it.

Coben –  My mum and dad liked my work.

Euan – so my mum took a picture of my work and she is going to send the pictures to my dad. My mum said ‘I was very good at writing’.

Emma – I enjoyed tasting the food we had, croissant, brioche and pain au chocolat. Pain au chocolat was my favourite we said Bon Appetit!

Isaac – I enjoyed showing Dave my picture of an owl and a monkey and a polar bear.

James – I liked the café, cause you show your work to your mum and dad and we get a drink and a cookie and my mummy was proud of my writing.

Kaelan – I liked singing with Dave, we tried to wake ourselves up by shaking.

Lewis – I liked the European Day of Languages because we were speaking different languages. I can say merci it means thank you and bonjour means hello!

Lois – I enjoyed the language day yesterday because we got to try different French foods like:  croissant,  pain au chocolat and brioche. My favourite is the croissant!

Leighton – I enjoyed making flags for European Day of Languages.

Leo – I got to eat some croissant!

Nicholas – I gave Dave a picture of an elephant and a tiger!

Poppy – I liked yesterday when we were trying all the foods. We made flags and we know how to say hello in seven different languages: guten tag is German, Hello is English, Namaste is Telugu, it is not in Europe but it is Sushanth’s family language. I know hola, it’s Spanish,  bonjour is French.  I have forgotten the other two so that’s only five!

Rory – I enjoyed colouring in my flag of the UK!

Subhan – I liked giving the pictures to Dave. I drew a cheetah a tiger and a snake!

Sushanth – I liked eating the French food my favourite is pan au chocolate. I know how to say hello different ways: Namaste, bonjour,  hola, hello, guten tag and merhaba!

Sevinc – I liked when we were at the curriculum café my mum loved my work!

Ziva – I liked doing the shopping music with Dave the words were rhyming.  Ham and jam, cheese and peas, banana, sultana and bread, spread!



P2 Home Learning

  • Please find below a copy of the P2 home learning task sheet. Each child has a paper copy in their reading bag.
  • Please support your child to complete the task ‘All about Me’ and two more of their choosing.
  • Children should be prepared to share their learning on Thursday the 24th October.
  • Class talks will be heard on the 24 and 25th October.
  • Continue to hear your child read daily.
  • Please get in touch if you have any questions.
  • P2 HL

P2 Learning Reflection W/E 20.09.19

P2 have enjoyed a short but busy week. In literacy we have been revising our sounds: ea,ee, oi, oy, a-e, ay, i-e, igh, y. We have been learning about the text structure of a Narrative story and are able to talk about the title, orientation, complication and resolution. The children also sorted the nouns and pronouns they found in the story ‘ The Duck with the Broken Wing’. In numeracy we have been exploring ordinal numbers and have explored addition through the whole part model. The children are really enjoying the Wednesday music workshop with Dave, their comments are below:

Poppy – I liked it when we were going on the train with Dave, we had to put our seat belts on and blow the whistle.

Nicholas – We had to shake the shakers to make loud and small sounds.

Lois – I enjoyed how we were doing the big loud sounds and the quite sounds. You have to shake your shaker fast or slow.

Austin – I liked when he put the music on and we were pretending to be different animals.

James – I liked it when he sang la la la la la and we stood up.

Kaelan – I liked being a big animal.

Sushanth – I liked the rocket song.

Leighton – I liked when we were singing Baby Shark.

Savinc – I liked it when we were pretending to be animals in the jungle.

Subhan – I like it when Dave sings la la la la la to get us to stand up, his voice goes higher.

Roshan – I liked the assembly about being kind.

Lewis – I liked it when we played musical statues.

Ziva – I liked being the different animals in the jungle. The elephant music was slow

Emma – I liked it when he sings up or down to get us to stand up or sit down.

Leo – I liked being a cheetah with a bean bag on my head.

Isaac – I enjoyed it when there was music on and we needed to remember what the animals move like.

Coben – I enjoyed pinching our sounds in the sentence.

Rory – I enjoyed the music that we made on the train, some of it was fast and some of it was slow.

Euan – we played instruments we used the shaker ones.