All posts by Miss Whigham

Primary 3 Home Learning for Wednesday 13.5.20

Good morning Primary 3! I hope you are having a good week. Please see below your home learning activities for today and the resources you will need to complete them. I would love to hear from you through a message or photos of your learning.

Have a nice day everyone and enjoy the rest of your week.

Miss Whigham

Maths – Measuring in cms. Please complete questions 1 and 2 from the activity sheet. If you want, you can complete questions 3 and 4 for an extra challenge! Remember, to find the total length of the two toys, we need to add both lengths together. When finding the difference between two numbers, we can do a subtraction sum to help us work out the answer.

Literacy – This week we are revising when to use exclamation marks. Have a look at the power point and use this to help you complete the activity sheet.

RME – Read and discuss the ‘The Parable of the Sower’. Use the story board activity sheet to re-write the story in your own words.

French – Revising numbers 1-20

Y2 Spring Block 5 WO5 Four operations with lengths 2019

Using Exclamation Marks Presentation

Exclamation Mark Worksheets

Have a look at this video on youtube ‘Learn French with Alexa’ (French Numbers 1-20).

French number loop cards to 20 game

The Sower and the Seeds Parable PowerPoint

The Sower and the Seeds Storyboard



P3 Home Learning for Wednesday 6.5.20

Good morning Primary 3! I hope you had a lovely holiday weekend with your families. I just wanted to say that I was very impressed by your photos showing the wonderful work you are doing! Well done!

Below are your home learning tasks for today and the resources you will need to complete them:

Maths – Measuring in cms. Today’s activity is about ordering different lengths. For question 3, please choose five objects from home. Question 4 is a little bit trickier. Read the question carefully and take it step by step. You will need to use your knowledge of doubling and halving for this question! I have also included a measuring game to revise how we use a ruler to measure in cms. Please complete level 1.

Literacy – This week are revising capital letters, full stops and question marks. Please complete one of the differentiated activity sheets.

French – Revising the numbers 1-10 in French. Next week we will progress to numbers to 20. There are lots of fun songs on youtube to help you too.

RME – Story of the Good Samaritan. Design a poster to encourage others to be kind.

Here are the links to this week’s activities:

Y2 Spring Block 5 WO4 Order lengths 2019

Correct the sentence punctuation activity sheets

French Numbers 0-10 memory match game

The Good Samaritan story power point

Design a kindness poster

I hope you all enjoy the rest of your week.

Miss Whigham

P1, 2/1, P2 Science Home Learning WB 4.5.20

Good morning everyone! I hope you are all well and had a lovely weekend. Thank you again for all the wonderful photos and videos you sent last week.

Once again I have sent your Science home learning tasks to your class teachers. This week we will be finding out about the different body parts of insects! What are the parts that make up an insect? What job does each part do? Read the power point titled ‘Insects and Bugs!’ and use this to help you complete the activity sheet where you have to label the different parts of an insect. If you are able to write a few sentences too, that would be great!

Just to remind you there are also lots of activities on the mini beasts home learning grid I sent you.

Have a great week!

Miss Whigham



P3 Homelearning for Wednesday 29.4.20

Good morning Primary 3! I hope you are all having a good week. Please find attached  your home learning activities for today and everything you will need to complete them. The activity sheets can be printed off or you can view them online and talk through the activity with an adult.

We are beginning a new RME topic today about the parables told by Jesus. A parable is a short, simple story with a meaning or message. Jesus used parables to teach people about himself and the way we should live our lives. This week we will look at the Parable of the Talents which shows us that we should all use the talents and gifts we have been given.

Have a nice day everyone and enjoy the rest of your week.

Miss Whigham

Maths – Comparing lengths

Literacy – Using commas to separate items in a list

French – Weather

RME – Parable of the talents

Y2 Spring Block 5 WO3 Compare lengths 2019

Using Commas To Separate Items In A List activity sheet

The Talents – PowerPoint

What are your talents?  activity sheet

French Weather Powerpoint

Weather Dominoes French


P1, P2/1 and P2 Science WB 27.4.20

Good afternoon everyone. I hope you had a lovely weekend and managed to enjoy some of the sunny weather.

I have sent this week’s science learning to your class teachers. Remember there are also lots of fun activities on the minibeast home learning grid. Thank you to everyone who sent photos of their work last week. I was very impressed by how creative you have all been! I would love to see some more of your work again this week. Perhaps you could take some photos of the all the different creatures you discover on your minibeast hunt?

Have a great week!

Miss Whigham





P3 Homelearning for Wednesday 22.4.20

Good afternoon P3! I hope you had a lovely Easter Break and enjoyed lots of Easter eggs and sunshine!

Here are Wednesday’s learning activities and everything you will need to help you to complete them.

Maths – Measuring in cms

Literacy – Using commas to separate items in a list

French – French colours

RME – Create a rainbow of kindness


Y2 Spring Block 5 WO1 Measure length (cm) 2019

French colours activity sheet

Using Commas To Separate Items In A List Power point

Using Commas To Separate Items In A List activity sheet

Rainbow of kindness instructions

Wonder at the World. Create a rainbow of kindness

Have a good week everyone!

Take care

Miss Whigham



P1, P2/1, P2, Science WB 20.4.20

Good afternoon everyone. I hope you all had a relaxing Easter holiday and enjoyed spending time together with your families.

Our Science topic for this term is Minibeasts. Each week I will post your Science activities to your class teachers to be included with your weekly learning.

To get us started this week, there is a power point for you to explore and an activity sheet for you to complete titled ‘Minibeasts and Their Habitats’. I’ve also included an activity grid which is full of fun Minibeast activities for you to try at home!

There are a couple of videos for you to watch from the BBC Bitesize Science Clips series titled ‘What are Minibeasts?’ and ‘Magnificent Minibeasts’.

It would be lovely to see some examples of your learning in Science this term.

Enjoy your first week back and have fun!

Miss Whigham


P3 Homelearning for Wednesday 1.4.20

Good afternoon P3!

Below are some activities for you to complete along with the resources you will need for the tasks. It would be lovely if you could share some of your learning with us.

Take care and have a good week,

Miss Whigham

French pets memory matching game

Fractions activity sheets

Grammar activity – remember nouns are naming words, verbs are doing words and adjectives are describing words!

Easter acrostic poem

Easter Acrostic Poem

Stained glass window fractions.

Keen to be green English nouns, adjectives and verbs activity sheet

French Pets Memory Match Game

Primary 1-3 Science Investigation

Good morning everyone. I hope you are all well and had a lovely weekend.

Here is a science investigation that you might want try at home this week.

Task – Can you investigate which solids dissolve in water? You will need some solids to test, cups of warm water and a spoon.

You could try a spoonful of salt, sugar, gravy granules, instant coffee, tea leaves, flour or pepper.

Beforehand write down a prediction about what you think will happen to each solid in the water then test each one separately. Remember to stir the solid in the cup.

If you can’t see any grains left after a minute, then the solid has dissolved!

It would be lovely to see any photos or videos of your work.

Take care and stay safe.

Miss Whigham