All posts by Miss MacLachlan

P1M Learning Reflections W/E 13th and 20th April

What a busy couple of weeks P1M have had since we came back our holidays. In Language we have learned four sounds ‘oo’, ‘ar’,’or’ and ‘air’. We have used these sounds to read and write words such as book. We have written about our Easter holidays and worked with a partner to write a spring acrostic poem. In Numeracy we have been busy working on our friends of 10, counting in 2s, 10s and learning how to count in 5s. We have started to explore measurement. We used items such as counters to measure the length of some dragon footprints and objects around our classroom like a water bottle. We also had our PATPAL and we loved showing you what we do in numeracy in class. Pictures from the PATPAL will follow. We loved taking part in SportaFunD on Thursday. Pictures to follow. In art, with it being spring, we had a go at drawing some daffodils. Here are a few reflections from the children:

Cali: I enjoyed drawing the daffodils. I found recalling my doubles tricky.

Alanice: I loved playing rotten apples in the gym hall. It was tricky drawing the daffodils.

Calum: I enjoyed all my learning. I found drawing the daffodils tricky but I gave it a go.

Anya: I enjoyed learning new sounds and then making new words with these sounds. I found drawing the daffodils hard.

Zach: I enjoyed learning how to draw daffodils. I found adding and subtracting 2,3 or 4 a little bit tricky.

P1M Learning Reflection W/E 16th March

What another busy week in P1M. We have been busy preparing for our assembly. We learned the ‘oo’ sound and the tricky word ‘are’ in Literacy. We wrote about our Granny and why they are special. In Maths, we have been looking at sharing. We have enjoyed playing games such as make it fair and discussing whether something is fair or not. We also did yoga and went litter picking with our P7 buddies. Here are a few of the children’s reflections on the week:

Mathew: I enjoyed yoga.

Amelia: I enjoyed litter picking.

Jaxon: I enjoyed litter picking with my P7 buddy.

Safia: I liked learning the tricky word are.

Jan: I found taking part in the school fitness week tricky.

Lewis: I enjoyed all my learning this week.

Cali: I found it easy doing the Trolls yoga.

P1M Weekly Learning Reflection Week ending 9th March

What another busy week for P1M. In writing we enjoyed sharing our snow adventures and then writing them down. We are focussing on using a capital letter and full stop at the moment. In Literacy we were learning the vowel diagraphs ‘igh’ and ‘ow’. We were able to think of a lot of words with these sounds then word build them. In Maths we have been learning how to tell the time, o’clock and half past times only. We can tell the time on an analogue clock and are beginning to recognise these times on a 12 hour digital clock. Using the computers we tried to draw a picture of the different types of transport from where we live and where Katie Morag lives on the island of Struay. Here are a few of our reflections on the week:

Cali: I liked learning to tell the time when it was o’clock on a digital clock

Anya: I enjoyed learning the sounds ‘igh’ and ‘ow’. I found it tricky using the computers to draw a picture of a mode of transport.

James: I liked learning the new tricky word ‘was’.

Mathew: I enjoyed learning the new sounds.

Calum: I enjoyed learning the ‘ow’ sound. I found it tricky to learn ‘igh’ as it was three letters but only one sound.

Jan: I liked our tricky learning this week. I found it tricky learning to read digital times.

Amelia: I enjoyed telling the time.

P1M Snowy Days

Hello boys and girls. I hope you are safe and warm. I hope you are making the most of this snowy weather and have had an opportunity to go outside and build a snowman or make snow angels. We would love to see some pictures of your snowy adventures and these can be uploaded to twitter on the LVPS PE account under the hashtag lvpssnowtasticday. Also you will find some snow day activities on our school website and you can always play Sumdog and practice your maths.

Stay safe

Miss Maclachlan

P1’s Visit from the Fire Brigade

P1 had a very exciting morning today. We were visited by the Fire Brigade. The station commander spoke to us in the classroom about the job of a fireman. We then got to see a real fireman (Rory) dressed in his full uniform and we spoke about why they wear each item. We went outside and all had a shot at using the hoses and some of us were lucky enough to get to sit in the engine before the Fire Brigade were called away. Here are a few photos from the visit:

P1M Learning Reflection W/E 2nd February

What another busy week for P1M. In Maths we have been learning about the days of the week, the terms morning,afternoon,evening and night and we have been sequencing daily routines. In Literacy, we used similes to write about Nessie the Loch Ness monster and we learned the sounds x and nk. The children are thoroughly enjoying their new project Katie Morag. They are enjoying listening to stories and seeing where they live on google maps. Here are a few of the children’s highlights from this week:

Amelia: I enjoyed playing the french games with Miss Marnie

Aiden: I enjoyed science and finding out how different toys move.

Jaxon: I liked working in a group and writing words to describe Katie Morag.

Pola: I loved learning the days of the week.

Zach: I enjoyed learning about Katie Morag and looking at how living on an island is different.

Mathew: I liked science and making toys move in different ways.

Safia: I liked word building with our sounds.

P1M Learning Reflection W/E 26th January

P1 have been really busy again this week. In Literacy we learned the letters z and q and the tricky word your. We wrote about Greyfriars Bobby. In Numeracy we were looking at recognising the + and – signs and we explored doubles. We used mirrors to help us explore doubles. We also got together with P1K and learned a Scottish version of the alphabet which we then performed at the Scottish assembly. We also recited our poems to Miss Maclachlan and then Calum, Lewis and Alanice recited their poem in front of the judges. Miss Maclachlan is so proud of all the boys and girls. Here are a few of our learning highlights this week:

Jaxon: I liked learning the new letters z and q.

Zach: I enjoyed everything this week!

Pola: I enjoyed performing the Scottish alphabet and saying s is for stag.

Calum: I loved learning this week!

Lewis: I liked performing my poem to the class then the judges

Aiden: I enjoyed working with P1K to perform the Scottish alphabet at assembly

Anya: I liked making a Greyfriars Bobby using shredded paper during art.