P1M Learning Reflection W/E 16th March

What another busy week in P1M. We have been busy preparing for our assembly. We learned the ‘oo’ sound and the tricky word ‘are’ in Literacy. We wrote about our Granny and why they are special. In Maths, we have been looking at sharing. We have enjoyed playing games such as make it fair and discussing whether something is fair or not. We also did yoga and went litter picking with our P7 buddies. Here are a few of the children’s reflections on the week:

Mathew: I enjoyed yoga.

Amelia: I enjoyed litter picking.

Jaxon: I enjoyed litter picking with my P7 buddy.

Safia: I liked learning the tricky word are.

Jan: I found taking part in the school fitness week tricky.

Lewis: I enjoyed all my learning this week.

Cali: I found it easy doing the Trolls yoga.