Good afternoon,
Here is primary four’s window into learning for term two.
Thank you,
Mrs Love
Good afternoon,
Here is primary four’s window into learning for term two.
Thank you,
Mrs Love
Today marked Mrs Mill’s last day as Head Teacher at LVPS! We gave her a lovely handmade gift which you will see below and Primary four, along with the other classes in the School, presented this to her. Each flower had a personal memory from the children inside them. She will be missed by all. Enjoy your retirement Mrs Mill!
Mrs Love
Good afternoon,
I thought I would quickly say that some pupils are experiencing issues logging onto ‘Teams’ via glow. If the pupil’s log-in details do not work, please try to use the pupils email address as the username. It will be their
Thank you.
Mrs Love
Good afternoon,
Apologies for this post’s late arrival, I had some technical issues on Friday.
This week in P4:
In Literacy, we planned our first draft of our recount writing about a lesson the class had really enjoyed from the previous week; where we went out to the garden to explore for items and listed the nouns and adjectives to describe them. We also continued our work in spelling, this week in different groups to work on sounds/spelling rules.
In Maths, we are nearly finished working on our place value. We were also counting forwards and backwards in 2’s,5’s,10’s and 100’s and looking at the pattern on the 100 square/1000 square.
We worked on our HWB focus on the film ‘Inside Out’, comparing ‘Fear’ and ‘Disgust’ then the traits of ‘Sadness’.
In PE, we finished working on our fitness techniques and were lucky enough to have an introduction to hockey from our schools Primary 7 sports captains (socially distanced). The class each had a stick and ball which they used, with were then cleaned before and after use to ensure health and safety procedures were followed. Primary Four washed their hands before and after PE.
I hope you all had a lovely weekend,
Mrs Love
Good afternoon,
This week in Primary 4, we have continued our health and well-being work on the film ‘Inside Out’ by observing the characters, Anger and Joy. Looking at how they react and working together in pairs to discuss how our bodies react when we are experience these emotions.
In PE this week, we tried to increase our speed, time and level in the bleep test.
In Maths, we continued with place value, comparing numbers and knowing which number is greater and which is smaller.
In Literacy, we developed our understanding of recount writing. Looking at the different parts of a recount story and the openers of sentences that you may use when writing a recount piece. We were able to get out into the playground this week to work in groups to write as many openers as we could with the chalk. Our spelling focus this week was words that end in ‘ies’.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Love
Good afternoon,
I hope you are all well. Here is our Term 1 window into learning.
Mrs Love
Good afternoon everyone,
I hope you are well and the children have all settled in well and have been enjoying being back at school and seeing their friends again. It has been wonderful to see them all again. I just wanted to update you on a few things that I have sent in letters and bits of information to pass on to you.
If you have any questions or to need a chat with me, you can email me directly or call/email through the office which can pass on messages and I will get back to you as soon as I can. As you are aware, parents of Primary 4 are not to come through the school gates and are to wait on the path or the field for drop off or collection. This means that I cannot have the usual chats in the playground at the end of the day. Please feel free to contact me by other means listed above.
Thank you.
Mrs Love
Good morning Primary 4!
I hope you enjoyed your first day back at school, I know I did! I loved seeing you all again and I had a big smile on my face to prove it.
As you will know, I gave you all a pack yesterday to complete at home today. There is a letter inside which will explain what you need to do. If you could bring this completed pack back with you tomorrow please. Any problems, just send me an email.
I can’t wait to see you all again tomorrow.
Mrs Love
Good morning Primary 3,
An update on the West Lothian Sumdog competition…
Unfortunately we came 79th âšī¸ Well done to those who played along.
A special congratulations to Mrs Sansom’s P4 class who came 9th! Well done P4! đđ
Mrs Love
Bonjour ma classe!
Well, here we are… the official last day of term! I wanted to take today to reflect on your amazing (and strange!) year as Primary 3. I have created a sway with photo’s to remember the good times. Just follow the link above which will take you there. I would love to hear from you and what your favourite moment of P3 was.
I will be heading in to school this morning to say goodbye to Primary 7. If you message or email me, I will get back to you later on once I am home.
All I can say for now is… I cannot wait to see you in August as P4! Enjoy these next few weeks and let the Summer holidays commence!
Take care of yourselves and stay safe.
Mrs Love x