P2 Learning Reflection for W/E 13.3.20

This week P2 have been revising the spelling patterns for words with sounds beginning with fr-, ending with –ag and i-e. For writing this week the children designed hand wash posters. They had to list all of the steps clearly and draw pictures to go with each step. In numeracy the class have been making equal groups and adding them together. They have also been skip counting in 5’s. P2 also finished off capacity and volume, investigating which vessel holds the most water.

Isaac – I enjoyed making a hand wash poster. I did a goal with steps. You tell the people what to do when you wash your hands.

Ziva – I liked skip counting in 5’s.

Leo – I liked counting in 5’s. I can count to 200 in 5’s.

Nicholas – I liked counting in 5’s I can count to 100 in 5’s.

Austin – I liked doing the poster. We did a wash your hands poster. The steps are first wet your hands. Put some soap on your hands and scrub them together and sing happy birthday twice. Then you rinse the soap off. Get a paper towel and dry your hands off.

Lewis – I liked making the hygiene posters. We made them bright and colourful to encourage people to wash their hands.

Kaelan – We did graffiti words for spelling. I made words with the i-e sound. I did tide, hike, like, bike and time.

Rory – I enjoyed sharing my homework with the class. I wrote about how to make a Nutella pancake. I did sounds from Charlie and the Chocolate factory. I made lots of bar models for 11.

Euan – I liked doing the jug worksheet. We had to work out how many glasses the jug could hold.

Poppy – I liked doing the jug activity and we had to add up all the glasses to work out which container could hold the most. The jug could hold the most.

James – I liked rainbow writing our spelling words. This week I did sound beginning with fr. I wrote frill, from, free and frog.

Leighton  – I liked when we were doing our spelling graffiti posters. I did bubble writing and block writing.

Lois- I liked making the graffiti posters off our spelling words. I was doing the i-e sound in bike and hike.

Sevinc – I like when we were doing our words. I did the green spelling words. It was split digraph i-e.

Charley – I liked making the hand poster. We wrote some things down. First you have to put water on your hands. Then you put soap on your hands. You rub your hands and sing Happy Birthday twice. Then you wash the soap off your hands with the water. Then you get a paper towel and dry your hands. You turn off the tap with the paper towel. Then you put it in the bin.

Coben – I enjoyed making pizza. We made the dough then we put it in the oven. When it crusted up we put on the ketchup. Then we put on some cheese. You were allowed to put peppers on your pizza if you wanted to. I put peppers on my pizza.

Emma – I enjoyed doing my spelling learning. I was spelling words with the fr sound.