P2 Learning Reflection and Highlights for W/E 12.11.21

Josh – I designed a giraffe with a Scotland flag. Giraffes can sleep when they are standing up. They have a very long neck. The have really long tongues.

Georgia – I made a rainbow coloured giraffe. They have a long neck and they are tall. They have a long tongue. They wrap their tongue around the leaves and eat them.

Grace – I enjoyed decorating my giraffe, I did little curls. Giraffes have to stand up so that predators cannot hunt them. They open one eye to look for predators that will sneak up!

Caleb – We learned facts about giraffes. They only sleep for 30 minutes. They have a long neck so they can reach the plants.

Ella – I liked doing PE yesterday. We played birthday games. I liked playing musical bumps. When the music was playing we danced and when the music stopped we had to sit down.

Louis – I liked playing birthday games for Alexander’s birthday.

Rhy-Lee – I liked learning about giraffes. They stand up and sleep. They have long tongues to wrap around and pull the leaves so they can eat them. I did a rainbow giraffe for the competition. They are going to decorate the giraffes and put them around Scotland.

Sebastian – We were doing giraffe pictures that were for an artist. They are going to choose a giraffe and he will paint his favourite giraffe. I did a Scotland design on my giraffe.

Lily – I liked doing PE. We played party games I like musical statues. When the music plays you dance and when the music stops you need to freeze.

Alexander – I liked playing my birthday games for PE. I liked doing duck, duck goose!

Arianna – I enjoyed making the poppy picture.

Jack – I liked doing the giraffes. I did a dot pattern.

Kyra – I liked the party games for PE. I liked musical bumps and musical statues!

Oliver – I enjoyed making the poppies. We use them to remember about people who died in the war. A purple poppy is for the animals who died in the wars.

Olivia – I enjoyed free play. I made pussy cats from paper.

Thea – I enjoyed playing the party games yesterday. My favourite was musical statues!