P2 Learning Reflection for W/E 22.10.21


A short but busy week in P2. We have been revising the ea/ee sounds and learning about the common words: all, call and I’ve. In numeracy P2 are exploring number bonds to 10, skip counting in 2’s. Our number talk focus is doubles and near doubles on the rekenrek. There has been lots of activity at our woodwork bench this week. The children have been busy making string art using wood, nails and thread.

Willow – we have been skip counting in 2’s!

Oliver – We were thinking of ways to make 9. 6 and 3 make 9!

Sebastian – I can skip count in 2’s to 20!

Caleb – We made a sleigh with 3 reindeers with horns. The sleigh has a big bit that presents can go in!

Jack – People kept knocking the reindeer down by accident. Ms King moved the table to make more space!

Thea – I enjoyed making a heart with wood. I hammered the nails in a love heart shape. I wrapped string around the nails. I had to pull the string tight.

Josh – We had to rebuild the whole reindeer. We made Rudolph bigger so he won’t fall over.

Rhy-Lee – We learned about number bonds. Two numbers go together to make a number. We made bonds for 9. 8+1, 7+2 and 9+0 make 9!

Ella – We learned the ea sound. Tea, meat and eat have the ea sound!

Kyra – I liked free play. I was in the house corner we played mums and dads!

Louis – I enjoyed playing in the house corner. We are playing family. We make food for people. I like to make soup!

Elyas – I enjoyed doing number talks. We were doing doubles and near doubles on the rekenrek. A double is like 4 and 4 and a near double is like 3 on the top and 2 on the bottom. You can make it double 2 +1 or double 3-1!

Alexander – I enjoyed free play. I was playing in the house corner. We were cooking stuff!

Nathan – I enjoyed playing. I was playing with my model. I made a big rocket, it is going to space. I am going to jump so high up!

Olivia – I am making a love heart. I needed to get nails and hammer them into the wood in the shape of a heart. It was difficult to hammer the nails cause they kept falling out. It worked if I hammered them in a bit harder!

Georgia – I am making a heart at the workbench. We need wood and we had to draw a heart on the wood. Then we had to put the nails in with a hammer.

Grace – I enjoyed painting this week. I was painting a type of big monster for Halloween. The monster has fur all over it!