P1 Learning Reflection W/E 23.10.20

This week P1 have enjoyed:

Josh – Freewriting Friday! You can draw whatever you want. I don’t know what I drew but there was kind of patterns in it.

Olivia – Learning about 2D shapes. We used pipe cleaners to make circles and triangles.

Jack – Making rockets with circles, triangles, rectangles and squares.

Ella – A circle has 1 curved side.

Oliver – We had to use finger spaces because when you don’t do them it’s hard to read.

Grace – Learning about putting a full stop at the end of a sentence.

A short but busy week in P1! This week we have been revising all of our learned sounds and building CVC words with them. P1 have been learning to write a sentence. There were lots of new challenges with this task. The children had to remember the sentence, use their sounds to spell each word, remember to use finger spaces between each word, use a capital letter at the start and a full stop at the end! They all tried their very best and successfully wrote their first sentence!








2D Shape

The children have explored 2D shapes. They have made them using pipe cleaners, lolly sticks, lego, blocks and pegboards. They have also spotted 2D shapes around the classroom and sorted and described their properties.

P2/1 Weekly Learning Reflection W/E 23rd October 2020

Good Afternoon. I hope you all had a lovely break. P2/1 have worked very hard in this short week. In Literacy, P1 have been practising their tricky words. We have been reading, writing and making words such as I, me and my. We played disappearing words. P2 have been looking at high frequency words (common words) such as little. We played roll and read, looked for words in a word search and put these words into  sentences.

In Maths P1 and P2 have been exploring 2D shapes. We have used shapes to make pictures, played shape bingo, played a shape monsters game on the smartboard, walked around the school on a shape hunt and coloured in shapes. We have discussed the properties of shapes for example a triangle has 3 sides and 3 points.

In Science with Miss Whigham we discussed Autumn. We spoke about the leaves changing colour, birds migrating and animals hibernating. We wrote about what we see in Autumn. In Drama, we explored using sign language to express how we are feeling.

Here are a few of the children’s reflections:

“I found it easy playing the roll and read with high frequency words.”

“I enjoyed searching for high frequency words in a word search.”

“I learned about squirrels making a store of their nuts for the winter. I did not know this before.”

“I found it tricky when practising writing the letter ‘g’.”

“I enjoyed colouring in the picture of the house and finding all the different shapes.”

“It was tricky writing the letter ‘g’.

“I enjoyed handwriting.”

“I found it hard writing the letter ‘p’.”

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Maclachlan